Dead or Alive

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I Want You

Dead or Alive


2 ContributorsI Want You LyricsSome people like to wait around
They always seem to take
Just what the future brings
Me, I've never been like that
Got myself what I want
But not everything

But what's a boy to do
Without it
What's a boy to do

I want you
You want me
Let it be
Please be mine
The sun won't shine
If you won't say you're mine
I want you

I've been waiting round so long
Wishin', hopin', prayin' I'd catch your eye
You give lots of special love
But I get disappointed cause they never smile

But what's a boy to do without it
What's a boy to do
You might also like(Chorus)
Somebody needs
Somebody loves
Somebody treats me right

Some people like to wait around
Wastin' time and taking what the future brings
Me I know just what I want
I've always had a likin' for life's finer things
But what's a boy
To do about it
What's a boy to doEmbed

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If you're a fan of 80s music and iconic pop songs, then you're in for a treat with Dead or Alive's infectious hit, "I Want You." This mesmerizing track encapsulates the vibrant energy and distinctive style of the era, blending orchestral production with a calypso beat that is sure to get your feet tapping and your body moving. With its undeniable charm and catchy melodies, "I Want You" has rightfully earned its place as a cherished gem in the realm of 80s pop music.

About I Want You

"I Want You" showcases Dead or Alive's ability to infuse their music with a unique and refreshing sound. Released in 1983 as part of their album "Mad, Bad, and Dangerous to Know," this song took the music scene by storm, effortlessly merging different genres and creating a sonic experience that resonates with listeners even to this day.

Featuring orchestral production that adds an element of grandeur, "I Want You" immediately sets the stage for a truly captivating musical journey. The calypso beat injects the song with an infectious rhythm, creating a lively and energetic atmosphere that is impossible to resist. It's no wonder that this track draws comparisons to Culture Club's "I'll Tumble 4 Ya," another popular 80s hit that possesses a similar sense of vivacity.

While the parallel between "I Want You" and "I'll Tumble 4 Ya" may be striking, it's essential to note that Pete Burns, the lead vocalist of Dead or Alive, was likely not a fan of such a comparison. Given Burns' unique artistic style and penchant for pushing boundaries, it is understandable that he would prefer his work to be appreciated on its own merit rather than as a successor to someone else's creation. Nevertheless, the similarities in their lively and captivating nature are undeniable.

What sets "I Want You" apart from its contemporaries is the sheer power and conviction conveyed through Burns’ vocal performance. His distinctive and powerful voice effortlessly captures the essence of the song, delivering each lyric with unwavering emotion and intensity. As the lead singer of Dead or Alive, Burns was well-known for his theatrical flair and distinct fashion choices, further solidifying his position as an influential figure in the music scene of the 80s.

In addition to the visionary vocals, the lyrics of "I Want You" delve into the theme of desire and longing, adding a layer of depth to the song. The passionate verses combined with the infectious melodies create an irresistible charm, making it a favorite not only among fans of 80s music but also among those who appreciate the timeless elements that make a great pop song.

Furthermore, the production of "I Want You" showcases Dead or Alive's ability to seamlessly blend different musical elements. The orchestral arrangement adds a touch of elegance and grandiosity, elevating the song to new heights. The calypso beat, on the other hand, infuses the track with an infectious rhythm that begs for movement and dance. This unique fusion of sounds truly sets "I Want You" apart from other songs of its time.

As a testament to its enduring popularity, "I Want You" continues to resonate with listeners today. The song's catchy melodies and energetic atmosphere have cemented its place as an 80s classic, standing the test of time and remaining a beloved treasure in the world of pop music.

So next time you feel the need to transport yourself back to the vibrant 80s, give Dead or Alive's "I Want You" a listen. Let the intoxicating orchestral production and irresistible calypso beat take you on a captivating musical journey, and allow Burns' powerful vocals to envelop you in their raw passion. Immerse yourself in this iconic piece of 80s pop music and experience a song that truly stands out from the crowd.