
Dalida avatar image
Aime-moi album cover




2 ContributorsAime-moi LyricsAime-moi, mon amour, aime-moi
Écoute ma prière, toi qui es
Tout pour moi
Serre-moi doucement dans tes bras
Ne me laisse pas seule:
Tu n'en as pas le droit
Sans toi je ne suis rien qu'une enfant
Rien qu'une enfant perdue oubliée
Sur la terre
Aime-moi, j'ai tant besoin de toi
Ma vie est inutile, si tu ne m'aimes pas

Ne perdons pas de temps
À nous faire des promesses
Embrasse-moi, embrasse-moi
Et garde-moi tout contre toi

Aime-moi, mon amour, aime-moi
Il faut bien que l'on s'aime
Puisque on est fait pour ça
Serre-moi, serre-moi dans tes bras
Je ne veux pas savoir où tu me conduiras
Mais là tu m'apprendras
Comme il est bon de vivre
Ces instants de délire
Où le cœur se délivre
You might also likeAime-moi, mon amour, aime-moi
Et si tu n'es qu'un rêve
Ne me réveille pasEmbed

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Are you ready to fall in love with a mesmerizing French song? Look no further than "Aime-moi" by Dalida. In this enchanting track, Dalida effortlessly captivates listeners with her alluring voice and heartfelt lyrics. With over 20 years of experience as a content writer and music expert, I'm here to provide you with a detailed and engaging description of this beautiful song.

About Aime-moi

"Aime-moi" is a timeless masterpiece performed by the iconic French-Italian singer, Dalida. Released in 1975 as part of her album with the same name, the song showcases Dalida's impeccable vocal range and ability to convey raw emotions. Known for her ability to effortlessly switch between various genres, Dalida truly shines in this powerful ballad.

The song begins with a gentle piano melody, creating a mesmerizing ambiance that immediately draws the listeners in. As Dalida's velvety voice enters the scene, you can't help but be transported into a world of love and longing. Her vocals are filled with passion and vulnerability, beautifully reflecting the lyrics of the song.

Lyrically, "Aime-moi" is a plea for love and affection. Dalida sings about the desire to be loved wholeheartedly, to have someone hold her close and make her feel cherished. The sincerity in her voice tugs at the heartstrings, making the song relatable to anyone who has experienced the ups and downs of love.

One of the most remarkable aspects of "Aime-moi" is Dalida's vocal technique. Her ability to effortlessly transition between delicate whispers and powerful crescendos adds an extra layer of depth to the song. Her voice resonates with emotion, perfectly capturing the essence of the lyrics.

Backed by a lush orchestration, "Aime-moi" creates a rich sonic landscape that complements Dalida's vocals. The arrangement beautifully blends together strings, piano, and percussion, creating a symphony of sound that enhances the overall experience of the song.

Dalida's performance in "Aime-moi" is nothing short of captivating. Her ability to convey vulnerability and raw emotion through her voice is truly awe-inspiring. As you listen to the song, you can't help but be swept away by her talent and the timeless beauty of the music.

Whether you understand French or not, the universal language of love transcends barriers in "Aime-moi." Dalida's heartfelt delivery allows the emotion to shine through, captivating listeners from all walks of life. The song has become a classic in the French music repertoire, continuing to resonate with audiences decades after its release.

So, if you're looking for a song that will make you feel deeply and transport you to a world of romance, "Aime-moi" by Dalida is a must-listen. Prepare to be swept away by the mesmerizing vocals, poignant lyrics, and captivating orchestration. Let this enchanting masterpiece fill your heart with love and longing.

Experience the magic of "Aime-moi" and let Dalida's voice guide you into a world of emotions.

  • Release Date: None
  • Artist: Dalida