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Ututu album cover




2 ContributorsUtutu Lyricsみんなの普通が 私の苦痛
このまま淡々と 憂鬱つづくの?
美しい現の中で 偏屈
一心不乱に 空気を吸う肺
つらい過去も さあ行け 時間が解決
解決じゃなくて 忘れさすだけで
事実は消えずに 鎖になって巻き付く

嫌な記憶だけ回想 楽しい記憶はどこへ消えた?
暗くなる世界に 一人取り残された
はじけた音の粒が 鼓膜に張り付いて
私の記憶を 知らん顔して 掻き混ぜる

鏡の向こうの世界のほうが こっちよりずっと色があるようだ
無いものに依存して 無いものに不安がってる
共存夢見て 残るのは孤独
「大人になれるなら 今すぐなりたいや」
消えかけた君の背中 駆け足で追う

「夢は夢」とかって 憂いで
目が覚める寸前で また新しい夢を見る

嫌な記憶だけ回想 楽しい記憶はどこへ消えた?
暗くなる世界に 一人取り残された
はじけた音の粒が 鼓膜に張り付いて
私の記憶を 知らん顔して 掻き混ぜるYou might also likeEmbed

DAOKO image

Ututu by DAOKO is a mesmerizing song that combines intricate melodies, enchanting vocals, and thought-provoking lyrics. With its unique blend of genres and DAOKO's distinctive style, Ututu has captivated listeners around the world and has garnered significant acclaim within the music industry.

One of the most striking aspects of Ututu is its perplexing nature. The song's title, Ututu, is derived from the Japanese word for "dusk." This choice of title sets the mood for the entire composition, evoking a sense of twilight and intrigue. The ambiguous nature of the song leaves listeners pondering its meaning and searching for their own interpretations within its lyrics and melodies.

Ututu showcases DAOKO's innate ability to seamlessly blend various musical genres. The song incorporates elements of electronic music, hip-hop, and J-pop, resulting in a truly dynamic and unique sound. DAOKO's vocals shine throughout the song, effortlessly transitioning between soothing whispers and powerful crescendos.

Lyrically, Ututu delves into themes of self-reflection, personal growth, and the passage of time. DAOKO skillfully weaves poetic imagery into her lyrics, using metaphors and vivid descriptions to evoke emotions within the listener. The introspective nature of the song allows for a deep connection between the music and the audience, inviting them to contemplate their own journeys through life.

Ututu is a burst of creativity and musical innovation. DAOKO's meticulous attention to detail is evident in every layer of the song's production, creating a rich sonic experience that is both exhilarating and immersive. The track possesses a vibrant energy that draws the listener in from the very first note and keeps them engaged until the final chord.

Despite its complexity, Ututu remains accessible to a wide range of listeners. Whether you are a long-time fan of DAOKO or discovering her music for the first time, the song's infectious melodies and universal themes ensure that it resonates with people from all walks of life. Ututu is a testament to the power of music to unite and touch the hearts of individuals across different cultures and backgrounds.


DAOKO, born as Shizuka Kudo, is a Japanese singer, rapper, and songwriter hailing from Tokyo. She burst onto the music scene in 2012 with her independently released debut album and quickly gained recognition for her unique vocal style and genre-bending approach.

Known for her distinct fashion choices and colorful hair, DAOKO has become an icon in the Japanese music industry. Her music often explores themes of identity, self-expression, and personal growth, resonating with a wide audience of fans who connect with her authentic and introspective lyrics.

Throughout her career, DAOKO has collaborated with various artists, further expanding her artistic horizons. Her collaborations with renowned producers and musicians demonstrate her versatility as an artist and her willingness to push boundaries within the music industry.

DAOKO has received numerous accolades for her work, including several awards for her contributions to anime soundtracks. Her music has been featured in popular anime series such as "My Hero Academia," "Food Wars!," and "Gintama," further cementing her status as a prominent figure in the Japanese music scene.

With her captivating vocals, profound lyrics, and innovative sound, DAOKO continues to enchant audiences around the world. Her music is an invitation to explore the depths of emotions and embark on a musical journey like no other.

Ututu - A Musical Journey

Ututu by DAOKO is a song that defies categorization. It combines elements from various musical genres and showcases DAOKO's versatility and artistic vision. With its perplexing nature, thought-provoking lyrics, and vibrant energy, Ututu invites listeners on a captivating musical journey. The song's ability to evoke emotions and spark self-reflection is a testament to the power of music as a universal language.

So, delve into the enchanting world of Ututu and experience the magic of DAOKO's music. Let the introspective lyrics and mesmerizing melodies guide you through the dusk of emotions and ignite your own personal growth. Ututu is more than just a song; it is a profound and immersive musical experience that will leave an indelible mark on your soul.

  • Release Date: September 11, 2013
  • Artist: DAOKO