Dead or Alive

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Then There Was You album cover

Then There Was You

Dead or Alive


3 ContributorsThen There Was You LyricsWhat a dizzy spin
My whole spirit was in
All my blue skies
They had turned to grey
And I had money
Enough to burn
So why did I all sing the blues
When suddenly

Then there was you Then there was you I looked around
Look what I found
Out there
Then there was you
Then there was you
What was I supposed to do

I was all alone
In a crowded room
I never thought I'd get the chance
To rip it up with you
I was dancing here
All by myself
I never thought I'd get the chance
To dance with someone else
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But you promised
You promised
You'd never go away
But you promised
You promised
Here's where you came

I had money
Enough to burn
So why did I still sing the blues
When suddenlyEmbed

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Picture yourself in a dark, mysterious room. As you enter, the ambient sound of synth strings fills the air, surrounding you with an eerie yet captivating presence. This is the soundscape painted by "Then There Was You," a mesmerizing track by Dead or Alive.

Synth strings play a prominent role in this song, persisting throughout its entirety. Their haunting melodies weave in and out, adding a gothic undertone that perfectly complements the overall atmosphere. It's almost as if the strings themselves are characters in a dark, mysterious tale.

Listening to "Then There Was You" evokes a sense of intrigue and captivation. The synth strings create a burst of perplexity, leaving you in awe of their complexity and beauty. They enhance the song's enigmatic nature, drawing you deeper into its sonic world.

About Then There Was You

With its synth-driven soundscapes and captivating melodies, "Then There Was You" stands as a testament to Dead or Alive's musical prowess. Released as part of their album, the song offers a captivating blend of goth and synthpop elements.

The track showcases Dead or Alive's ability to seamlessly merge different musical styles. Synth strings take center stage, enveloping the listener in their melancholic embrace. These ethereal tones provide a dramatic backdrop for the powerful vocals, creating a hauntingly beautiful composition.

Throughout "Then There Was You," the synth strings persistently contribute to the overall mood of the song. Sometimes they take a more subtle approach, subtly enhancing the melody and adding depth to the instrumentation. Other times, they surge forward, demanding the listener's attention with their rich, resonating sound.

One cannot help but appreciate the burstiness of this track. The synth strings burst through the atmosphere, infusing the song with intensity and emotion. Their soaring melodies heighten the song's climactic moments, creating a dynamic listening experience full of surprises and twists.

By incorporating synth strings as a prominent feature, Dead or Alive deftly creates a juxtaposition between darkness and beauty. The strings add a gothic touch, matching the overall aesthetic of the album cover and enveloping the song in an air of mystery.

As the song progresses, its complexity unfolds. Dead or Alive's masterful production ensures that each element, including the synth strings, plays a vital role in the overall composition. Every chord, every note is intentional, resulting in a track that oozes with musical authenticity.

Listening to "Then There Was You" is like embarking on a musical journey. The synth strings guide you through the twists and turns of the song, leading you deeper into its captivating world. They become your companions, accompanying you on a sonic adventure that leaves a lasting impression.

In "Then There Was You," Dead or Alive showcases their ability to create music that is both thought-provoking and emotionally resonant. By skillfully blending goth and synthpop elements, they have crafted a track that stands the test of time. The haunting melodies of the synth strings add an element of mystique, making this song an unforgettable experience for any listener.

So, step into the dark room and let the enchanting sound of synth strings in "Then There Was You" transport you to a world where mystery and beauty intertwine.