松原みき (Miki Matsubara)

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Rainy Day Woman album cover

Rainy Day Woman

松原みき (Miki Matsubara)


[松原みき「Rainy Day Woman」歌詞]

It's rainy rainy day 微笑みより涙を
It's rainy rainy day 選ぶ女がいてもいい
It's rainy rainy day 不思議だけど別れの日は

It's rainy rainy day 舞い戻ってくるさと
It's rainy rainy day 置き手紙破っても
It's rainy rainy day 髪を濡らす光る粒に

It's rainy rainy day 天気よりも雨が
It's rainy rainy day 似合う女がいてもいい
It's rainy rainy day 皮肉だけど旅立つ日に
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松原みき (Miki Matsubara) image

Are you in need of a song that perfectly captures the essence of a melancholic rainy day? Look no further than the timeless classic "Rainy Day Woman" by 松原みき (Miki Matsubara). This iconic Japanese song has stood the test of time, resonating with listeners for over four decades. Let's dive into the details and explore the world of "Rainy Day Woman."

About Rainy Day Woman

"Rainy Day Woman" is a song that was released in 1979 by Japanese singer-songwriter Miki Matsubara. It quickly gained popularity in Japan and has since become a beloved hit, standing as one of Matsubara's most famous songs. Within the span of a few minutes, this ballad manages to capture the experience of longing, nostalgia, and emotional vulnerability.

Matsubara's hauntingly beautiful vocals take center stage in "Rainy Day Woman." Her voice effortlessly glides through the lyrics, carrying a sense of yearning that is palpable to any listener. The song's instrumentation perfectly complements the mood, with delicate piano melodies and gentle guitar strums that evoke a calm and reflective atmosphere.

Lyrically, "Rainy Day Woman" delves into the universal theme of love and loss. Matsubara's heartfelt words paint a picture of a woman reminiscing about lost love on a rainy day. It speaks to the bittersweet longing we all experience at some point in our lives, where memories of past relationships intertwine with the present moment, and the rain acts as a poignant backdrop to these emotions.

But what sets "Rainy Day Woman" apart is its ability to transcend language barriers and connect with listeners on a profound emotional level. While the song is performed in Japanese, the raw emotion conveyed through Matsubara's vocals captures the essence of heartbreak and yearning in a way that transcends any language.

Since its release, "Rainy Day Woman" has become a staple in Japanese pop music and continues to hold a special place in the hearts of many. Its popularity has remained steady throughout the years, and the song has been covered by various artists, further solidifying its status as a timeless classic.

One of the reasons for the enduring appeal of "Rainy Day Woman" is its relatability. Regardless of cultural background or language, the experience of longing and reminiscing is universal. The song taps into these emotions, allowing listeners from all walks of life to find solace and connection in its melodies.

Moreover, "Rainy Day Woman" showcases Matsubara's remarkable talent as a singer and songwriter. Her ability to infuse depth and vulnerability into her music is unparalleled. While she sadly passed away in 2004, her legacy lives on through songs like "Rainy Day Woman," which continue to captivate audiences with their timeless beauty.

In today's fast-paced world, where songs often come and go, "Rainy Day Woman" stands as a testament to the enduring power of music. It reminds us that some songs have the ability to touch our souls and leave a lasting impact on our lives.

So, the next time you find yourself on a rainy day, seeking solace in music, give "Rainy Day Woman" a listen. Allow Matsubara's ethereal voice and poignant lyrics to transport you to a world of introspection and emotional resonance. You might just find that this beautiful ballad becomes a soundtrack to your own rainy day reflections.


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