Charles Aznavour

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La bohème album cover

La bohème

Charles Aznavour


4 ContributorsLa bohème LyricsJe vous parle d'un temps
Que les moins de vingt ans
Ne peuvent pas connaître
Montmartre en ce temps-là
Accrochait ses lilas
Jusque sous nos fenêtres
Et si l'humble garni
Qui nous servait de nid
Ne payait pas de mine
C’est là qu'on s'est connu
Moi qui criais famine
Et toi qui posais nue
La bohème, la bohème
Ça voulait dire
On est heureux
La bohème, la bohème
Nous ne mangions qu'un jour sur deux

Dans les cafés voisins
Nous étions quelques-uns
Qui attendions la gloire
Et bien que miséreux
Avec le ventre creux
Nous ne cessions d'y croire
Et quand quelques bistrots
Contre un bon repas chaud
Nous prenaient une toile
Nous récitions des vers
Groupés autour du poêle
En oubliant l'hiver
La bohème, la bohème
Ça voulait dire
Tu es jolie
La bohème, la bohème
Et nous avions tous du génie
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Devant mon chevalet
De passer des nuits blanches
Retouchant le dessin
De la ligne d'un sein
Du galbe d'une hanche
Et ce n'est qu'au matin
Qu'on s'asseyait enfin
Devant un café crème
Épuisés mais ravis
Fallait-il que l'on s'aime
Et qu'on aime la vie
La bohème, la bohème
Ça voulait dire
On a vingt ans
La bohème, la bohème
Et nous vivions de l'air du temps

Quand au hasard des jours
Je m'en vais faire un tour
A mon ancienne adresse
Je ne reconnais plus
Ni les murs ni les rues
Qui ont vu ma jeunesse
En haut d'un escalier
Je cherche l'atelier
Dont plus rien ne subsiste
Dans son nouveau décor
Montmartre semble triste
Et les lilas sont morts
La bohème, la bohème
On était jeunes
On était fous
La bohème, la bohème
Ça ne veut plus rien dire du toutEmbed

Charles Aznavour image

Get ready to be transported to a world of passion, romance, and pure musical bliss with the sensational song "La bohème" by Kendji Girac. With its catchy beats and heartfelt lyrics, this track is an absolute gem that showcases the incredible talent of this French singer and songwriter.

Kendji Girac, born in 1996, rose to fame as the winner of the talent show "The Voice: la plus belle voix" in France back in 2014. Since then, he has consistently captivated audiences across the globe with his powerful vocals and unique style. "La bohème" serves as a testament to his versatility and ability to fuse different genres seamlessly.

About La bohème

"La bohème" is a marvelous blend of Latin rhythms, pop elements, and a touch of Kendji Girac's cultural roots. Inspired by the legendary French singer Charles Aznavour, this song pays tribute to Aznavour's iconic track of the same name, released in 1965.

From the moment the song begins, you can feel yourself being swept away by the enchanting melody. The upbeat tempo and lively instrumentation create an infectious groove, making it impossible to resist moving along to the rhythm. Kendji Girac's distinctive vocals shine brightly throughout the song, effortlessly conveying the depth of emotion behind the lyrics.

The lyrics of "La bohème" beautifully capture the essence of a carefree and bohemian lifestyle. It tells the bittersweet story of love and longing, nostalgia for youthful days, and cherishing precious memories. Kendji's heartfelt delivery adds an extra layer of sincerity, making the words resonate deeply with listeners.

One of the most impressive aspects of this song is how Kendji Girac infuses his own flavor into the classic track while staying true to its origins. He effortlessly blends his multicultural influences into the music, giving it a fresh and contemporary feel, yet still maintaining the timeless charm that made the original "La bohème" a masterpiece.

As the song progresses, the energy builds, creating an undeniable sense of exuberance and passion. It's impossible not to be swept up in the infectious spirit of the music, as Kendji's vocals soar alongside the vibrant instrumentals. "La bohème" is a testament to the power of music to bring people together and evoke a wide range of emotions.

Kendji Girac's undeniable charisma and stage presence also contribute to the magic of this song. Whether performing live or in the studio, he has a knack for connecting with his audience on a profound level. This ability translates effortlessly into his music, making "La bohème" a truly captivating listening experience from start to finish.

It's no wonder that "La bohème" has gained significant popularity since its release. The song has not only topped music charts in France but has also resonated with audiences worldwide. Its irresistible rhythm and heartfelt lyrics have made it a favorite amongst fans of all ages and musical tastes.

Join the Journey

Get ready to embark on a musical journey like no other with Kendji Girac's enchanting song "La bohème". This track is a testament to his incredible talent, versatility, and ability to create music that touches the hearts of listeners around the world.

Allow yourself to be swept away by the infectious rhythms and heartfelt lyrics of "La bohème". It's a track that will leave you craving more and will make you want to explore the rest of Kendji Girac's discography.

Whether you're a longtime fan or just discovering Kendji Girac for the first time, "La bohème" is an absolute must-listen. So sit back, turn up the volume, and let the music transport you to a world where passion and romance reign supreme.