Charles Aznavour

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La bohemia album cover

La bohemia

Charles Aznavour


3 ContributorsLa bohemia LyricsBohemia de paris alegre, loca y gris de un tiempo ya pasado
En donde en un desvan con traje de can can posabas para mi
Y yo con devocion pintaba con pasion tu cuerpo fatigado
Hasta el amanecer aveces sin comer y siempre sin dormir

La bohemiaa la bohemia
Era el amor delicidad
La bohemia la bohemia
Era una flor de nuestra edad

Debajo de un quinké la mesa del cafe feliz nos reunia
Hablando sin cesar soniando con llegar
La gloria conseguir y cuando algun pintor
Hallaba un comprador y un lienzo le vendia
Soliamos gritar con el y pasear alegres por Paris

La bohemia la bohemia
Era jugar te vi y te amé
La bohemia la bohemia
Yo junto ti triunfar podré

Teniamos salud, sonrrisa, juventud y nada en los bolsillos
Con frio con calor el mismo buen humor
Bailaba en nuetro sed luchando siempre igua
Con hambre hasta el final haciamos castillos
Y el ancia dividir nos hizo resistir y no desfallecer
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Era mirar amanecer
La bohemia la bohemia
Era soñar con un querer

Hoy regresé a Paris cruse su niebla girs
Lo encontre cambiado las lilas ya no estan
Ni suben al desban
Moradas de pasion soñando como ayer
Ronde por mi taller mas ya lo han desrrumbado
Y han puesto en su lugar abajo un cafebar y arriba una pensión

La bohemia la bohemia
Que yo vivi su luz perdio
La bohemia la bohemia
Era una flor y al fin murioo

Charles Aznavour image

La bohemia, a timeless classic by Charles Aznavour, takes listeners on a captivating journey through the alleys of the bohemian lifestyle. This iconic song, written and performed by the legendary French-Armenian singer-songwriter, has left an indelible mark on the music industry with its poignant lyrics and soul-stirring melody.

About La bohemia

La bohemia, released in 1965, showcases Aznavour's mastery in storytelling through music. The song delves into the world of artists, struggling dreamers, and free spirits who find solace in the bohemian way of life. With his unmistakable vocals and emotive delivery, Aznavour touches the hearts of listeners, immersing them in the atmosphere of artistic expression and unconventional living.

In La bohemia, Aznavour paints a vivid picture of the bohemian lifestyle, revealing its highs and lows with raw honesty. His lyrics offer a glimpse into the challenges faced by those who refuse to conform to societal norms, choosing a path less traveled instead. The song's poetic verses invite listeners to reflect on the beauty of artistic passion and the sacrifices it often demands.

Aznavour's impeccable storytelling ability shines brightly in La bohemia. He masterfully crafts each line, weaving a tale of love, heartache, and perseverance. The song serves as a metaphorical mirror, reflecting the dreams and struggles of both the artist and the listener. Through his lyrics, Aznavour reminds us of the universal human desire for authenticity and the pursuit of one's true passions.

Accompanied by a beautiful melody, La bohemia captures the essence of the bohemian lifestyle in its entirety. Aznavour's voice, filled with both vulnerability and strength, guides us through the narrative, evoking a range of emotions. The song's arrangements further enhance the storytelling, creating a captivating sonic experience that lingers in the hearts of its listeners.

One cannot discuss La bohemia without acknowledging Aznavour's influence on the music industry. With a career spanning over seven decades, he has established himself as one of the greatest singer-songwriters of all time. His ability to infuse his songs with raw emotions and thought-provoking narratives has garnered him a devoted fanbase worldwide, and La bohemia is undoubtedly one of the highlights of his illustrious discography.

Throughout his long career, Aznavour's music has resonated with diverse audiences, transcending language and cultural barriers. La bohemia, in particular, has become an anthem for countless individuals who have dared to embrace their bohemian spirit and live life on their own terms. Its timeless appeal is a testament to its ability to connect with people on a profound level.

La bohemia not only showcases Aznavour's exceptional talent but also serves as a timeless reminder of the power of music to evoke emotions, inspire change, and provide solace. It is a song that continues to captivate listeners, taking them on a poignant journey through the bohemian life, and leaving an everlasting impact on their hearts and minds.

Experience the enchanting melodies and poetic storytelling of La bohemia, and allow yourself to be swept away by the mellifluous voice of Charles Aznavour. Immerse yourself in the world of the bohemian lifestyle and discover the magic hidden within the corners of this timeless classic.