Bad Omens

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Burning Out

Bad Omens


[Verse 1]
So tell me, can you keep a secret? I thought I lost myself
Trying to find a hidden meaning in all the lies you'd tell
When you think I've said enough, tell me and I'll bite my tongue
But don't you think I won't remember

Don't take it now, don't take it now, don't take it now
I'm burning out, I'm burning out, I'm burning out

I was lost, but now I'm found
Under the lights and in the sounds
So let us sing and sing it loud
That we're not perfect, but we're proud of who we are
Who we are

[Verse 2]
I thought I left the pain behind me, but when I turned around
You pulled me back into the darkness and wouldn't let me out
Like a diamond in the rough you didn't see for what it was
And cut a hole right through the center

I was lost, but now I'm found
Under the lights and in the sounds
So let us sing and sing it loud
That we're not perfect, but we're proud of who we are
Yeah, we're not perfect, but we're proud of who we are
If good things must come to an end
We're not going out of frame
Because you can't just run from sadness
When it runs inside your veins
If good things must come to an end
We're not going out the same
Because you can't just run from sadness
When it gets too hard to stay

When you think I've said enough, tell me and I'll bite my tongue
But don't you think I won't remember
Like a diamond in the rough you didn't see for what it was
And cut a hole right through the center

I was lost, but now I'm found
Under the lights and in the sounds
So let us sing and sing it loud
That we're not perfect, but we're proud of who we are
Who we are
I was lost, but now I'm found
Under the lights and in the sounds
So let us sing and sing it loud
That we're not perfect, but we're proud of who we are
When you think I've said enough, tell me and I'll bite my tongue
But don't you think I won't remember
Like a diamond in the rough you didn't see for what it was
And cut a hole right through the center

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Burning Out by Bad Omens is a hard-hitting and emotionally charged song that is sure to resonate with anyone who has experienced feelings of frustration, anxiety and overwhelm. The song features powerful vocals, intense instrumentals and a sense of urgency that will leave audiences feeling both exhilarated and drained. With its raw emotions, Burning Out is a must-listen for fans of heavy rock music.

About Burning Out

Burning Out is a song that speaks to the struggles that many people face in their daily lives. Whether it's the pressure to succeed, the stress of relationships, or the weight of expectations from ourselves and others, this song captures the feelings of being overwhelmed and on the edge of collapse.

Throughout the song, Bad Omens use intense instrumentals and emotionally charged vocals to create a sense of urgency and desperation. The pounding drums, heavy guitar riffs, and soaring vocals all work together to create a powerful and impactful listening experience.

One of the most striking things about Burning Out is its emotionally charged lyrics. The song is full of powerful and relatable lines that capture the frustration and pain of feeling like you are constantly on the brink of collapse. Whether it's the lines "I'm running on fumes, can't catch my breath" or "I'm spinning out of control," the lyrics of Burning Out are sure to hit home with anyone who has dealt with similar feelings.

Perhaps the most impressive thing about Burning Out is the way that Bad Omens are able to convey complex emotions through their music. From the soaring vocals to the pounding instrumentals, every aspect of the song works together to create a powerful and impactful listening experience. Whether you're a fan of heavy rock music or simply appreciate honest and raw lyrics, Burning Out is a song that is sure to leave a lasting impression.

In short, Burning Out is a song that is sure to resonate with anyone who has ever felt overwhelmed, frustrated, or on the brink of collapse. With its emotionally charged lyrics, intense instrumentals, and powerful vocals, Bad Omens have created a song that captures the essence of what it means to feel like you're burning out.

So if you're looking for a song that will leave you feeling both exhilarated and drained, be sure to check out Burning Out by Bad Omens.

  • Release Date: June 18, 2019
  • Artist: Bad Omens