Angela Lansbury


La Bella Y La Bestia

Angela Lansbury


1 ContributorLa Bella Y La Bestia LyricsFábula ancestral...
Sueño hecho verdad...
Belleza & fealdad
Juntos hallarán, más que una amistad

Algo allí cambió
En su corazón
Una historia ideal, mágico final
Bella & bestia son

Siempre será igual...
Siempre sin pensar...
Siempre existirá como la verdad
De que el Sol saldrá...

Fábula ancestral
Canto celestial
Es tan singular que te hace cambiar
Lo que estaba mal

Siempre como el Sol...
Surge la ilusión
Fábula ancestral, música inmortal
Bella & bestia son

Fábula ancestral...
Música inmortal...
Bella & bestia son...You might also likeEmbed

If you are a fan of Latin music, then you might have heard of the song, La Bella Y La Bestia by Tatiana. Released several years ago, this song has managed to remain relevant and continues to attract new listeners even today. 'La Bella Y La Bestia' is an enchanting love song that features a passionate melody and captivating lyrics.

About La Bella Y La Bestia

La Bella Y La Bestia is a pop ballad that tells the story of two lovers who are as different as night and day. The song's title, which translates to 'Beauty and the Beast,' perfectly captures the central theme of the track. Tatiana's beautiful vocals complement the gentle melody, making the song an excellent choice for a romantic night in with your significant other.

The song's lyrics explore the theme of opposites attracting, and how love can help people overcome their differences. The beauty of the woman in the song, represented by La Bella, is juxtaposed against the beast's rough exterior. But as the song progresses, it becomes clear that the beast is just a facade that he puts up to protect himself from the world. The song is overall a representation of how love can bring out the best in people by breaking down their walls and allowing them to be their true selves.

The captivating melody of the song, accompanied by Tatiana's vocals, has made it a fan favorite at weddings and other romantic events. The song's popularity has been further boosted by its appearance in popular movies and TV shows that feature romantic scenes. This song is one that will leave you thinking about love and wanting more.

In terms of genre, La Bella Y La Bestia is a classic example of Latin pop music. Tatiana's voice is a perfect fit for this genre, and the song's melody features elements of traditional Latin music. The track is a perfect fusion of old and new, making it a fantastic choice for those who appreciate both traditional and modern music.

In terms of reception, La Bella Y La Bestia has received critical acclaim since its release. The song's lyrics and melody have been praised by music critics worldwide for their emotional impact and the way they manage to tell a beautiful story. The song's popularity has only grown over the years, and it continues to be relevant even today.

Wrapping Up

La Bella Y La Bestia is one of Tatiana's most iconic songs, and it's no wonder why. The track's beautiful melody, coupled with captivating lyrics, tells a story of love that is as timeless as it is powerful. The harmony of the lyrics and melody make it a perfect choice for romantic occasions, and its popularity shows no signs of waning.

In overall, the song's fusion of pop and Latin elements has helped it to reach a global audience. Tatiana's beautiful voice and the song's mesmerizing melody make it a classic that is sure to be remembered for many years to come. So if you are a fan of Latin pop or are just in the mood for a beautiful love ballad, give La Bella Y La Bestia a listen. You won't be disappointed.