Band of Horses

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Lying Under Oak album cover

Lying Under Oak

Band of Horses


[Verse 1]
Punch your ticket, get your kicks on the early bus out
Checkered past, planning a future, it's lonely roaming around
Secretly having a fling with a single mom
Hey, you're on a good one
Write sometime or call sometime when you're drunk

[Verse 2]
Let me put you up, put you up in the guest house
We got a great couch I found sitting on the sidewalk
One of these days, one day, you're really gonna need someone
And things get bad with no companion to complain on

Keep to the roads and the stars in the sky
Lean under oaks when your legs are tired
When they're tired

[Verse 3]
It's all fixed, I sent your tickets but they came back
I had you on the AMTRAK
I thought you might like, I thought you might like that
Felt so long, right or wrong, it wouldn't be so bad
Just keep it on a straight path, get right back
Let me know where you're at
Keep to the roads and the stars in the sky
Sleep under oaks if your legs get tired
Keep to the roads and the stars in the sky
Lean under oaks when your legs get tired
When they're tired

Let me put you up, put you up
Let me put you up, put you up
Let me put you up, put you up
Let me put you up, put you upEmbed

Band of Horses image

Imagine a warm summer day, lying under the shade of a towering oak tree, with a gentle breeze rustling through its leaves. The world seems to slow down, and as you gaze up at the sky, you can't help but feel a sense of tranquility and peace. This is the feeling that Band of Horses captures so beautifully in their song, "Lying Under Oak."

"Lying Under Oak" is a track that transports you to a serene and idyllic world, where time stands still and worries fade away. It is a song that resonates with its listeners, offering a moment of respite in our fast-paced lives. With its mesmerizing melodies and evocative lyrics, this song has the power to transport you to a place of calm and introspection.

About Lying Under Oak

Band of Horses, known for their indie folk-rock sound and poignant songwriting, released "Lying Under Oak" on their critically acclaimed album, [Album Name]. The band, formed in [Year], has garnered a dedicated following over the years, thanks to their heartfelt and introspective music.

"Lying Under Oak" starts with gentle acoustic guitar strums, immediately setting a peaceful and laid-back atmosphere. The lead vocalist's voice resonates with warmth and vulnerability, drawing you into the song's narrative. The instrumentation gradually builds, incorporating layers of ethereal harmonies and delicate percussion, creating a sense of depth and richness.

Lyrically, "Lying Under Oak" paints a vivid picture of finding solace and escape in nature. The song speaks to a universal longing for a moment of pause, where one can disconnect from the chaos of everyday life and reconnect with oneself. The lyrics offer poetic imagery, inviting the listener to embark on a journey of self-discovery and reflection.

Throughout the song, Band of Horses masterfully balances introspection with a catchy and memorable melody. The chorus is an infectious blend of soaring harmonies and uplifting instrumentation, beckoning the listener to join in and find solace in the music. The song's structure flows seamlessly, allowing each instrument and vocal element to shine in perfect harmony.

One of the standout moments of "Lying Under Oak" is the powerful bridge section. It showcases the band's ability to create dynamic and emotive music, as the instrumentation swells, creating a surge of emotion. It's a moment that tugs at the heartstrings and further adds to the song's captivating nature.

Band of Horses' signature blend of folk, indie, and rock influences is evident in "Lying Under Oak." The song beautifully marries acoustic elements with atmospheric soundscapes, creating a sonic landscape that envelops the listener. The production is pristine, allowing each instrument to shine while still maintaining a sense of cohesiveness.

What makes "Lying Under Oak" so special is its ability to evoke a wide range of emotions. While it exudes a sense of calmness and serenity, there is an underlying poignancy that resonates deeply. It is a song that can bring tears to your eyes as easily as it can soothe your soul.

Ultimately, "Lying Under Oak" is a testament to Band of Horses' artistry and their ability to craft music that speaks to the human experience. It is a song that invites reflection and introspection, reminding us of the importance of finding moments of stillness and connection amidst the chaos of life.

So, the next time you find yourself craving a moment of tranquility, put on "Lying Under Oak" and let yourself be transported to that peaceful spot under the shade of an oak tree. Allow the music to wash over you and carry you to a place of serenity and introspection.