Butthole Surfers


The Shah Sleeps in Lee Harvey’s Grave

Butthole Surfers


11 ContributorsThe Shah Sleeps in Lee Harvey’s Grave Lyrics"You're rolling."

There's a time to fuck and a time to crave
But the Shah sleeps in Lee Harvey's grave!

There's a time to shit and a time for God
The last shit I took was pretty fuckin' odd!

There's a time for drugs and a time to be sane
But Jimi Hendrix makes love to Marilyn's remains!

There's a time to live and a time to die
I smoke Elvis Presley's toenails when I wanna get high!

There's a time to fuck and a time to crave
But the Shah sleeps in Lee Harvey's grave!
Don't look back at me!
I see you trembling!
You look like shit!
I am the ultimate God!
God is second to me!
I am #1, motherfucker!
Don't even look back!
Don't even look upon me with your naked eyes!
Shut up!
S-... shut up
Shut up
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If there is one thing that the Butthole Surfers did not lack, it was intriguing song titles. One of their most iconic tracks, "The Shah Sleeps in Lee Harvey's Grave," is a perfect example. This song, which was the opener on their self-titled debut album, is a distinctive combination of punk rock, psychedelic rock, and noise rock. Its lyrics are cryptic, and the instrumentation is noisy and chaotic. The Butthole Surfers' music is definitely not for everyone, but their unique style has made them one of the most influential and controversial bands of their time.

About The Shah Sleeps in Lee Harvey’s Grave

"The Shah Sleeps in Lee Harvey’s Grave" is not a song that can be easily classified. Its lyrics are cryptic and full of cryptic references to politics, religion, and pop culture. The song's title is itself a reference to historical events – the Shah in question was Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the last Shah of Iran who was overthrown during the Iranian Revolution of 1979, and Lee Harvey was the man who assassinated US President John F. Kennedy in 1963.

Butthole Surfers were known for their Unpredictability, and the song is a perfect example of their unique style. The song was an early staple of the band's live shows and remained so throughout their career. It is difficult to pinpoint a single reason why this track has become so beloved by fans of the Butthole Surfers. Its lyrics are cryptic, and its instrumentation is noisy and chaotic, but the song's energy and intensity are undeniable.

It is worth noting that "The Shah Sleeps in Lee Harvey’s Grave" is not a subtle or nuanced song. It features profanity and violent imagery, and its Anus Presley section contains lines like "I am the ultimate God! God is second to me!" that are intentionally provocative and subversive.

The song's musical style is just as unconventional as its lyrics. The instrumentation is a mash-up of punk rock, psychedelic rock, and noise rock, with distorted guitars, a relentless drumbeat, and odd sound effects that create a general sense of chaos and disruption.

Despite its many changes over the years, the Butthole Surfers remain one of the most influential and controversial bands in the history of alternative music. "The Shah Sleeps in Lee Harvey’s Grave" is perhaps the quintessential example of their sound – a unique blend of psychedelia, punk rock, and noise rock that defies easy categorization. Whether you love it or hate it, this track is undoubtedly one of the most distinctive and memorable works in the Butthole Surfers’ discography.

The Legacy of The Shah Sleeps in Lee Harvey’s Grave

"The Shah Sleeps in Lee Harvey's Grave" is not a song for everyone. Even among fans of the Butthole Surfers, it is often cited as one of their most difficult and challenging tracks. Nevertheless, the song’s influence on alternative music cannot be denied. Its chaotic sound and confrontational lyrics helped pave the way for later artists who sought to push the boundaries of what rock music could be.

Moreover, The Shah Sleeps in Lee Harvey's Grave is still a popular song. The Butthole Surfers' first show following their 19-year hiatus in 2009 included the song in their setlist. The song has also been featured in several movies and TV shows, including 'Tales from the Crypt,' 'Natural Born Killers,' and 'Outsiders'.

Despite its challenging nature, "The Shah Sleeps in Lee Harvey's Grave" has endured as a classic of alternative rock. Its unique sound and intriguing lyrics have captured the imagination of countless listeners over the years, and its legacy continues to be felt in the world of alternative music to this day.

Why You Should Listen to The Shah Sleeps in Lee Harvey’s Grave

The Shah Sleeps in Lee Harvey's Grave may not be a song for everyone, but for fans of punk rock, psychedelic rock, or noise rock, it is an essential piece of music. The song may be challenging, but it rewards careful listening with its cryptic lyrics and unconventional musical style. For those seeking something different from the mainstream, "The Shah Sleeps in Lee Harvey’s Grave" is a perfect example of how alternative music can challenge and surprise us.

Moreover, this track stands out as a testament to the Butthole Surfers' unique style and their willingness to push the boundaries of what rock music can be. Their music may not be for everyone, but for those who appreciate experimentation, noise, and general chaos, the Butthole Surfers remain one of the most distinctive and important bands of their time.

In the final analysis, "The Shah Sleeps in Lee Harvey’s Grave" is a song that demands attention. Its chaotic sound and provocative lyrics are not easily ignored, and its legacy in the world of alternative music is secure. For those seeking something challenging, confrontational, and unpredictable, this track is an essential piece of music that represents some of the best that alternative rock has to offer.