松原みき (Miki Matsubara)

松原みき (Miki Matsubara) avatar image
Cinnamon Tea album cover

Cinnamon Tea

松原みき (Miki Matsubara)


[​松原みき「Cinnamon Tea」歌詞]

[ヴァース 1]


Bye-bye daring your smiling face
Your shining eyes, goodbye my love
Bye-bye daring your lovey voice
Your gentle touch I say hello
Say hello

[ヴァース 1]
Bye-bye daring your smiling face
Your shining eyes good-by my love
Bye-bye daring your lovey voice
Your gentle touch I say hello
Say hello


Ha ha ha
Ha ha ha
Ha ha ha
Ha ha haEmbed

松原みき (Miki Matsubara) image

Are you ready to take a sip of nostalgia and sweet melodies? Allow me to introduce you to the mesmerizing world of "Cinnamon Tea" by 松原みき (Miki Matsubara). This timeless song, released ????, has captured the hearts of music lovers for decades with its enchanting charm and heartfelt lyrics. Let's delve into the depths of this beautiful composition and discover the magic that lies within.

About Cinnamon Tea

Miki Matsubara's "Cinnamon Tea" is a soothing and soul-stirring ballad that showcases her exceptional vocal prowess and profound songwriting abilities. Penned by the talented Naoko Takeuchi, the song tells a heartfelt story of love and longing, evoking a sense of deep emotion in every listener. With its poetic lyrics and delicate melodies, "Cinnamon Tea" transcends language barriers and touches the very core of human emotions.

From the moment the song begins, you are transported to a world of warm and comforting feelings. The gentle strumming of the acoustic guitar sets the stage for Matsubara's mellifluous voice to take center stage. As her vocals effortlessly soar through each note, you can't help but be captivated by the raw beauty of her delivery.

One of the defining characteristics of "Cinnamon Tea" is its exquisite blend of traditional Japanese elements with elements of Western music, creating a unique and captivating sound. Matsubara's ethereal vocals intertwine flawlessly with the enchanting melodies, allowing the song to resonate with a wide range of listeners from different musical backgrounds.

Lyrically, "Cinnamon Tea" paints a vivid picture of love's complexity, longing, and bittersweet memories. Matsubara's emotive delivery brings each word to life, almost as if you can feel the emotions she experienced while writing the song. The juxtaposition of love's sweetness, represented symbolically by "cinnamon tea," with the ache of loss and yearning creates a poignant atmosphere that tugs at the heartstrings.

Released in ????, "Cinnamon Tea" garnered immense popularity in Japan and beyond. It became an instant classic, touching the hearts of countless people who yearned for a connection to something deeper. The song's popularity remains unceasing, standing as a testament to its timeless appeal and enduring emotional resonance.

Over the years, "Cinnamon Tea" has found its place in various forms of media, such as movies and television dramas, further cementing its status as a beloved cultural icon. Its inclusion in these works demonstrates the song's universal relatability, as it continues to soundtrack moments of reflection, love, and introspection.

Throughout her career, Miki Matsubara's "Cinnamon Tea" has become one of her most recognized and cherished compositions. Her ability to marry heartfelt lyrics with captivating melodies sets her apart as a true musical genius. The song's lasting impact speaks volumes about Matsubara's artistry and her ability to touch the souls of listeners, even years after its release.

In a world filled with fleeting trends and ever-changing tastes, "Cinnamon Tea" remains a timeless masterpiece that stands the test of time. Its ability to evoke a range of emotions, from nostalgia to a sense of yearning, cements its place in the hearts of music enthusiasts around the world. So, why not take a moment to savor the magic of "Cinnamon Tea" and let its comforting melodies fill your heart.

Remember, life is too short to miss out on the soul-stirring melodies and heartfelt lyrics of a timeless classic like "Cinnamon Tea" by Miki Matsubara. So go ahead, press play, and let yourself be transported to a world of bittersweet love and comforting nostalgia. Take a sip of this musical masterpiece, and let the warm embrace of "Cinnamon Tea" envelop your senses.