​back number

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高嶺の花子さん (Takane no Hanako-san) album cover

高嶺の花子さん (Takane no Hanako-san)

​back number


[back number「高嶺の花子さん」歌詞]

[Verse 1]
君から見た僕はきっと ただの友達の友達
笑顔があれならもう 恐ろしい人だ

君を惚れさせる 黒魔術は知らないし
でも見たい となりで目覚めて おはようと笑う君を

会いたいんだ 今すぐその角から
夏の魔物に連れ去られ 僕のもとへ
生まれた星のもとが 違くたって
僕のものに なるわけないか

[Verse 2]
君の恋人になる人は モデルみたいな人なんだろう
そいつはきっと 君よりも年上で
焼けた肌がよく似合う 洋楽好きな人だ

キスをするときも 君は背伸びしている
駄目だ何ひとつ 勝ってない
いや待てよ そいつ誰だ
会いたいんだ 今すぐその角から
夏の魔物に連れ去られ 僕のもとへ
君が他の誰を 気になっていたって

この胸の 焦りに身を任せ
君のとこへ走ったとして 実は僕の方が
悪い意味で 夏の魔法的なもので
舞い上がってましたって 怖すぎる
真夏の空の下で 震えながら

会いたいんだ 今すぐその角から
夏の魔物に連れ去られ 僕のもとへ
僕のものに なるわけないか

​back number image

Are you ready to embark on a journey through the enchanting world of Japanese music? Today, I am thrilled to introduce you to a captivating song that has been making waves in the Japanese music scene. Allow me to present to you 高嶺の花子さん (Takane no Hanako-san) by the talented group, back number. This melodic masterpiece is sure to captivate your heart and leave you craving for more.

About 高嶺の花子さん (Takane no Hanako-san)

高嶺の花子さん (Takane no Hanako-san) is an extraordinary creation brought to life by back number, a Japanese rock band known for their soulful melodies and poignant lyrics. This song instantly grabs your attention with its mesmerizing rhythm and hauntingly beautiful vocals. It transcends language and cultural barriers, evoking emotions that resonate with listeners around the world.

The song's title, 高嶺の花子さん (Takane no Hanako-san), can be translated as "Ms. Hanako at the Heights." It draws inspiration from a common Japanese urban legend about a ghostly figure who resides in the girls' restroom on the third floor of a school. As you listen to this song, you can feel the ethereal presence and mysterious aura surrounding this enigmatic character.

back number's 高嶺の花子さん (Takane no Hanako-san) has become an anthem of unrequited love and longing. It tells a heart-wrenching story of a protagonist who finds themselves hopelessly infatuated with someone who seems unattainable, akin to the myth of the unattainable flower. The lyrics express raw emotions and vulnerability, intertwining clever metaphors to convey the depths of the protagonist's yearning and pain.

The melodic composition of 高嶺の花子さん (Takane no Hanako-san) is nothing short of brilliant. It begins with a soft piano introduction that gradually builds up, enveloping you in a cascade of emotions. The seamless fusion of piano, guitar, bass, and percussion creates a harmonious symphony that perfectly complements the introspective lyrics.

back number's lead vocalist, Iyori Shimizu, delivers a soul-stirring performance in 高嶺の花子さん (Takane no Hanako-san). His hauntingly beautiful voice carries the weight and longing expressed in the lyrics, resonating with listeners and making every word feel deeply personal. Shimizu's vocal prowess shines through, effortlessly capturing the essence of the protagonist's emotions and leaving an indelible mark on your soul.

The music video for 高嶺の花子さん (Takane no Hanako-san) is a visual masterpiece that adds another layer of enchantment to the song. Directed by Kazuya Ueno, the video takes us on a cinematic journey through a dreamlike world. It beautifully captures the essence of unrequited love, using striking imagery and artful storytelling techniques to elevate the song's emotional impact.

back number's 高嶺の花子さん (Takane no Hanako-san) has struck a chord with listeners, resonating deeply with anyone who has experienced the yearning and heartache associated with unrequited love. Its moving lyrics, captivating melody, and poignant vocals come together to create an unforgettable musical experience that lingers long after the song has ended.

So, sit back, relax, and allow 高嶺の花子さん (Takane no Hanako-san) to sweep you away on a journey of emotions. Let yourself be immersed in the bittersweet beauty of this remarkable masterpiece by back number, and discover for yourself why it has become a timeless gem in the Japanese music scene.