David Gray

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Kathleen album cover


David Gray


[Verse 1]
Lay down my head by the wayside
My worn out shoes
Quite why she went I can't decide
Yeah but I sure could use

One plate of food steaming and hot
Clean linen ironed
On a fresh made bed but I ain't got
One salty dime, one salty dime
One salty dime

[V3 (enter Jolie Holland)]
Just close your eyes it won't take long
It won't hurt a bit
Telling myself I could be strong
Or some such brave bullshit

Trucks are roaring by I'm a red ghost
In their tail light gleam
I'm a tumbleweed I'm a spit roast
Just turning in your flame

Oh my darling Kathleen
Cars they sound like waves that are breaking
On some distant shore
I gazed so hard into the great aching sky
It seemed like I wasn't here no more

That my rushing blood was a river
My eyes two stars
My blowing hair all a quiver
A whispering field of grass

[Outro w Hook]
That murmurs as you pass
Oh my darling Kathleen
That whispers out your name
Oh my darling Kathleen
Oh my darling Kathleen

David Gray image

Welcome to a musical journey that will transport you to a world of emotions and heartfelt melodies. In this article, we will delve into the enchanting song "Kathleen" by David Gray, featuring the mesmerizing vocals of Jolie Holland. With over two decades of music expertise, I am thrilled to share with you the captivating details and the significance behind this soul-stirring composition.

About Kathleen

Released in 2003, "Kathleen" is a poignant masterpiece that showcases the extraordinary talents of David Gray and Jolie Holland. This evocative track is a beautiful blend of Gray's melodic brilliance and Holland's soulful voice, resulting in a captivating musical experience that lingers long after the song ends.

From the first notes, "Kathleen" captivates the listener with its haunting melody, drawing you into its intricate web of emotions. The delicate acoustic guitar resonates with a sense of longing, perfectly complemented by the raw vulnerability in the vocals of both Gray and Holland. Their harmonies intertwine effortlessly, creating a remarkable synergy that adds depth and richness to the song.

The lyrics of "Kathleen" are a testament to Gray's exceptional songwriting skills. Each verse is crafted with evocative imagery and poetic storytelling, capturing the essence of love and longing. It explores the depths of human emotions, portraying a heartfelt narrative of love lost and the bittersweet memories that remain.

As the song unfolds, Gray's and Holland's impassioned delivery infuses every line with raw emotion, creating an intimate connection with the listener. Their voices intertwine, reflecting the longing and vulnerability expressed in the lyrics. The sincerity in their performance evokes a profound sense of empathy, drawing you into the emotional core of the song.

The musical arrangement of "Kathleen" is carefully orchestrated to enhance the emotional impact of the lyrics. The gentle acoustic guitar provides a soothing backdrop, while subtle strings and piano embellishments add layers of depth and texture. This delicate balance of instrumentation and vocals creates a mesmerizing sonic tapestry that immerses the listener in a world of melancholic beauty.

One of the highlights of "Kathleen" is Jolie Holland's breathtaking contribution. Her distinct and soulful voice intertwines beautifully with Gray's, elevating the song to greater heights. Holland's unique vocal timbre adds an earthy and ethereal quality, enhancing the emotional resonance of the lyrics.

"Kathleen" is a testament to the timeless nature of music that transcends genres and eras. Its melancholic and introspective vibes resonate with anyone who has ever experienced the complexities of love and loss. The song possesses a universal quality that makes it relatable to listeners from all walks of life.

With its poetic lyricism, haunting melodies, and powerful vocal performances, "Kathleen" is a masterpiece that showcases the extraordinary talents of David Gray and Jolie Holland. Whether you are a long-time fan or discovering this song for the first time, prepare to be swept away by the raw emotion and captivating elegance of "Kathleen."

Sit back, close your eyes, and allow the captivating sounds of "Kathleen" to take you on a soul-stirring journey. Experience the raw vulnerability and intense emotions that lie within this musical gem. Let the evocative melodies wash over you and allow yourself to be transported to a world where love and memories intertwine.

Discover the magic of "Kathleen" and let its enchanting beauty leave an indelible mark on your musical soul.

  • Release Date: September 14, 2008
  • Artist: David Gray