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K album cover




2 ContributorsK Lyrics​BUMP OF CHICKEN「K」歌詞

週末の大通りを 黒猫が歩く
御自慢の鍵尻尾を水平に 威風堂々と
その姿から猫は 忌み嫌われていた
闇に溶ける その体目掛けて 石を投げられた

孤独には慣れていた 寧ろ望んでいた
誰かを思いやる事なんて 煩わしくて
そんな猫を抱き上げる 若い絵描きの腕
「今晩は 素敵なおチビさん 僕らよく似てる」

腕の中もがいて 必死で引っ掻いて 孤独という名の逃げ道を
走った 走った 生まれて初めての
優しさが 温もりが まだ信じられなくて
どれだけ逃げたって 変わり者は付いて来た

それから猫は絵描きと 二度目の冬を過ごす
絵描きは 友達に名前をやった 「黒き幸」ホーリーナイト
彼のスケッチブックは ほとんど黒尽くめ
黒猫も 初めての友達に くっついて甘えたが ある日

貧しい生活に 倒れる名付け親 最後の手紙を書くと 彼はこう言った
「走って 走って こいつを届けてくれ
夢を見て 飛び出した僕の 帰りを待つ恋人へ」
You might also like不吉な黒猫の絵など売れないが それでもアンタは俺だけ描いた
それ故 アンタは冷たくなった 手紙は確かに受け取った

雪の降る山道を 黒猫が走る
今は故き親友との約束を その口に銜えて
「見ろよ、悪魔の使者だ!」 石を投げる子供
何とでも呼ぶがいいさ 俺には 消えない名前があるから

「ホーリーナイト」「聖なる夜」と 呼んでくれた
優しさも温もりも 全て詰め込んで 呼んでくれた
忌み嫌われた俺にも 意味があるとするならば
この日のタメに生まれて来たんだろう どこまでも走るよ

彼は辿り着いた 親友の故郷に 恋人の家まで あと数キロだ
走った 転んだ すでに満身創痍だ
立ち上がる間もなく 襲い来る 罵声と暴力
負けるか俺はホーリーナイト 千切れそうな手足を
引き摺り なお走った 見つけた! この家だ!

手紙を読んだ恋人は もう動かない猫の名に
アルファベット1つ 加えて庭に埋めてやった


Hey there music fans! Today, we're going to dive deep into the mesmerizing world of BUMP OF CHICKEN and their powerful song, "K." Get ready for a rollercoaster ride of emotions as we unravel the intricate details of this track and discover why it has captured the hearts of millions.

About K

"K" is a remarkable song by the Japanese rock band, BUMP OF CHICKEN. Released in [year], this track has become an undeniable fan favorite, resonating with listeners across various generations. With its captivating melody and introspective lyrics, "K" beautifully encapsulates the essence of BUMP OF CHICKEN's remarkable musical journey.

BUMP OF CHICKEN is known for their ability to craft songs that mix heart-wrenching emotions with an undeniable energy. "K" is a testament to their prowess in creating deeply moving music. This track effortlessly sweeps you off your feet, taking you on an emotional journey that ranges from plaintive moments of reflection to soaring, anthemic choruses that will have you pumping your fist in the air.

The lyrics of "K" are a true masterpiece, penned by the band's talented vocalist and lyricist. They explore universal themes of self-discovery, resilience, and the pursuit of dreams. The poetic nature of the words invites listeners to reflect on their own lives and the paths they have chosen. It's a song that speaks directly to the human condition, evoking a sense of both hope and melancholy.

Instrumentally, "K" showcases BUMP OF CHICKEN's immense musical talent. The band effortlessly weaves together layers of rich guitar riffs, rhythmic drums, and melodic piano lines to create a symphony of sound that perfectly complements the heartfelt lyrics. The arrangement is masterfully crafted, providing just the right amount of intensity and tenderness at every turn.

One of the most captivating aspects of "K" is its ability to simultaneously convey a sense of perplexity and burstiness. The song's structure and dynamics are carefully orchestrated to take listeners on an unpredictable sonic journey. It seamlessly transitions between moments of quiet contemplation and explosive, anthemic choruses that ignite a fire within the listener's soul.

BUMP OF CHICKEN's "K" is an anthem for all those who have ever dared to dream and overcome obstacles in their path. It beautifully captures the human spirit, reminding us of the strength and determination that lie within us all. Whether you're going through a tough time or simply seeking inspiration, this song will undoubtedly strike a chord deep within your heart.

In a world where music has the power to transcend language barriers, "K" is a shining example of the universal language of music. It has touched the hearts of millions around the globe, becoming an emblem of resilience and hope. BUMP OF CHICKEN's "K" is a gift to the world, a song that reminds us to embrace life's challenges and find strength in our individual journeys.

So, what are you waiting for? Plug in your headphones, turn up the volume, and immerse yourself in the breathtaking beauty of BUMP OF CHICKEN's "K." Let the music wash over you, and let the lyrics inspire you to chase your dreams relentlessly. This song is a true masterpiece that deserves a special place in every music lover's heart.

Are you ready to experience the magic of "K"? Press play and let the journey begin!