Black Sabbath

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Supernaut album cover


Black Sabbath


[Verse 1]
I wanna reach out and touch the sky
I wanna touch the sun, but I don't need to fly
I'm gonna climb up every mountain of the moon
And find the dish that ran away with the spoon

[Verse 2]
I've crossed the oceans, turned every bend
I found the plastic and the golden rainbow's end
I've been through magic and through life's reality
I've lived a thousand years, it never bothered me

[Instrumental Break 01:33-03:33]

[Verse 3]
Got no religion, don't need no friends
Got all I want and I don't need to pretend
Don't try to reach me, 'cause I'll tear up your mind
I've seen the future and I've left it behind

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Are you ready to explore the depths of rock and metal with one of the most iconic bands? Black Sabbath has graced us with some of the most impressive songs in the industry, and they continue to be a reference for all metalheads out there. In this article, we'll delve into the fantastic world of their song 'Supernaut'. What inspired the lyrics, and how does it make you feel? Stick around and let's rock together!

About Supernaut

'Supernaut' is one of the highlight tracks of Black Sabbath's sixth album, 'Vol. 4'. Released in 1972, the record has some of the band's most famous songs, including 'Changes,' 'Snowblind,' and, of course, 'Supernaut.' This song is a classic example of Black Sabbath's signature metal sound, with heavy riffs and Ozzy Osbourne's unique vocals.

The theme of 'Supernaut' is simple yet profound. It revolves around living life to the fullest and trying to be the best you can be. The track was inspired by the band's drug-infused lifestyle at the time, which makes sense when you listen to the lyrics. Although the theme may be common in rock and metal, the way Black Sabbath presents it makes the song stand out.

Interestingly enough, the title of the song is quite unique and may not be apparent at first glance. It combines two words, 'super' and 'naut,' to create 'Supernaut.' The word 'super' denotes something greater or larger than usual, whereas 'naut' refers to an explorer. In this sense, the title could be interpreted as someone who is trying to achieve greatness or explore new horizons in their life.

As we mentioned earlier, 'Supernaut' is a prime example of Black Sabbath's signature sound. The song kicks off with an electrifying guitar riff that sets the tone for the rest of the track. The drums and bass soon join in, creating a dense and heavy sound. The bassline stands out in the mix, providing a unique groove that complements the rest of the instruments. Ozzy's vocals fit perfectly with the music, adding a layer of mystique and power.

The lyrics of 'Supernaut' are simple yet effective. They encourage the listener to pursue their dreams and aspirations, no matter what others may think or say. The chorus, "I am the supernaut, yes, I am" is a perfect example of this. It's a powerful mantra that resonates with the listener and inspires them to be confident in themselves.

In summary, 'Supernaut' is a fantastic song that showcases Black Sabbath's talent and unique sound. It's a must-listen for any fan of rock and metal. The powerful lyrics and heavy instrumentation make it a classic that will stand the test of time. So turn up the volume, let the riffs take over, and let yourself be a 'Supernaut'.