Adam Sandler



Adam Sandler


Oh yes

Oh, cotton candy, making me randy
Multi-colored lolli—
What the hell happened?

No, you just don't start over
You apologize to me
You don't just do that to the Sandman
Okay, let's start again
We'll cut around it, hot yet
Hit it
Yes, yes, yes

Oh, cotton candy, making me randy
Multi-color lollipop
Gobstopper, never stop
Red attire-fuck

I fucked up, alright sorry
Fuck that shit
The Sandman don't fuck up
From the top
Oh, cotton candy, making me randy
Multi-colored lollipop
Gobstopper never stop
Reese's Pieces, Charleston Chew
Butterfinger, Snickers too
Red Atomic Fireball
I want to eat them all
Give me a green Jolly Rancher

Let me hear you
Let's go

Eat 'em while I lie in bed
Laffy Taffy, Lemonhead
Cadbury Eggs will hatch
Kids from the Sour Patch
Milk Duds and Swedish Fish
Gummy bears and liquorice
If you got a Kit-Kat
I would like a taste of that
The doctor says I got diabetes

Thank you. Yeah, okay, we did that again. I think that was better than the first time. Do you? Yes, yes. AbsolutelyEmbed

Adam Sandler, known for his comedic talent, released a satirical track in 2018 called Diabetes. While his song is humorous and light-hearted, it also tackles a serious topic that affects millions of people worldwide. In this article, we will delve into the song Diabetes by Adam Sandler and explore what it's all about.

About Diabetes

The song Diabetes by Adam Sandler is a lighthearted take on a serious and chronic condition that affects over 400 million people worldwide. The song opens with Sandler describing his love for cupcakes, candy, and all things sweet. He then goes on to describe the physical symptoms of diabetes, including blurred vision and frequent urination.

Sandler pokes fun at the fact that diabetes is often caused by a poor diet and a lack of exercise, singing about his habits of "eating sugar and taking insulin." While the song may seem like it's making light of a serious health issue, it's important to remember that humor can be a powerful tool for coping with difficult situations.

The chorus of the song is simple and catchy, with Sandler repeating the line, "I'm getting really sick of all this Diabetes." The repetition of this line helps to drive home the message that living with diabetes can be challenging and frustrating.

The song also includes references to the various treatments for diabetes, including insulin shots and glucose monitors. Sandler sings about the inconvenience of constantly having to check his blood sugar levels, saying "Prick my finger one more time, I'm gonna lose my mind."

Despite the humorous tone of the song, Sandler also uses it as an opportunity to raise awareness about diabetes and the importance of taking care of oneself. He sings, "Don't wanna end up a blind amputee, but I'll still have one foot to tap to this beat."

Why We Love It

Diabetes by Adam Sandler is a unique and unexpected take on a serious health issue. While it's important to take diabetes seriously and to take steps to prevent and manage the condition, it's also important to find ways to cope with the challenges that come with it.

Sandler's use of humor to shine a light on a difficult topic helps to make diabetes more relatable and approachable for those who may be struggling with the condition. It also serves as a reminder that we can find joy and humor even in the most difficult of situations.

At the same time, the song also delivers an important message about the importance of taking care of ourselves and our health, especially when it comes to preventing chronic conditions like diabetes.

In Summation

Diabetes by Adam Sandler is a fun and catchy song that sheds light on a serious health condition in a lighthearted way. While living with diabetes can be challenging, it's important to remember that we can find ways to cope and connect with others facing the same struggles.

Sandler's use of humor and catchy lyrics make Diabetes a song that will stick with listeners long after they've finished listening. More importantly, it serves as a reminder of the importance of taking care of our health and the need to raise awareness about chronic conditions like diabetes.

So, if you're looking for a catchy and humorous take on a serious topic, give Diabetes by Adam Sandler a listen and join him in singing, "I'm getting really sick of all this Diabetes!"