Alejandro Sanz

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Mi Marciana album cover

Mi Marciana

Alejandro Sanz


[Letra de "Mi Marciana"]

[Verso 1]
Te juro que es verte la cara y mi alma se enciende
Y sacas al sol las pestañas y el mundo florece
Dejas caer caminando un pañuelo y mi mano sin mi lo recoge
Tienes la risa más fresca de todas las fuentes
Eres el timbre del nido de mis gorriones
Hueles a hierba y me sabes a tinta y borrones
Eres el rayo de mayo, mis letras, tus cremas cantando en el coche
Cuando juntamos las sillas me siento tan torpe
Me tienes guardados abrazos que abarcan ciudades
Tienes un beso de arroz y de leche en el valle
Y dices que vienes de Marte y vas
A regresar, vamos que te irás
Pero es que a veces, tan solo a veces
Lo que está siendo es lo que parece
A veces parece que te hayas marchado ya

Mi hembra
Mi dama valiente se peina
La trenza como las sirenas
Y rema en la arena, si quiere
Ay, mi hembra
Tus labios de menta te quedan
Mejor con los míos, si ruedan
Mejor tu sonrisa si muerde
Ay, mi hembra
[Verso 2]
¿Te acuerdas de cuándo empezaron los amaneceres?
Siento que la madrugada nos hizo más fuertes
Y luego la charla tranquila entre gotas, las migas hicieron su parte
Luego se juntan las sillas, las voces se duermen
Y siento, las lágrimas caen pero no tienen nombre
Y creo que tu confusión te la quito en un baile
En eso consiste la libertad, en no renunciar a entregarte más
Tú a mí me gustas tal como eres, si a ti te pasa lo mismo y quieres
Nos vamos pa'lante y llegamos hasta el final

Mi hembra
Mi dama valiente se peina
La trenza como las sirenas
Y rema en la arena, si quiere
Ay, mi hembra
Tus labios de menta te quedan
Mejor con los míos, si ruedan
Mejor tu sonrisa si muerde
Ay, mi hembra

Mi hembra

Alejandro Sanz image

Picture this: you're walking down a bustling street, lost in the rhythm of your own thoughts, when suddenly you hear a melody that cuts through the noise and captures your attention. It's a song called "Mi Marciana" by the incomparable Alejandro Sanz. With his soulful voice and poignant lyrics, Sanz takes you on a journey of love, longing, and self-discovery. In this article, we will delve into the depths of "Mi Marciana," exploring its rich musicality, heartfelt meaning, and the impact it has had on listeners worldwide.

About Mi Marciana

"Mi Marciana" is a track that holds a special place in Alejandro Sanz's discography. Released in 2012 as part of his album "La Música No Se Toca," the song quickly became a fan favorite and earned critical acclaim. Its title, which translates to "My Martian," immediately sparks curiosity and invites listeners to delve into its lyrical universe.

From the first bars of the song, Sanz's distinctive voice grabs hold of your heartstrings, instantly captivating your attention. The melody, infused with a blend of pop and Latin influences, adds depth and allure to the overall musical landscape of "Mi Marciana." The arrangement hooks you from the start, blending delicate acoustic guitar strums with lush orchestral elements, creating an enchanting backdrop for Sanz's emotive vocals.

Lyrically, "Mi Marciana" is a heartfelt exploration of love and the complexities of human connection. Sanz paints a vivid picture of a profound and otherworldly love, comparing his lover to a Martian. Through his poetic words, he expresses the bewilderment and awe he feels towards this extraordinary being who has entered his life. Each line is carefully crafted and brimming with evocative imagery, allowing listeners to feel the intensity of Sanz's emotions.

But "Mi Marciana" goes beyond being a simple love song; it serves as a reflection on the transformative power of love and the effect it can have on our lives. Sanz explores the idea that true love has the ability to make us question our own identities, leading us to shed our armor and reveal our vulnerable selves. With lines like "Si me caben dos corazones en el pecho, uno eres tú y el otro no lo siento" (If two hearts fit in my chest, one is you, and the other I don't feel), Sanz captures the paradoxical nature of being in love, where we are both whole and incomplete at the same time.

The song's chorus, with its infectious melody and sing-along quality, has become an anthem for love-struck fans around the globe. It is a testament to Sanz's songwriting prowess that he can deliver such profound emotions in a way that resonates with listeners on a universal level. The lyrics, though deeply personal to Sanz, tap into the shared experiences and emotions that connect us all as human beings.

Released as a single, "Mi Marciana" received extensive airplay and climbed the charts in various Spanish-speaking countries. Its popularity was further fueled by a visually stunning music video, which perfectly captures the essence of the song. In the video, Sanz portrays a young astronaut who embarks on a mission to find his "Marciana" in a distant galaxy, symbolizing the lengths we are willing to go for love.

With its timeless appeal and thought-provoking lyrics, "Mi Marciana" has become a staple in Alejandro Sanz's live performances. The song's live renditions demonstrate Sanz's ability to connect with his audience on an emotional level, eliciting cheers and tears alike. It is a testament to the enduring power of music to touch our hearts and souls.

In the ever-changing landscape of music, where trends come and go, "Mi Marciana" stands as a testament to the influence of Alejandro Sanz's artistry. It showcases his unparalleled talent for crafting melodies that tug at our heartstrings and lyrics that resonate with our deepest emotions. Whether you are a long-time fan or discovering Sanz for the first time, "Mi Marciana" is a song that deserves a special place in your musical repertoire. So, plug in your headphones, close your eyes, and let the enchanting journey of "Mi Marciana" sweep you away to the musical universe of Alejandro Sanz.