Big Thief

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Haley album cover


Big Thief


11 ContributorsHaley LyricsJust like that, she is
I mean
We are, we are gone for good

For closing my eye
Too soon
Missed the room
Old magpie
It just passed me through

Oh, when it gets you down
When you get that notion
Any way you walk around
Anywhere that you are going
If you ever wanna come back
You know my arms are always open

Just like how it used to be, Haley
Kicking around, burying letters we wrote
Oh, wondering what yours might've said to me
Mine went
There are the geese
Over the trail
We have the open road
And oh when it gets you down
When you get that notion
Any way you walk around
Anywhere that you are going
If you ever wanna come back
You know my arms are always open

Just like that, he's holding my hand
Redirect, rearrange, bringing the moon to land

And oh, and it gets you down
When you get that notion
Any way you walk around
Anywhere that you are going
If you ever wanna come back
You know my arms are always openEmbed

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Big Thief's song, "Haley," beautifully captures the tumultuous journey from lover to ex-lover in mere moments. It delves into the bittersweet emotions that arise from reflecting on a past relationship, from the regrets of not fully appreciating moments shared to the uncertainty of what lies ahead. Through its poignant lyrics and haunting melodies, "Haley" offers a glimmer of hope, acknowledging that the door remains open for the eponymous lover to return if she so desires.

About Haley

"Haley" is a deeply introspective and emotionally charged song that invites listeners into a personal narrative of love, loss, and the transformative power of fleeting moments. The track serves as a testament to the profound impact a relationship can have on one's life, even after it has ended. Big Thief's lead vocalist and songwriter, Adrianne Lenker, masterfully captures the complex array of emotions that arise when love takes an unexpected turn.

The song's lyrics paint a vivid picture of the inner turmoil experienced by the narrator. It highlights the regrets that often accompany the dissolution of a relationship, emphasizing the missed opportunities and moments that were not fully cherished. The introspective nature of "Haley" encourages listeners to pause and reflect on their own experiences, prompting them to reconsider how they approach love and relationships.

In its entirety, "Haley" invites listeners on an emotional rollercoaster, weaving together introspection, regret, and hope in a way that profoundly resonates. The mesmerizing melodies and delicate instrumentation serve as a sonic backdrop for the journey the song takes its audience on. Big Thief's musical prowess shines through, creating an atmospheric soundscape that perfectly complements the introspective nature of the lyrics.

One cannot help but be moved by the raw vulnerability and honesty conveyed through Lenker's vocals. Her evocative voice acts as a vessel for the deep emotions embedded within the song, eliciting a strong emotional response from listeners. It is a testament to her artistry and skill as a vocalist, leaving a lasting impact on all who have the privilege to listen.

While "Haley" may delve into the complexities and sorrows of lost love, the song ultimately offers a semblance of hope. The lyrics suggest that, despite the pain and heartache experienced, the door remains open for Haley to return. This glimmer of hope speaks to the universal human desire for second chances and the belief that love can endure even through the most challenging of circumstances.

Big Thief's "Haley" is a remarkable musical feat that captures the essence of the human experience within the confines of a relationship. It resonates on a deep level, provoking introspection and reflection in listeners. Through its raw vulnerability and evocative melodies, "Haley" has the power to heal wounds, evoke nostalgia, and remind us of the beauty found within the complexity of love.

As listeners delve into the captivating world of "Haley," they are invited to embark on a personal journey of self-discovery and emotional growth. The song offers solace to those who have experienced the pangs of lost love and prompts them to cherish the moments shared in future relationships. In its entirety, "Haley" serves as a breathtaking reminder of the transformative power of human connection and serves as a testament to Big Thief's remarkable musical prowess.

  • Release Date: June 9, 2017
  • Artist: Big Thief