Céline Dion

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Encore un soir album cover

Encore un soir

Céline Dion


[Verse 1]
Une photo, une date
C'est à n'y pas croire
C'était pourtant hier, mentirait ma mémoire
Et ces visages d'enfants
Et le mien dans ce miroir

Oh, c'est pas pour me plaindre
Ça vous n'avez rien à craindre
La vie m'a tellement gâtée
J'ai plutôt du mal à l'éteindre
Ô mon Dieu, j'ai eu ma part
Et bien plus à tant d'égards

Mais quand on vit trop beau, trop fort
On en oublie le temps qui passe
Comme on perd un peu le nord
Au milieu de trop vastes espaces
À peine le temps de s'y faire
À peine on doit laisser la place
Ô si je pouvais

Encore un soir, encore une heure
Encore une larme de bonheur
Une faveur comme une fleur
Un souffle, une erreur
Un peu de nous, un rien de tout
Pour tout se dire encore ou bien se taire
En regards juste un report
À peine encore, même s'il est tard
[Verse 2]
J'ai jamais rien demandé
Ça c'est pas la mer à boire
Allez, face à l'éternité
Ça va même pas se voir
Ça restera entre nous
Ô juste un lèger retard

Y en a tant qui tuent le temps
Tant et tant qu'ils le perdent ou le passent
Tant qui se mentent inventant les rêves
En des instants de grâce
Ô je donne ma place au paradis
Si l’on m’oublie sur Terre
Encore hier

Encore un soir, encore une heure
Encore une larme de bonheur
Une faveur comme une fleur
Un souffle, une erreur
Un peu de nous, un rien de tout
Pour tout se dire encore
Ou bien se taire en regards
Juste un report
À peine encore, je sais, il est tard
C’est pas grand-chose, rien qu’une pause
Que le temps, les horloges se reposent
Et caresser juste un baiser, un baiser

Encore un soir, encore une heure
Un peu de nous, un rien de tout
Un soir
Encore un soir
Encore une heure
Un peu de nous
Un rien de tout
Un soir

Céline Dion image

If there is one thing Celine Dion knows how to do, it’s how to create powerful music that resonates with her fans. “Encore un soir” is no exception. This song is the first single that Dion has released since the death of her husband and longtime manager, Rene Angelil, who died of cancer in January of 2016. The song has quickly become a fan favorite, as it expresses Dion’s sadness over the loss of her husband, while also delivering a message of hope and healing that listeners can relate to.

About Encore un soir

The song “Encore un soir” was written by Jean Jacques Goldman, a frequent collaborator of Celine Dion. The song’s lyrics are a poignant tribute to Angelil, with Dion expressing her love and respect for her late husband throughout the track. The song begins with the lines “Tant de choses qui nous lient, tant de moments partagés” (So many things that bind us, so many moments shared), serving as a reminder of the deep connection that Dion and Angelil shared.

Despite the sadness that permeates the track, there is also a sense of hope and healing that runs throughout. In an interview with Le Journal de Montreal, Dion explained that she had requested for Goldman to write a song that was not sad, but rather a tribute to Angelil that celebrated his life, and the impact that he had on those around him.

One of the most striking elements of the song is Dion’s powerful vocal performance. Her voice is filled with emotion and passion, perfectly capturing the range of feelings that she experienced following the loss of her husband. The song’s instrumentation is also beautifully arranged, with soaring strings and gentle piano melodies that perfectly complement Dion’s vocals.

Overall, “Encore un soir” is a beautiful tribute to Rene Angelil, and a powerful reminder of the impact that he had on Celine Dion’s life and career. The song is as stirring as it is heartfelt, and it is sure to resonate with fans of Dion and Angelil alike.

The song’s significance

“Encore un soir” is a significant song for Celine Dion, as it represents her first foray back into the music scene following the death of her husband. Dion has been open about her struggles with grief and loss in the wake of Angelil’s passing, but she has also spoken about the healing power of music, and the ability of songs to help us process our emotions and find comfort in difficult times.

For many fans of Celine Dion, “Encore un soir” is an opportunity to connect with her on a deeper level, and to share in her grief as she comes to terms with the loss of her husband. The song has resonated deeply with fans all over the world, and has become a symbol of hope and healing for those who have suffered the loss of a loved one.

Ultimately, “Encore un soir” is a testament to the power of music to heal, to inspire, and to connect us with one another. It is a beautiful tribute to the enduring love and devotion that existed between Celine Dion and Rene Angelil, and a reminder that even in the face of the greatest challenges, there is always hope and beauty to be found.

If you haven’t yet heard “Encore un soir,” be sure to give it a listen. It is a beautiful song that is sure to touch your heart and leave you feeling inspired and moved.