Conan Gray

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Lookalike album cover


Conan Gray


[Verse 1]
Let's go back to the summer night
When we met eyes, it’s like a movie line
Kissin' underneath the city lights
But now you're laying in another guy’s arms
'Cause I'm all gone

But when you look in his eyes
Do you think of mine?
And when you look at that smile
Do I cross your mind?
I know in your head
You see me instead
'Cause he looks a lot like I did back then
Baby don't lie
He's just a lookalike

[Verse 2]
Can't redo what's already done
Can’t compete ’cause I've already won
Sayin’ this time, "It's really love"
But honey, you're not fooling anyone
Don't you know we’re done?

But when you look in his eyes
Do you think of mine?
And when you look at that smile
Do I cross your mind?
I know in your head
You see me instead
'Cause he looks a lot like I did back then
Baby don't lie
He's just a lookalike
And I'll admit that I sometimes, maybe, might
Think about you at night, well, almost every night
No matter how I try to hide
And erase you from my mind
I'm dying
To find a lookalike

'Cause when you look in his eyes
Hope you think of mine
And when you look at that smile
Hope I cross your mind
I hope in your head
You see me instead
'Cause you've been in mine every day since then
Maybe it's time to find a lookalike

No, I can't lie
I need a lookalike

Conan Gray image

Imagine falling deeply in love with someone, only to have that love come to an end. The memories, emotions, and connections linger, leaving a lasting impact on your heart. It's a common experience that many can relate to, and Conan Gray beautifully captures this sentiment in his song Lookalike. Serving as the final addition to his debut EP Sunset Season, Lookalike immerses listeners in a world of lingering love and the search for familiar traces of a past flame.

About Lookalike

Lookalike is a song that delves into the universal experience of holding onto the memories and remnants of a past love, no matter how hard one might try to move on. Created by Conan Gray, a talented musician known for his poignant lyrics and captivating melodies, Lookalike serves as a testament to the lingering emotions that can remain long after a relationship has come to an end.

In one of his live performances, Conan shared the inspiration behind Lookalike, emphasizing the relatability of his words. He explained that everyone has that one person in their life who they fall deeply in love with, and regardless of subsequent relationships, they seek fragments of that person in others. The lookalikes, the similarities, the echoes of the past become a constant presence in the search for love.

Conan Gray's ability to explore complex emotions through his music is truly remarkable. In Lookalike, he masterfully captures the bittersweet essence of longing for a lost love. Through the power of his storytelling and emotive vocals, Gray creates an intimate connection with listeners, resonating with those who have experienced this universal yearning.

The song opens with a captivating melody, drawing the listener in with its haunting beauty. As Gray's voice enters, filled with vulnerability and longing, the lyrics paint a vivid picture of searching for traces of a past love. The verses are filled with introspection, as Gray questions whether subsequent loves resemble the one he lost. Each line is delicately crafted, weaving together a tapestry of emotions that tug at the heartstrings.

The chorus of Lookalike serves as a cathartic release of emotions, with Gray's vocals soaring above the melodic backdrop. The repetition of key phrases emphasizes the obsessive nature of looking for aspects of a lost love in others. It's a poignant reminder of the lasting impact of past relationships and how they shape our future perceptions of love.

Conan Gray's ability to connect with his audience through his music is palpable in Lookalike. The song resonates on a deep level, reminding us all of the fragility and complexity of human emotions. It speaks to the perplexing nature of love and the remnants it leaves behind, forever influencing our search for connection.

As the final addition to his debut EP Sunset Season, Lookalike showcases Conan Gray's growth as an artist. With its relatable themes, beautifully crafted lyrics, and captivating melodies, the song solidifies Gray as a force to be reckoned with in the music industry. It's a testament to his ability to evoke genuine emotions and create a lasting impact in the hearts of his listeners.

In essence, Lookalike by Conan Gray is a mesmerizing ode to the lingering love we hold onto long after a relationship has come to an end. It beautifully captures the complexity of emotions and the ways in which we search for familiar fragments of lost love in others. With its evocative lyrics and haunting melodies, Lookalike is a truly captivating musical experience that will resonate with listeners on a profound level.

  • Release Date: November 16, 2018
  • Artist: Conan Gray