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그렇더라고요 (When You Love Someone) album cover

그렇더라고요 (When You Love Someone)



7 ContributorsTranslationsEnglishRomanization그렇더라고요 (When You Love Someone) LyricsHangul

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내가 대신 아파해주고 싶어요
다신 그대의 마음에
상처가 나지 않았으면 해요

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This is a song for you
I’m singing for you

This is a song for you
I’m singing for you
내 모든걸 다 줄게

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다신 그대의 마음에
상처가 나지 않았으면 해요
누군가를 넘치게
좋아한다는 건
참 신기하게도

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안녕하세요! Today, I'm thrilled to dive into the heartfelt ballad 그렇더라고요 (When You Love Someone) by the talented K-pop band DAY6. This emotional track showcases the band's ability to convey deep emotions through their soulful vocals and relatable lyrics. In this description, we'll explore the powerful meaning behind the song, the captivating melody, and the impact it has had on listeners worldwide.

About 그렇더라고요 (When You Love Someone)

그렇더라고요 (When You Love Someone) is a moving masterpiece that paints a poignant picture of sacrificing oneself for the sake of love. The song delves into the depths of selflessness and magnanimity, expressing the singer's willingness to endure pain on behalf of their loved one. It encapsulates the concept of being willing to act as a martyr if it would alleviate their partner's suffering. Through heartfelt lyrics and captivating melodies, DAY6 skillfully portrays this self-sacrificial love that knows no bounds.

The song starts off with a gentle yet poignant piano intro, immediately capturing the listener's attention and setting the emotional tone. As the vocals kick in, the singer's voice resonates with raw passion, further enhancing the sentiment of the lyrics. DAY6's ability to convey intense emotions through their delivery is truly remarkable, making this song even more impactful.

The lyrics of 그렇더라고요 (When You Love Someone) are incredibly powerful, as they paint a vivid picture of a love that is willing to bear any burden. The singer expresses the heartfelt desire to take away their loved one's pain, highlighting the depth of their love and concern. The simple yet profound phrase, "Would take all your pain away if I could," echoes throughout the song, beautifully encapsulating the selfless devotion depicted in the track.

Each word in this ballad is carefully crafted to tug at the heartstrings of listeners, evoking empathy and understanding. DAY6's ability to connect with their audience through relatable lyrics is one of their greatest strengths, and it shines through in every verse of 그렇더라고요 (When You Love Someone).

The melody of this song beautifully complements the heartfelt lyrics. DAY6 expertly weaves a captivating blend of soft and intense moments, mirroring the emotions conveyed in the words. The chorus rises to an emotional crescendo, with the band members' harmonies coming together in perfect unison. The power and intensity of the chorus create a poignant impact, leaving a lasting impression on anyone who listens.

Throughout the song, the instrumental arrangement perfectly accompanies the emotional journey. The use of piano, gentle acoustic guitar, and subdued percussion creates a tender atmosphere, allowing the lyrics and vocals to take center stage. The instrumental breaks between verses give listeners a moment to reflect on the profound message of the song, further enhancing the overall experience.

그렇더라고요 (When You Love Someone) has resonated with fans all over the world, touching the hearts of listeners with its relatable themes and sincere delivery. This powerful ballad represents the true essence of selfless love, reminding us of the lengths we are willing to go for those we care about. DAY6's ability to articulate complex emotions through their music is a testament to their incredible talent as artists.

In this song, DAY6 beautifully captures the universal experience of love and sacrifice. Whether you've personally experienced a love so profound or simply appreciate heartfelt ballads, 그렇더라고요 (When You Love Someone) is an absolute gem worth adding to your playlist. Allow yourself to be moved by the genuine emotions conveyed by DAY6 and immerse yourself in the evocative journey that this song offers.

So sit back, grab your headphones, and let DAY6's 그렇더라고요 (When You Love Someone) transport you to a world of pure emotion and selfless love. Experience the power of their musicality as they weave a melodic tapestry that resonates deep within your soul. This song is a true testament to the timeless beauty of expressive music that connects people from all walks of life.

감사합니다 (Thank you)! We hope you enjoy this captivating and soul-stirring masterpiece by DAY6!

  • Release Date: September 29, 2017
  • Artist: DAY6