Charles Aznavour

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La bohème album cover

La bohème

Charles Aznavour


[Paroles de "La bohème"]

[Couplet 1]
Je vous parle d'un temps que les moins de vingt ans
Ne peuvent pas connaître
Montmartre en ce temps-là, accrochait ces lilas
Jusque sous nos fenêtres
Et si l'humble garni, qui nous servait de nid
Ne payait pas de mine
C'est là qu'on s'est connu, moi qui criais famine
Et toi qui posais nue

La bohème, la bohème
Ça voulait dire on est heureux
La bohème, la bohème
Nous ne mangions qu'un jour sur deux

[Couplet 2]
Dans les cafés voisins, nous étions quelques-uns
Qui attendions la gloire
Et bien que miséreux, avec le ventre creux
Nous ne cessions d'y croire
Et quand quelque bistrot, contre un bon repas chaud
Nous prenait une toile
Nous récitions des vers, groupés autour du poêle
En oubliant l'hiver
La bohème, la bohème
Ça voulait dire tu es jolie
La bohème, la bohème
Et nous avions tous du génie

[Couplet 3]
Souvent il m'arrivait, devant mon chevalet
De passer des nuits blanches
Retouchant le dessin de la ligne d'un sein
Du galbe d'une hanche
Et ce n'est qu'au matin, qu'on s'asseyait enfin
Devant un café-crème
Épuisés mais ravis, fallait-il que l'on s'aime
Et qu'on aime la vie

La bohème, la bohème
Ça voulait dire on a vingt ans
La bohème, la bohème
Et nous vivions de l'air du temps

[Couplet 4]
Quant au hasard des jours, je m'en vais faire un tour
À mon ancienne adresse
Je ne reconnais plus ni les murs, ni les rues
Qui ont vu ma jeunesse
En haut d'un escalier, je cherche l'atelier
Dont plus rien ne subsiste
Dans son nouveau décor, Montmartre semble triste
Et les lilas sont morts
La bohème, la bohème
On était jeunes, on était fous
La bohème, la bohème
Ça ne veut plus rien dire du tout

Charles Aznavour image

La bohème is a timeless classic chanson by the legendary Charles Aznavour and Jacques Plante. Released in 1965, this soulful ballad beautifully captures the essence of nostalgia as it recounts the story of a painter reminiscing about his youthful days spent in the picturesque heights of Montmartre.

To delve into the fascinating history of this song, we must first understand its origins. La bohème was originally intended to be sung by Georges Guétary in the operetta Monsieur Carnaval. Surprisingly, Charles Aznavour took matters into his own hands and recorded the song prior to the operetta's premiere. This audacious move led to a heated controversy between the two artists and their respective record labels, Barclay and Pathé-Marconi. Nevertheless, the success of the song's record sales for both interpreters played a pivotal role in reconciling the artists, thanks to the intervention of Frédéric Dard.

About La bohème

La bohème holds a special place in the heart of music lovers around the world. Its lyrical depth and poignant melody have resonated with listeners for over half a century, solidifying its status as a true masterpiece.

Charles Aznavour's mesmerizing vocals breathe life into the lyrics, evoking a sense of longing and melancholy. As the song unfolds, the listener is transported to the charming Parisian neighborhood of Montmartre, where the protagonist immerses himself in memories of his youth.

The lyrics of La bohème paint a vivid picture of a bygone era, capturing the vibrancy and creative ambiance that characterized Montmartre during the early 20th century. The bohemian lifestyle, with its free-spirited artists and aspiring poets, comes to life through Aznavour's poignant storytelling.

The emotional depth of this song lies not only in its poignant lyrics but also in the heartfelt delivery by Aznavour. As he reminisces about his past, he shares the joys and sorrows experienced during his time in Montmartre. The bittersweet nostalgia is palpable, capturing the universal feelings of longing for what once was.

One cannot help but be captivated by the haunting melody of La bohème. The composition seamlessly intertwines with the lyrics, further enhancing the song's emotional impact. The gentle guitar strums, accompanied by delicate orchestration, provide a soothing backdrop for Aznavour's soul-stirring vocals.

Over the years, La bohème has transcended time and language barriers, touching the hearts of listeners worldwide. Its universal themes of reminiscence, lost love, and the passage of time resonate with people from all walks of life. This enduring appeal has led to numerous covers of the song by notable artists, cementing its place in the pantheon of musical classics.

La bohème showcases Charles Aznavour's exceptional artistry and songwriting prowess. His ability to convey raw emotions through his voice and lyrics is truly remarkable. This song is a testament to his immense talent and contribution to the world of music.

In essence, La bohème is a timeless masterpiece that captures the essence of nostalgia and longing. Charles Aznavour's heartfelt rendition, combined with its poignant lyrics and haunting melody, create an emotional journey for the listener. It is a song that will continue to touch the hearts of generations to come, reminding us of the power of music to evoke deep emotions and transport us to another time and place.