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Coffee & TV album cover

Coffee & TV



[Verse 1]
Do you feel like a chainstore?
Practically floored
One of many zeros
Kicked around, bored
Your ears are full but you're empty
Holding out your heart
To people who never really
Care how you are

So give me coffee and TV
I've seen so much, I'm going blind
And I'm brain-dead, virtually
It's hard enough for me
Take me away from this big, bad world
And agree to marry me
So we can start over again

[Verse 2]
Do you go to the country?
It isn't very far
There's people there who will hurt you
Because of who you are
Your ears are full of the language
There's wisdom there, you're sure
Until the words start slurring
And you can't find the door
So give me coffee and TV
I've seen so much, I'm going blind
And I'm brain-dead, virtually
It's hard enough for me
Take me away from this big, bad world
And agree to marry me
So we can start over again

[Instrumental Bridge]

So give me coffee and TV
I've seen so much, I'm going blind
And I'm brain-dead, virtually
It's hard enough for me
Take me away from this big, bad world
And agree to marry me
So we can start over again

Oh, we could start over again
Oh, we could start over again
Oh, we could start over again
Oh, we could start over again
[Instrumental Outro: "Coffee & TV Exitlude"]

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Coffee & TV is a song by the British alternative rock band Blur. It was released on June 28, 1999, as the second single from the band’s seventh album, 13. Despite featuring heavy guitar distortion and feedback during the instrumental break, major characteristics of 13, Coffee & TV’s musical style is an anomaly in comparison with the rest of the album. Interestingly, the verses are sung by the band’s guitarist, Graham Coxon, who also wrote the lyrics.

About Coffee & TV

The song Coffee & TV is a classic alternative rock song that showcases the very best of Blur. It is often regarded as one of the band's most iconic songs, and it is easy to see why. The song starts off with a low-key guitar riff that gradually builds into a beautiful melody driven by Graham Coxon's distinctive guitar playing. It's a nostalgic anthem that draws on the band's Britpop roots, but with a refreshing new twist. The lyrics are poetic and engaging, telling a story from the perspective of a milk carton that is trying to find its way home.

The song's unique structure is another standout feature that has contributed to its enduring popularity. The first verse is sung by Graham Coxon, who has a distinctive voice that is a perfect fit for the track. His guitar playing is also a crucial part of the song's appeal, with its emotive, soaring sound providing a perfect counterpoint to the song's more reflective passages. The second verse is sung by lead vocalist Damon Albarn, whose vocal style has a different flavor to Coxon's, but equally impactful nonetheless.

The song's chorus is another high point, featuring a sing-along melody that is both catchy and memorable. It's one of those instantly recognizable hooks that have made Coffee & TV a perennial favorite among fans of the alternative rock genre. The instrumental break, featuring heavy guitar distortion and feedback, is another highlight. It showcases the band's musicianship and creativity, as well as adding a necessary edge to the song.

Lyrically, Coffee & TV is a deeply touching song that speaks to the human condition in a way that is both universal and specific. It is a song about loneliness, displacement, and the search for home. These themes are explored through the perspective of a milk carton, which gives the song a unique and charming approach. But there is something deeper going on here too, with the milk carton symbolizing our own search for identity and belonging in an ever-changing and transitory world.

The song's video is another memorable aspect. Directed by Hammer & Tongs, the video features an animated milk carton on a journey to find its home, with all the pitfalls and challenges that come with that. It's a visually striking video that has become an integral part of the song's heritage. The video also features actor Richard Ayoade, who would later go on to direct music videos for other artists, as well as TV series such as 'The IT Crowd'.

Coffee & TV remains one of Blur's most beloved songs, and it's easy to see why. It's a song that combines the band's trademark wit and intelligence with a deeply felt emotional resonance. It's a song that speaks to our shared experiences of life, love, and loss, and it does so with a musicality that is both striking and inventive. It is a song that will continue to be played and enjoyed for many years to come.

  • Release Date: June 28, 1999
  • Artist: Blur