Air Supply

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What a Life

Air Supply


3 ContributorsWhat a Life LyricsLove comes to everyone
Some are weak, some strong
I'm not strong today
They've took her back
Brought the curtain down
What can I do now?
I'm afraid, I'm afraid to think about it

What a life, gets better as it goes along
What a life, it gets better as it goes along

Been in love, been left standing
Till I said, 'Is that what I want?'
Oh no, there's gotta be another smile on my face
I don't care about the money I make or what it can do
I'm alive and that's what's important to me
I don't need someone to tell me
You'll get along, you'll get along
Who to love, who to watch over me

What a life, gets better as it goes along
What a life, gets better as it goes along

There's an old man calling me for a long time
I'm never able to get his face off my mind
He always said to me, 'Take it easy, take it easy
And all the things you want will come easy, will come easy'
What a life, what a life!
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What a life, gets better as it goes along

He always said to me, 'Take it easy, take it easy
And all the things you want will come easy, will come easy'
What a life, what a life!

What a life, gets better as it goes along
What a life, gets better as it goes along
What a life, gets better as it goes along
What a life, gets better as it goes alongEmbed

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