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Table for One album cover

Table for One



[Verse 1]
Look at the pavement
Our initials barely fit
I used an old nail
While you kept the night lit

See, I don't like this
I think I might just
Kick the dramatics
So watch out

'Cause I don't want you to leave
I want a day in your dreams
And with a little luck, you can stay
(A little luck, you can stay, a little luck, you can stay)
'Cause I don't want you to leave

Now I'm sitting at a table for one
Now I'm sitting at a table for one

[Verse 2]
Hey, why the long face?
You little night owl
I'm just an early riser
Still you woke up with that face, wow
See, I don't like this
I think I might flip
Kick the dramatics
So watch out

'Cause I don't want you to leave
I want a day in your dreams
And with a little luck, you can stay
(A little luck, you can stay, a little luck, you can stay)
'Cause I don't want you to leave

Now I'm sitting at a table for one
Now I'm sitting at a table for one

Blue summer blood, blue summer love
Blue summer, don't take me
Blue summer blood, blue summer love
Blue summer, don't take me
Blue summer blood, blue summer love
Blue summer, don't take me
Blue summer blood, blue summer love
Blue summer, don't take me
'Cause I don't want you to leave
('Cause I don't want you to leave, 'cause I don't want you to leave)
I want a day in your dreams
(I want a day in your dreams, I want a day in your dreams)
And with a little luck, you can stay
(A little luck, you can stay, a little luck, you can stay)
'Cause I don't want you to leave
('Cause I don't want you to, 'cause I don't want you to leave)

Now I'm sitting at a table for one
(Blue summer blood, blue summer love)
(Blue summer, don't take me)
(Blue summer blood, blue summer love)
Now I'm sitting at a table for one


Hey there music lovers! Today I want to dive into the world of AWOLNATION and their mesmerizing track, "Table for One." This gem can be found on their third studio album, "Here Come the Runts." So get ready to be captivated by the enchanting melodies and heartfelt lyrics of this incredible song.

About Table for One

"Table for One" holds a special place within the hearts of AWOLNATION fans worldwide. Aaron Bruno, the genius behind AWOLNATION, crafted this emotional track as an ode to the bittersweet nature of someone close to you having to leave. It addresses the longing for loved ones to always be by your side, as Aaron expresses his desire to have them remain in his life.

The song opens with a melodic and dreamy guitar riff that instantly draws you in. Each instrument blends seamlessly, creating a cinematic atmosphere that effortlessly enhances the heartfelt nature of the lyrics. AWOLNATION's signature sound shines through, as they expertly combine electronic elements with rock undertones.

One of the most striking aspects of "Table for One" is Aaron Bruno's evocative vocals. His voice possesses a unique blend of vulnerability and power, allowing him to convey the raw emotions encapsulated within the lyrics. As the song progresses, his vocal range and expressiveness truly shine, leaving listeners immersed in a sea of feelings.

Lyrically, "Table for One" is a masterpiece in its own right. Aaron Bruno's skill as a songwriter is evident as he paints a poignant picture through his words. The longing and desire for loved ones to stay are palpable, resonating deeply within the listener's own experiences and emotions. This song serves as a reminder of the value we place on human connections, leaving us reflecting on our own relationships and the impact they have on our lives.

Another noteworthy element of "Table for One" is its production quality. The album, "Here Come the Runts," showcases AWOLNATION's growth and maturity as artists. The meticulous attention to detail in the mixing and production elevates the song to new heights, allowing every instrument to shine and create a lush sonic landscape.

AWOLNATION's ability to balance intimacy and grandeur is truly admirable. "Table for One" is a prime example of this. The song has an intimate and personal quality, as if Aaron is singing directly to the listener, sharing his innermost thoughts and emotions. Yet, at the same time, the music swells and soars, enveloping the listener in a wave of euphoria.

This track is a testament to AWOLNATION's artistry and their ability to create music that resonates with a universal audience. Through their evocative lyrics, captivating melodies, and arresting vocals, they have crafted a song that transports listeners to a world where emotions are raw and relationships are cherished.

So go ahead, dim the lights, put on your headphones, and allow yourself to be swept away by the captivating journey that is "Table for One" by AWOLNATION. Experience the rollercoaster of emotions that this song evokes and remind yourself of the beauty and complexity of human connections.

Wrapping Up

"Table for One" is a song that transcends boundaries. It captures the essence of human longing and the vulnerability we all experience when faced with the departure of loved ones. AWOLNATION's masterful blend of heartfelt lyrics, mesmerizing melodies, and powerful vocals takes us on an emotional journey that leaves us wanting more.

As you listen to "Table for One," allow yourself to fully immerse in the music, letting it wash over you and evoke the depth of emotions it holds. Let Aaron Bruno's poignant lyrics and mesmerizing soundscapes remind you of the importance of those close to you, and the impact they have on your life.

So, grab a seat at your own "Table for One," press play, and embark on a musical experience that will leave you breathless.

  • Release Date: February 2, 2018
  • Artist: AWOLNATION