Ariel Camacho Y Los Plebes Del Rancho

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Hablemos album cover


Ariel Camacho Y Los Plebes Del Rancho


12 ContributorsHablemos LyricsEs necesario amor
Que platiquemos un segundo solamente
Para que no haya malas interpretaciones
Es necesario amor
Que me consedas un segundo tu atencion
Y que sepas que estoy desesperado
Cuando no vienes, cuando no vienes amor
Hace ya tiempo que no dices que me amas
Y a ti ese detalle jamas se te pasaba
Por eso quiero que hablemos claro
Que me consedas un segundo tu atencion
Hay algo que esta empañando nuestras vidas
No es necesario que lo digas, eso lo siento aqui en la piel
No temas, que yo jamas te dejaria, aunque ella haya sido siempre
Lo mas sagrado que hay en mi

Amor, quiero pensar que somos yo y mi soledad, la que
La que me impide esas cosas a pensar, por eso quiero
Que hablemos claro, que me consedas un segundo tu atencion
Hay algo, que esta empañando nuestras vidas, no es necesario que lo digas, eso lo siento aqui en la piel
No temas que yo jamas te dejaria, aunque ella haya sido siempre
Lo mas sagrado que hay en mi..You might also likeEmbed

Ariel Camacho Y Los Plebes Del Rancho image

Are you ready to dive into the soul-stirring melodies of regional Mexican music? Because I've got a gem for you today. Let's talk about "Hablemos" by Ariel Camacho Y Los Plebes Del Rancho. This song is a heartfelt plea for communication, a raw expression of longing and devotion that is sure to strike a chord in your heart.

About Hablemos

"Hablemos" is a beautifully crafted song that showcases the undeniable talent of Ariel Camacho and his band, Los Plebes Del Rancho. Released in 2014, the track became an instant hit and solidified Camacho's place as one of the most influential artists in the regional Mexican music scene.

The song tells a story of emotional vulnerability and the desire for mutual understanding. Ariel Camacho, the lead vocalist and songwriter, notices a change in his partner's feelings and realizes that she no longer feels the same way as before. In an attempt to salvage their relationship, he pleads with her to engage in open and honest conversation. He wants her to know that he won't abandon her, hoping that their love can withstand the challenges they face.

"Hablemos" resonates with audiences not only because of its heartfelt lyrics but also because of the emotions that Ariel Camacho and Los Plebes Del Rancho pour into their performance. Camacho's rich, distinctive voice conveys the sincerity and depth of his emotions, drawing listeners in with every word. The musical arrangement perfectly complements the lyrics, blending traditional Mexican instruments such as the guitar and accordion, creating a timeless sound that pays homage to the roots of regional Mexican music.

The song's popularity can be attributed to its relatability. Love and relationships are universal themes, and "Hablemos" captures the essence of the complexities and challenges faced in such situations. Through their music, Ariel Camacho and Los Plebes Del Rancho create a sense of connection and understanding, making their songs resonate with fans on a personal level.

"Hablemos" is a testament to Ariel Camacho's prodigious talent as both a singer and a songwriter. His ability to convey emotions with authenticity and vulnerability is truly remarkable. Tragically, Camacho's life was cut short at a young age in a car accident in 2015, leaving behind a musical legacy that continues to captivate audiences worldwide.

This song serves as a reminder of his incredible talent and the impact he had on the regional Mexican music genre. "Hablemos" is a timeless piece that evokes a range of emotions, making it a staple in the playlists of both dedicated regional Mexican music fans and those who appreciate heartfelt ballads.

So, if you're ready to immerse yourself in a soul-stirring musical journey, give "Hablemos" by Ariel Camacho Y Los Plebes Del Rancho a listen. It's an experience that will transport you to a place where emotions run deep, and the power of music knows no boundaries.