Cradle of Filth

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Babalon A.D. (So Glad for the Madness) album cover

Babalon A.D. (So Glad for the Madness)

Cradle of Filth


8 ContributorsBabalon A.D. (So Glad for the Madness) LyricsI bled on a pivotal stretch
Like a clockwork Christ
Bears sore stigmata, bored
And as I threw Job, I drove
Myself to a martyred wretch
To see if I drew pity
Or pretty litanies from the Lord

So the plot sickened
With the coming of days
Ill millennia thickened
With the claret I sprayed
And though they saw red
I left a dirty white stain
A splintered knot in the grain
On Eden's marital aid

So glad for the madness
So glad for the madness

I walked the walks
Naked to the moon
In Sodom and Babylon
And through rich whores
And corridors of the Vatican
I led a sordid Borgia on
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So that mortals wormed
As livebait for the dead
And as I broke hope, I chocked
Another Pope with manna peel
Dictating to DeSade
In the dark entrails of the Bastille

And as He wrote, I smote
A royal blow to the heads of France
And in the sheen of guillotines
I saw others, fallen, dance

I was an incurable
Necromantic old fool
A phagadaena that crawled
Drooling over the past
A rabid wolf in a shawl
A razor's edge to the rule
That the stars overall
Were never destined to last

So glad for the madness
So glad for the madness

I furnaced dreams, a poet, foe of sleep
Turning sermons with the smell
Of Witchfinder fingers
Where bad memories lingered burning
As when Dante was freed to map Hell
I sired schemes and the means
To catch sight of the seams
And the vagaries inbetween

And midst the lips and the curls
Of this cunt of a world
In glimpses I would see
A nymph with eyes for me

Eyes of fire that set all life aflame
Lights that surpassed art
In sight, that no intense device of pain
Could prise their secrets from my heart

I knew not Her name
Though her kiss was the same
Without a whisper of shame
As either Virtue of Sin's
And pressed to Her curve
I felt my destiny swere
From damnation reserved
To a permanent grin

So glad for the madness
So glad for the madnessEmbed

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Are you ready to dive into the dark and enchanting world of Cradle of Filth? Brace yourself, because "Babalon A.D. (So Glad for the Madness)" is a song that will take you on a twisted journey through the realms of horror and darkness. Inspired by the notorious film 'Saló or the 120 Days of Sodom,' this track embodies the macabre creativity that is synonymous with Cradle of Filth. Let's explore the depths of this haunting masterpiece and uncover its secrets.

About Babalon A.D. (So Glad for the Madness)

Released in 1999 as part of Cradle of Filth's album "From the Cradle to Enslave EP," "Babalon A.D. (So Glad for the Madness)" showcases the band's penchant for blending gothic and black metal elements to create their signature sound. The song delves into the darkest recesses of human desire and explores themes of madness, lust, and depravity, drawing inspiration from the controversial film 'Saló or the 120 Days of Sodom.'

The band takes their name from the Cradle of Filth, a place that symbolizes the primordial darkness from which life and creativity emerge. In this song, they courageously embrace the taboo and push the boundaries of artistic expression, unafraid to confront the unsettling aspects of humanity.

Babalon, who is referred to in the song's title, is a goddess with multiple interpretations depending on the context. In the occult and Thelema, Babalon represents both a primordial divine feminine force and a concept of chaos and liberation. Cradle of Filth taps into this powerful archetype, infusing their music with an otherworldly energy that captivates and enthralls.

As the song unfolds, the haunting symphonic intro sets the stage for the impending darkness. The guitars roar to life with a blend of melodic riffs and blistering tremolo picking, creating a sonic landscape that is equal parts beautiful and savage. Dani Filth's iconic vocals soar through the air, alternating between malevolent growls and haunting cleans, each word delivering a chilling narrative that immerses the listener in the twisted tale.

The lyrics of "Babalon A.D. (So Glad for the Madness)" paint a vivid picture of the horrors depicted in 'Saló or the 120 Days of Sodom.' Cradle of Filth's poetic prowess shines through as they depict scenes of depravity and carnal desires run wild. The contrast between the dark subject matter and the intricate musical composition showcases the band's ability to craft a multi-dimensional sonic experience.

One of the standout aspects of this song is its ability to ignite a sense of sheer chaos and frenzy. The breakneck speed of the drums, combined with the relentless intensity of the guitars, creates a sonic whirlwind that carries the listener through the depths of madness. This is complemented by symphonic elements and eerie atmospheric layers that add a touch of grandeur and theatricality to the song.

Even amidst the chaos, Cradle of Filth masterfully weaves in moments of melody and harmony. The melodic guitar solos that emerge through the tempestuous storm offer moments of respite and beauty, showcasing the band's musical prowess and ability to expertly balance light and darkness.

Throughout its duration, "Babalon A.D. (So Glad for the Madness)" maintains a relentless energy, captivating the audience with its enthralling combination of darkness and beauty. The song's climax is a whirlpool of intensity, with Dani Filth's guttural screams reaching their peak as the instruments collide in a symphony of chaos.

In the grand finale, the song seamlessly transitions into a haunting outro, leaving the listener in a state of bewilderment and craving for more. It is a testament to Cradle of Filth's mastery of their craft, leaving an indelible mark on anyone who embarks on this dark musical journey.

In essence, "Babalon A.D. (So Glad for the Madness)" is a chilling testament to the creative brilliance of Cradle of Filth. It is a song that goes beyond the realms of conventional music, daring to explore the darkest corners of the human psyche. With its evocative lyrics, intense musical composition, and relentless energy, this track stands as a testament to the band's ability to push boundaries and redefine what is possible in the realm of extreme metal.

So, are you ready to embrace the madness? Let Cradle of Filth guide you into the abyss with "Babalon A.D. (So Glad for the Madness)." Brace yourself for a journey like no other, where darkness and beauty intertwine in a symphony of insanity.