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Dumpweed album cover




[Verse 1: Tom DeLonge]
It's understood, I said it many ways
Too scared to run, I'm too scared to stay
I said I'd leave, I could never leave her
If I did, you know I'd never cheat her
But this, I ask, it's what I want to know
How would you feel if I should choose to go?
Another guy, you think he'd be unlike me?
Another guy, you think he'd wanna fight me?

[Chorus: Tom DeLonge]
She's a dove, she's a fuckin' nightmare
Unpredictable, it's my mistake to stay here
On the go, and it's way too late to play
I need a girl that I can train

[Verse 2: Tom DeLonge]
I heard it once, I'm sure I've heard it twice
My dad used to give me all of his advice
He would say, "You've got to turn your back and run, now"
"Come on, son, you haven't got a chance now"

[Chorus: Tom DeLonge]
She's a dove, she's a fuckin' nightmare
Unpredictable, it's my mistake to stay here
On the go, and it's way too late to play
I need a girl that I can train
She's a dove, she's a fuckin' nightmare
Unpredictable, it's my mistake to stay here
On the go, and it's way too late to play
I need a girl that I can train
[Outro: Tom DeLonge]
Need a girl that I can train
Need a girl that I can train
Turn your back and run, now
You haven't got a chance, now
Need a girl that I can train
Need a girl that I can train
Turn your back and run, now
You haven't got a chance, now

​​blink-182 image

Oh boy, do I have a treat for you today! We're diving into the world of punk rock with the iconic song "Dumpweed" by the legendary blink-182. So, strap on your seatbelts, because this track is about to take you on a wild ride.

Alright, let's get into the nitty-gritty details. "Dumpweed" kicks off the band's third studio album, "Enema of the State," and it sets the tone right from the start. This song is a classic representation of blink-182's signature sound, blending catchy pop-punk melodies with a healthy dose of teenage angst.

But what's the story behind this awesome track, you ask? Well, "Dumpweed" delves into the complexities of relationships and the fear of being alone. It's that relatable feeling of staying in a partnership because you're too afraid to face the unknown without that person by your side. We've all been there, haven't we?

Now, let's dive into the fascinating process behind the creation of "Dumpweed." In the TV show "Pursuit of Tone," blink-182's guitarist, Tom, shares some insights on how he came up with those killer riffs. It's incredible to see the artistic vision behind the music, and Tom's talent truly shines through in this track.

About Dumpweed

Now that we've set the stage, let's take a deeper look into what makes "Dumpweed" such a standout song in blink-182's discography.

The song kicks off with a high-energy intro, fueled by Travis Barker's thunderous drumming. It grabs your attention right from the start, setting the stage for the forthcoming explosion of punk rock goodness. As the guitars kick in, you can't help but feel the raw power and youthful rebellion that blink-182 is known for.

Mark Hoppus and Tom Delonge trade vocal duties throughout the song, delivering the lyrics with just the right amount of emotion and attitude. Their voices blend effortlessly, creating that signature blink-182 harmony that fans can't get enough of.

Lyrically, "Dumpweed" is a relatable anthem for anyone who has ever been in a tumultuous relationship. It captures the fear of letting go and facing the unknown, as Tom sings, "I need a girl that I can train." It's a stark reminder of the vulnerability and insecurities that we all face in relationships.

But fear not, because blink-182 infuses the track with an infectious sense of optimism. As the chorus kicks in, you can't help but sing along and feel a surge of empowerment. It's that moment of realization that you deserve better and that you're ready to take control of your own life.

One of the standout aspects of "Dumpweed" is the guitar work. Tom Delonge's riffs are nothing short of genius, showcasing his ability to create catchy hooks with a punk edge. The energy and intricacy of the guitar melodies are a testament to his skills as a musician.

And let's not forget about that explosive drumming by Travis Barker. His relentless beats and lightning-fast fills bring an unrivaled intensity to the song. It's like a sonic adrenaline rush that keeps you on the edge of your seat throughout the entire track.

As the song races towards its end, blink-182 leaves you wanting more. The energy builds and builds, reaching a climax that leaves you breathless. And just like that, "Dumpweed" comes to a powerful close, leaving you craving for another hit of that blink-182 magic.

In Summation

"Dumpweed" by blink-182 is a punk rock anthem that captures the essence of teenage rebellion, insecurity, and empowerment. From its high-energy intro to the infectious melodies and killer guitar work, this song is a masterclass in pop-punk perfection.

So, next time you find yourself in a vulnerable relationship, turn up the volume on "Dumpweed" and let the music remind you of your own strength. And remember, blink-182 will always be there to guide you through the bumpy road of life with their electrifying sound.

Now go ahead, hit play on "Dumpweed," and let the music take you on an exhilarating journey.