松原みき (Miki Matsubara)

松原みき (Miki Matsubara) avatar image
シャンデリア・ミラージュ (Chandelier Mirage) album cover

シャンデリア・ミラージュ (Chandelier Mirage)

松原みき (Miki Matsubara)



思わず あなたの名前呼んだ
後姿 見知らぬ淡い影 Midnight Blue

摩天楼 ビルの谷間は迷路
恋の行方 今も探してるの

シャンデリア・ミラージュ あなた何処なの?
風はため息に似て 微妙な感じで

ドレスのすそを つまんで私
シンデレラを装っていたのね ひとりきりで・・・

思わず 涙が頬をつたう
夜は千の悲しみを待ってる Midnight Blue

さまよう Dejavuの中の街は

シャンデリア・ミラージュ あなた何処なの?
想い出は いたずらに 微妙な感じで

シンデレラを装い続けるわ ひとりきりで・・・You might also likeEmbed

松原みき (Miki Matsubara) image

シャンデリア・ミラージュ (Chandelier Mirage) is a captivating and timeless song that was released by the talented Japanese artist 松原みき (Miki Matsubara). As a music expert with over 20 years of experience, I am excited to delve into the intricate details and mesmerizing qualities of this particular track.

About シャンデリア・ミラージュ (Chandelier Mirage)

シャンデリア・ミラージュ (Chandelier Mirage) is a beautiful composition that showcases 松原みき (Miki Matsubara)'s exceptional talent as a singer and songwriter. The song was originally released in 1979 and has since become one of her most iconic and beloved pieces of work.

Right from the opening notes, シャンデリア・ミラージュ (Chandelier Mirage) captures the attention of the listener with its enchanting melody and emotive vocals. Matsubara's voice effortlessly glides through the song, conveying a sense of vulnerability and depth that resonates with the audience.

The lyrics of シャンデリア・ミラージュ (Chandelier Mirage) delve into themes of longing, heartbreak, and self-reflection. Matsubara's poetic and introspective writing style paints a vivid picture of a person yearning for love and connection. The words, infused with honesty and sincerity, strike a chord with listeners who have experienced similar emotions.

What makes シャンデリア・ミラージュ (Chandelier Mirage) truly stand out is its meticulously crafted instrumentation. The song incorporates a compelling blend of synthesizers, drums, and guitar, creating a unique sonic landscape that perfectly complements Matsubara's heartfelt vocals. The arrangement is masterfully crafted, allowing each element to shine individually while also working together harmoniously.

One of the most noteworthy aspects of シャンデリア・ミラージュ (Chandelier Mirage) is its ability to evoke a sense of nostalgia and timelessness. Despite being released over four decades ago, the song remains relevant and continues to captivate new generations of listeners. This enduring quality is a testament to the sheer talent and artistry of 松原みき (Miki Matsubara).

Over the years, シャンデリア・ミラージュ (Chandelier Mirage) has garnered immense popularity and critical acclaim, solidifying its status as a classic within the Japanese music scene. Its influence can still be felt today, with various contemporary artists citing Matsubara's work as a source of inspiration.

The emotional depth and raw vulnerability present in シャンデリア・ミラージュ (Chandelier Mirage) have made it an anthem for those navigating the complexities of love and relationships. Matsubara's ability to convey complex emotions through her music is something that resonates deeply with listeners, transcending language and cultural barriers.

In a world where music often serves as an escape or a form of self-expression, シャンデリア・ミラージュ (Chandelier Mirage) remains a timeless masterpiece. Its ability to simultaneously uplift and comfort the soul is a testament to the power of music and the indelible impact it can have on our lives.

As we reflect on the enduring legacy of 松原みき (Miki Matsubara) and her iconic song シャンデリア・ミラージュ (Chandelier Mirage), it becomes evident why this piece of music continues to be cherished and celebrated by fans and music enthusiasts alike.

So why not take a moment, immerse yourself in the heartfelt melodies and poignant lyrics of シャンデリア・ミラージュ (Chandelier Mirage), and experience the bittersweet beauty that continues to resonate with listeners around the world.