Christian Nodal

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Nace un Borracho album cover

Nace un Borracho

Christian Nodal


[Letra de "Nace un Borracho"]

A partir de ahora
Le voy a poner punto final a esta racha
No es nada divertido ver cómo el dolor me agacha
Igual nadie valora el ser buena persona
Ya perdí la cuenta de las que me abandonan

Hoy en día hacer las cosas mal es bueno
Los que mejor amamos cada vez ya somos menos
Por eso hoy muere tanto detallista por amor
Y nace otro borracho bueno pa' tomar alcohol
Hoy en día ser infiel está de moda
Los buenos sentimientos nomás nadie los valora
Sе me fueron las ganas de volvеr a enamorarme
Pues nomás 'toy pensando cuándo van a traicionarme
Hoy muere este muchacho y nace un borracho


Hoy en día hacer las cosas mal es bueno
Los que mejor amamos cada vez ya somos menos
Por eso hoy muere tanto detallista por amor
Y nace otro borracho bueno pa' tomar alcohol
Hoy en día ser infiel está de moda
Los buenos sentimientos nomás nadie los valora
Se me fueron las ganas de volver a enamorarme
Pues nomás 'toy pensando cuándo van a traicionarme
Hoy muere este muchacho y nace un borrachoSee Christian Nodal LiveGet tickets as low as $53You might also likeEmbed

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Have you heard of the song "Nace un Borracho" by Christian Nodal? This captivating track is sure to captivate your senses and leave you wanting more. With its unique blend of traditional Mexican music and modern elements, the song stands out as a true masterpiece. Written and performed by the talented Christian Nodal, "Nace un Borracho" showcases his exceptional vocal abilities and his ability to connect with the listeners on a deep emotional level. Let's dive deeper into the world of this incredible song.

About Nace un Borracho

"Nace un Borracho" is a mesmerizing Mexican track that tells a compelling story through its powerful lyrics and enchanting melody. The title itself translates to "A Drunk is Born," and the song explores the raw emotions and experiences associated with the struggles of alcoholism. Christian Nodal brings these emotions to life with his soulful voice and impeccable delivery.

As we delve into the heart of the song, we are instantly captivated by the lyrics. Each word carefully crafted to evoke a strong sense of empathy and understanding. Christian Nodal's lyrical prowess shines through as he narrates the story of a person caught in the vicious cycle of alcohol addiction. The lyrics paint a vivid picture of the pain, regret, and longing that accompany such a battle.

Christian Nodal's vocal performance in "Nace un Borracho" is nothing short of extraordinary. His rich and powerful voice effortlessly conveys the emotions embedded in every line. From the melancholy verses to the passionate chorus, Nodal's vocal range is showcased to its fullest extent, leaving listeners spellbound.

One aspect that stands out in "Nace un Borracho" is its exceptional musical arrangement. The song fuses traditional Mexican sounds with modern musical elements, creating a dynamic and captivating atmosphere. The vibrant mariachi-inspired instrumentation blends seamlessly with contemporary production, providing a unique and refreshing listening experience.

When listening to "Nace un Borracho," it becomes evident that Christian Nodal has poured his heart and soul into every note. His ability to connect with the listeners on an emotional level is uncanny, making this song an unforgettable journey through the depths of human emotions. Whether you've personally experienced alcohol addiction or not, "Nace un Borracho" transcends boundaries and resonates with people from all walks of life.

Christian Nodal's remarkable talent and dedication to his craft have earned him numerous accolades in the music industry. With "Nace un Borracho," he continues to showcase his ability to create powerful and impactful music. The song serves as a testament to his growth as an artist and his commitment to storytelling through his music.

In a world full of cookie-cutter songs, "Nace un Borracho" stands out as a breath of fresh air. Its authenticity, raw emotions, and masterful execution make it a song worth cherishing. Whether you're a fan of Mexican music or simply appreciate meaningful and captivating music, "Nace un Borracho" is a song that demands your attention. Prepare to be moved.