David Allan Coe

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Heaven Only Knows (Live) album cover

Heaven Only Knows (Live)

David Allan Coe


2 ContributorsHeaven Only Knows (Live) LyricsDavid Allan Coe
Live at billy bob's texas
Heaven only knows
You ain't daddy's little girl anymore
Isn't that a crying shame?
With your dreams of california
Searching for your wealth and fame
I can still see the tear drops
Streamin down your face
I can still hear you say
"There's no future in this place."
So you packed your belongings
While I stood and watched you go
Why I never tried to stop you
Heaven only knows
Through the years I got some post cards
That is all that I recall
Tellin me that you were happy
But I never got one call
You thought you knew all the answers
When you where seventeen
Someone just sent me your picture
From some dirty magazine!
And I've heard ya made some movies
That I would not care to see
I just know how much I love you
And that don't mean a thing to me
I guess your brother felt the same way
I could not keep him on the farm
They found his body in chicago
With a needle in his arm
I can still see the teardrops
Streamin down his face
I can still hear him say
"There's no future in this place"
While he packed his belongings
Like you once did long ago
Why I never tried to stop him
Heaven only knows
Now I am standing in this graveyard
Where we layed your momma down
I recall that preachers words now
When they put her in the ground
"it's your job to raise these children
And I tried to do my best
It's been ten years since we lost year
From that cancer in her chest."
I can feel the tear drops
Streamin down my face
Lately you know I"ve been thinkin
There's no future in this place
And I would pack my belongings
But I've got no place to go
Why the good lord doesn't take me
Haven only knows
But you ain't daddy's little girl anymore
Isn't that a crying shameYou might also likeEmbed

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Get ready to experience a remarkable performance by David Allan Coe through his live rendition of Heaven Only Knows. This legendary country singer has enchanted his audience for decades, and this song is no exception. With Coe's signature raw vocal style, country rock instrumentation, and heartfelt lyrics, Heaven Only Knows (Live) is a must-listen for any country music fan.

About Heaven Only Knows (Live)

Recorded live, Heaven Only Knows features Coe's unique voice that's rough around the edges, yet powerful and emotive. The recording quality of this track is top-notch, allowing the listener to experience the full energy and emotion of the live performance. The song starts with a slow and steady guitar riff, followed by the introduction of drums and bass that pick up the pace, setting the tone for the entire song. The instrumentation of this song fits perfectly with the lyrics, creating a captivating sonic journey that's hard to forget.

Coe's lyrics are both honest and heartbreaking, telling the story of lost love and regret. The melancholic melody of the song complements the lyrics, making the listener feel every word that Coe is singing. The chorus is particularly memorable, with Coe singing, "Heaven only knows where you've been, but I know where you're going to end up in the end". The chorus is repetitive, and Coe makes sure to sing it with enough passion and conviction to make the listener fully immerse in the story.

One of the standout elements of this live recording is the guitar solo towards the end of the song. The guitar solo is played with dexterity and passion, adding a layer of complexity to the song and showcasing the expert musicianship of Coe's band. The guitar solo, with its soaring melodies and emotionally charged playing, creates a triumphant end to a song that's otherwise sad and introspective.

David Allan Coe's Heaven Only Knows (Live) is a breathtaking performance that will transport any listener to a world of heartbreak, pain, and regret. This song is a true example of how music can express emotions better than any other art form, and Coe's vocals, together with the live instrumentation, convey a sense of longing that sticks with the listener long after it ends. If you're a fan of country music or heartfelt, emotional ballads, then this song should definitely be on your playlist.