Amy Winehouse

Half Time album cover

Half Time

Amy Winehouse


[Verse 1]
Simple, sweet guitar
Humbled by the bass
So when the beat kicks in
Everything falls into place
And it overpowers me
I can't help but dance
You can try to stop me now
But you won’t get the chance

Halftime, time to think it through
Consider the change
Seek it from a different view
Halftime, time to think it through
Consider the change

[Verse 2]
Rhythm floods my heart
The melody, it feeds my soul
The tune tears me apart
And it swallows me whole
You should thank your lucky stars
'Cause the music is a gift
And it's stronger than all else
Provides me with uplift
Halftime, time to think it through
Consider the change
Seek it from a different view
Halftime, time to think it through
Consider the change

[Verse 3]
My lyrics revealing some natural vibe
It's a kind of laid-back feeling
Oh, just let it ride
And when Frank Sinatra sings
It's too much to take, yeah
So, I sing the standard shit
It pacifies my ache, yeah

Halftime, time to think it through
Consider the change
Seek it from a different view
Halftime, time to think it through
Consider the change

Amy Winehouse was a talented musician, and one of her lesser-known tracks is "Half Time." A reflection on her love for music and the joy it brings her, the song didn't make its debut until after her death.

About Half Time

In 2011, years after it was originally written and recorded acoustically for her debut album, "Half Time" found a place on Winehouse's posthumous album, Lioness: Hidden Treasures. The song itself is a beautiful tribute to Music, and the big part it plays in Winehouse's life.

Despite being a relatively unknown song from Winehouse's repertoire, "Half Time" makes a profound impression upon listening. The poignant lyrics, emotional melody, and the singer's unique voice combine to make a hauntingly beautiful track.

Producer Salaam Remi worked together with some excellent instrumentalists and producers, including ?uestlove and James Poyser, to deliver the proper studio-produced version of the song after Winehouse's death. The resulting track showcases the musicianship and excellence that was all too often taken for granted during her lifetime.

Fans of Winehouse's music will appreciate the understated beauty of "Half Time." Her unique blend of soul music and jazz is on full display in this song as it is in all of her works. While the song never found its place on her debut album, her legacy remains intact thanks to this moving tribute to her passion for music.

The song is an excellent example of Winehouse's ability to pour her emotions into music, something that defined her entire career. Fans and newcomers will find something breathtaking in the simple yet profound lyrics, which showcase her sorrow-filled vocals that, with the backing instrumentalists, create an almost transcendent ambiance.

While Winehouse is no longer with us, her talent lives on, and "Half Time" is a prime example of that fact. The song is well worth a listen for anyone who appreciates excellent music and the passion that goes into creating it.

For lovers of Jazz and R&B music, Amy Winehouse, and music that comes from the heart and soul, "Half Time" is one to add to your playlist, as it is worth enjoying over and over again.

Breaking down the lyrics of Half Time

The melancholic, soulful vibe of Half Time fits impeccably well with the entire song, which is like a reflection on an artist's self-love for the art and importance it brings to their life.

The lyrics of the song express that Amy Winehouse acknowledges how important music is to her and how much joy she feels by creating art. Examples of this include the lines that read, "I only want the sun and the moon to keep playing with my tune" and "Music is my morphine. It kills the pain severe." This statement emphasizes how music was an essential part of Winehouse's existence and highlights how nothing could match up with the intensity of the happiness she gained from it.

The lyrics of the song depict Winehouse as someone who loved music and found solace in it. The lines "Music is my morphine. It kills the pain severe. Don't need no needles. Just a rhythm near" explore the idea that music was a form of therapy or distraction against the harsh realities of life for her.

Winehouse's vocals are both raw and honest, with an added touch of emotion that fits perfectly with the soulful sounds that make up the instrumentation. This combination makes Half Time even more haunting and memorable as a track that a listener can connect with on a very organic level.

The lyric "Music is my morphine" is perhaps the most poignant of the entire song. It's easy to imagine how music gave Winehouse that same sense of relief that some people seek through drugs. It shows just how important music was to her, that it could bring her that kind of relief from the pain just like drugs.

What makes Half Time stand out?

Half Time stands out for many reasons. For one, it's a posthumous release from London's soulful diva, Amy Winehouse. At its core is an introspective reflection about her love of music, which was a deeply personal thing for her. Her ability to channel those feelings into something that, more than a decade after its recording, speaks to people demonstrates her musical genius.

The instrumentation in "Half Time" consists of traditional soulful and jazzy sounds that showcase Winehouse's ability to connect these genres and create something all her unique form of music.

You can't help but appreciate the uneasy feeling that the song emits, which is in perfect harmony with the melancholic and heartfelt lyrics written by one of the most talented songwriters of our time. The cathartic feeling derived from the song, which is relatable to almost everyone, is exactly the thing that makes it stand out.

Wrapping up

"Half Time" is a heartfelt song that showcases Winehouse's vocal prowess and musical genius. Its deep lyrics, haunting melody, and the singer's captivating voice are bound to resonate with anyone listening to it. The song emphasizes how music was an essential part of Winehouse's existence, a message that Winehouse conveyed throughout her career.

It's safe to say that "Half Time" is an underrated track that didn't get enough attention when it came out years ago. But, it's never too late to appreciate great music, and Winehouse's legacy lives on through this posthumous track and many others. In all, "Half Time" is well worth the listen and may even become one of your favorites like, it has become for so many others.