Chalino Sánchez

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Que Me Entierren Cantando album cover

Que Me Entierren Cantando

Chalino Sánchez


[Letra de "Que Me Entierren Cantando"]

[Verso 1]
Ahora sí ya estoy solo en el mundo
Solo, solo en el mundo vagando
No me importa si algún día me muero
Nada más que me entierren cantando

[Verso 2]
He pasado mi vida sufriendo
He pasado mi vida rodando
Pero juro que de hoy en adelante
Me verán solamente tomando

Un día voy pa' arriba
Y voy a entregar lo que un día el señor me prestó
Un día voy pa' arriba
Y nada me importa el día en que muera yo

Y al que fiestó a amanecer
Aquellos seres felices que no me quieran
¿Verdad compadre Pedro Rivera?

[Verso 3]
Y ese día que yo ya me muera
Yo no quiero oírlos llorar
Lo que quiero es que lleven la banda
Para oírlos a todos cantar
[Verso 4]
Si es que es cierto que un día me quisieron
Y que salga de su corazón
Quiero oírlos a todos muy fuertes
Que me canten mi humilde canción

Un día voy pa' arriba
Y voy a entregar lo que un día el señor me prestó
Un día voy pa' arriba
Y nada me importa el día en que muera yoEmbed

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Que Me Entierren Cantando is a powerfully emotional and evocative song by the legendary Mexican singer, Chalino Sánchez. With its heart-wrenching lyrics and haunting melody, this track has captivated audiences since its release. Known for his storytelling abilities and raw vocal delivery, Sánchez brings his signature style to this poignant song, leaving a lasting impact on listeners.

About Que Me Entierren Cantando

Que Me Entierren Cantando, translated as "Bury Me Singing" in English, is a deeply personal and introspective song that reflects on the artist's own mortality. Chalino Sánchez, who tragically lost his life in 1992 at the young age of 31, was known for his songs that conveyed a sense of vulnerability and authenticity. This particular track showcases his willingness to confront the reality of death with courage and a desire for a musical legacy.

The lyrics of Que Me Entierren Cantando paint a poignant picture of Chalino Sánchez's acceptance of his mortality. He expresses his wish to be buried with dignity, surrounded by his loved ones, and honored through the power of song. The song's title itself is a testament to his unwavering passion for music and his belief that it should remain an inseparable part of his identity, even in death.

Chalino Sánchez's vocal performance in Que Me Entierren Cantando is nothing short of mesmerizing. His rich and emotive voice reflects the depths of his emotions, as he contemplates his own mortality. Every note and phrase he delivers is filled with raw authenticity and a profound sense of longing. Sánchez's ability to connect with his audience on such a deep level is what truly sets this song apart.

The melody of Que Me Entierren Cantando perfectly complements the lyrical content, evoking a feeling of melancholy and reflection. The soft guitar strumming and gentle accordion notes create a somber atmosphere, further enhancing the emotional impact of the song. The arrangement allows Sánchez's vocals to take center stage, amplifying the rawness and vulnerability of his performance.

As with many of Chalino Sánchez's songs, Que Me Entierren Cantando holds a special place in the hearts of his fans. It has become an anthem of sorts, resonating with those who appreciate his unique storytelling ability and his ability to touch their souls. Beyond its musical qualities, this song serves as a reminder of the artist's enduring legacy and the impact he left on the world of Mexican music.

In the decades since its release, Que Me Entierren Cantando has garnered immense popularity and critical acclaim. It has been covered by numerous artists, each adding their own interpretation and paying tribute to Chalino Sánchez's powerful legacy. The song's enduring appeal lies in its ability to transcend time and connect with listeners on a deeply emotional level.

Que Me Entierren Cantando is a testament to the raw talent and emotional depth of Chalino Sánchez. Its lyrical beauty and haunting melody make it a truly unforgettable song that continues to touch the hearts of millions of fans worldwide. This track serves as a powerful reminder of the indelible mark left by an artist who faced adversity with grace and conveyed his emotions through the universal language of music.