Arrested Development

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Africa’s Inside Me album cover

Africa’s Inside Me

Arrested Development


6 ContributorsAfrica’s Inside Me LyricsUniversal as I stroll down the street
Africas's a bolling over flowing inside of me
I used to sport a curl made by jheri
A jheri curl
But as time passed it didn't last
After my curl I never combed my doo
I used to sport a cap but the naps kept shining through
My sista got a brand new perm
My boys says she looks pretty fine body real firm
Folks at her job love her new touch up
I can tell her white boss gets a kick when she's all done up
My sista loves her blackness
But the US. says that her perm is her attractiveness
But Africa keeps coming stronger-we found out
It ain't a perm it's a temporary
Don't have cash to go to the music school
No money for the guitar or the violin or the tuba
My moms had a record player and the 45's
I put the needle on the record and I kicked it crazy live
Scratching it up catching the breaks
Spirits within me had me do what it takes
Grammy's I win & one again like my Egyptian kin
It's Africa within makin' something outta nothing!

CHORUS: (x2)
Africa's inside me
Taking back her child
She's giving me my pride
And setting me free
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What's that spirit makin' love to my daughter
Telling her not to eat he mama's ham hocks
Allowing her the choice to twist her hair & make it lock
Yo I don't like it, I just don't like it
Papa may say buy my soul is a boilin'
And sooner or later Africa's glory and toil
Will teach an old dog new tricks
Why and the world can't everybody
Recognize that Africa's in everybody?
We all ask why can't we be sista's and brothers
But first we gotta accept who is our mother
Rather embracer of the jungle
Or ghetto melanin dwells but could stop growth
And developments Arrested for nothing
Gumbo's within' soulful H20 men be droppin'
Happenin's like Homosapians Hustlins
Within' to exist as afro
Residing in Fulani was once Christian
Start fishin' like FOS and found origin!


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Are you ready to embark on a musical journey that will transport you straight to the heart of Africa? Brace yourself because Arrested Development's "Africa's Inside Me" is here to take you on a soul-stirring and rhythm-infused adventure. This iconic and powerful song encapsulates the essence of African culture and serves as a testament to the rich musical heritage of the continent. So, let's dive into the depths of this captivating track and uncover its hidden treasures.

About Africa’s Inside Me

"Africa's Inside Me" is a masterpiece that emerged from the creative minds of the renowned American hip-hop group, Arrested Development. This song, released as a single in [insert year], undoubtedly stands as one of the band's most compelling and impactful compositions. Infused with the dynamic fusion of hip-hop, soul, and traditional African sounds, "Africa's Inside Me" showcases Arrested Development's unwavering dedication to promoting cultural diversity and understanding through music.

The lyrical prowess and thought-provoking messages delivered by Arrested Development are a hallmark of their music, and "Africa's Inside Me" is no exception. With poetic verses that delve deep into themes of cultural identity, unity, and the strength of Africa's legacy, the song invites listeners to reflect on the influence and power of African heritage. By combining the evocative words with infectious beats and captivating melodies, Arrested Development manages to strike a perfect balance between intellectual stimulation and pure musical enjoyment.

From the very first notes, "Africa's Inside Me" establishes an irresistible groove that transports listeners to the vibrant streets of Africa. The lively percussion, uplifting guitar riffs, and enchanting vocal harmonies instantly create an immersive sonic experience that immerses the audience in the spirit of the song. Arrested Development's commitment to musical authenticity shines through, as they seamlessly weave together traditional African instrumentation with modern hip-hop elements, resulting in a sound that is both familiar and innovative.

Arrested Development's lead vocalist, [insert name], delivers a performance that effortlessly captures the essence of the song. His passionate and emotive delivery brings the lyrics to life, allowing the listener to feel the raw emotions and connect with the underlying message on a profound level. With a voice that exudes power and vulnerability in equal measure, [insert name] holds nothing back, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of all who encounter this powerful anthem.

At its core, "Africa's Inside Me" is a call to embrace and celebrate the diverse cultures that make up the African continent. It urges listeners to recognize the beauty in our differences and to stand together in unity. The song serves as a reminder that Africa's influence transcends borders and has left an indelible mark on the world, shaping not only music but also art, literature, and countless other aspects of human expression.

But "Africa's Inside Me" is more than just a song; it is a celebration of African resilience, strength, and joy. It is a testament to the human spirit's ability to overcome adversity and find solace in the power of music. Arrested Development's masterful composition reminds us that even in the face of challenges, the rhythm of Africa continues to beat within us, fueling our aspirations, and inspiring change.

Incorporating the diverse and vibrant sounds of Africa, Arrested Development's "Africa's Inside Me" pays homage to the continent's musical legacy while delivering a powerful and relevant message. This song transcends boundaries and speaks to the hearts of individuals from all walks of life, igniting a spark of cultural appreciation and awakening the desire for a more harmonious world. So, close your eyes, let the music seep into your soul, and allow "Africa's Inside Me" to awaken the spirit of unity within you.

Get ready to be swept away on this extraordinary musical odyssey, where Africa's beating heart melds seamlessly with Arrested Development's incredible vision.