Biz Markie

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Spring Again album cover

Spring Again

Biz Markie


6 ContributorsSpring Again LyricsYo this one aight though
Yo, me and Cool V
Dis dis dis gon' be dis gon' be our new single
And when you hear this story you'll say it's aight though
Yo yo yo yo Cool V, why don't you give me a cue
One more cue, and then I'm ready to go in

[Verse One]
Don't you like when the winter's gone
And all of a sudden it starts gettin warm
The trees and the grass start lookin fresh
And the sun and sky be lookin their best
Birds be singin, flowers be bloomin
A lot of brand new cars be zoomin
Fly girls lookin the best they can be
And the guys be dukey dukey Dan you see
Besides all that I like the warm weather
Cause that's when you can get yourself together
But I like Easter time with a grin
Cause when I was little we used to go to Coney I-sland
We used to eat a lot of stuff like cotton candy
Cause back then, it was like fine and dandy
You used to get dressed up in double knits
And your plaid suit jackets, they were the shits
The good ol' days, was back then
And the reason I reminisce, cause..
[Chorus: Biz sings - voice slowed down]
It's spring again
Everybody know it's spring again
To the girls and boys and people above
This is the time to fall in love

[Verse Two]
Now girls - have you ever broke up with your boyfriend
And you felt that the world was comin to an end
Sittin around the house poutin for no reason
Just because you thought your man was skeezin
For a couple of days, look gloomy and gray
Thinkin about the ol' happy days
All of a sudden, the telephone ring
He beg for your forgiveness and you know what that brings
Joy and happiness into your life
Before you felt like your heart was stabbed by a knife
I'm tellin you girls, keep the man that you got
Cause if he cheats, you might need a VD shot
You know two wrongs don't make a right
And if you did somethin wrong, don't do the same it's not polite
Please don't make this breakin up a trend, BECAUSE.. BECAUSE..


[Verse Three]
Now fellas - have you ever met a girl that tried to front
And wanted you to act like you was on a hunt
I used to see my homeboys frown and fret
For a girl that always tryin to play hard to get
I know I caught it myself, I must admit
And said - anything you want you gotta work hard for it
Me the Diabolical, be obsessed?
And go after somethin that a girl posess?
They're really on yours like a pair of drawers
They want you to be like Santa Claus
They want drug dealers, and four-wheelers
Truck jewelry, they expect you to steal her
Sheeeeit, I know they must be buggin
They better hit the streets and do their own muggin
But in this case, you would just overlook her
Send her on her way and say I can't help you hooker

{*Cool V scratches to the end*}Embed

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Spring Again by Biz Markie is a delightful and nostalgic hip-hop track that captures the essence of the season and invites listeners to embrace the joy and renewal that comes with springtime. Released in 1991 as a single from Markie's album "I Need a Haircut," this song showcases Markie's distinctive storytelling abilities and unique style, making it a memorable addition to his discography.

About Spring Again

Set against a backdrop of catchy beats and melodic samples, Spring Again paints a vivid picture of the transformative power of spring, while also delving into personal reflections on the changing seasons. Biz Markie's playful and charismatic delivery adds a layer of charm to the song, making it a true crowd-pleaser.

The track opens with an infectious introduction that immediately grabs the listener's attention. Markie's smooth and rhythmic flow sets the tone for the rest of the song, inviting us to join him on a journey through the beauty and excitement of springtime.

Throughout the song, Biz Markie skillfully weaves together different elements and references to capture the essence of spring. The lyrics vividly describe the blooming flowers, the warmth of the sun, and the rejuvenation of nature that comes with the change in season. Markie's lyrics evoke a sense of joy and optimism, encouraging listeners to embrace the new beginnings that spring offers.

One of the standout aspects of Spring Again is its masterful use of samples. The song prominently samples The Moments' hit song "Love on a Two-Way Street," which adds a nostalgic and familiar feel to the track. The choice of this particular sample not only enhances the overall sound of the song but also adds to its storytelling aspect, as it evokes memories and emotions associated with past experiences.

Biz Markie's lyrics in Spring Again also touch on deeper themes beyond the surface-level celebration of spring. He reflects on the passage of time and the cyclical nature of life, using the changing of seasons as a metaphor for personal growth and transformation. This adds a layer of depth and introspection to the song, making it more than just a catchy tune.

In terms of production, Spring Again showcases Biz Markie's ability to create engaging and well-crafted hip-hop tracks. The catchy beats and carefully selected samples create a dynamic and enjoyable listening experience. The song's production perfectly complements Markie's unique vocal style, creating a seamless blend of old-school hip-hop vibes and contemporary creativity.

Spring Again demonstrates Biz Markie's versatility as an artist. While he may be best known for his comedic and often playful approach to music, this song showcases a more introspective side of his artistry. It serves as a reminder that behind the humorous persona lies a talented and thoughtful musician.

Whether you're a long-time fan of Biz Markie or a newcomer to his music, Spring Again is a song that will undoubtedly leave an impression. Its catchy melodies, nostalgic samples, and meaningful lyrics make it a timeless hip-hop track that captures the joy and beauty of spring. So next time you find yourself craving a musical reminder of the wonders of spring, be sure to give Spring Again a listen. It's a song that will make you want to celebrate the season again and again.

  • Release Date: October 10, 1989
  • Artist: Biz Markie