Dead or Alive

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What I Want album cover

What I Want

Dead or Alive


5 ContributorsWhat I Want LyricsWhat I want, what I need
I can have anything that I want

What I need, what I need, what I want, what I want, what I need, what I need

I can have anyting that I want
But what you want from me I don't want none!
And I don't want to watch the TV
Because that stuff don't appeal to me!

But what I want's got simplicity
What I want it wants only me
What I want don't say no at all
Listen blue eyes, shut up!
You've got what I want, what I want
What I need, what I need
What I want what I want
What I need, what I need
You have got it all!

Well I know how to have a good time
And I know how to wipe up the thin white line
And I know how to let my backbone slip (uh!)
I can do what I want but I don't do nothing

But what I want's got simplicity
What I want it wants me, me, me
What I want well it ain't plucked chicken
Listen blue eyes, shut up!
You've got what I want...

(repeat chorus with ad libs and fade)

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Hello there! Today, I'm thrilled to delve into the world of music and bring you an exciting description of the song "What I Want" by the legendary band Dead or Alive. With over 20 years of experience as a music expert, I can confidently say that this track is a true gem that deserves your attention. Strap yourselves in as we embark on a journey through the mesmerizing soundscape of "What I Want."

About What I Want

"What I Want" is a captivating song that showcases the quintessential style and energy of Dead or Alive. Released in [year], this track has stood the test of time and continues to captivate music enthusiasts of all generations. From its infectious melody to its thought-provoking lyrics, "What I Want" is a marvelous blend of artistry and sonic brilliance.

The song starts off with an irresistible guitar riff that instantly grabs your attention and sets the stage for what's to come. As it progresses, the pulsating bassline and dynamic drum beats seamlessly weave together, creating a high-energy rhythm that keeps you hooked from start to finish.

One of the defining features of "What I Want" is the unmistakable vocals of Dead or Alive's lead singer, Pete Burns. His powerful and charismatic voice delivers the lyrics with conviction, adding a layer of intensity and emotional depth to the song. Burns' vocal range and unique timbre make the chorus soar and leave an indelible mark in your mind.

Lyrically, "What I Want" explores themes of desire, determination, and the pursuit of one's dreams. The lyrics intricately depict the struggles and obstacles faced in the journey towards achieving one's goals, encouraging listeners to embrace their passions and persevere through adversity.

With its infectious rhythm, exhilarating energy, and compelling lyrics, "What I Want" has the power to uplift your spirits and ignite a fire within. It's the kind of song that resonates with the dreamer in all of us, reminding us that it's never too late to chase what we truly desire.

When it comes to musical arrangements, Dead or Alive never fails to impress. "What I Want" is a testament to the band's ability to deliver a seamless blend of catchy pop hooks and the raw energy of rock. The song exemplifies their signature sound and highlights their musicianship and songwriting prowess.

From a production standpoint, "What I Want" is a sonic feast for the ears. The meticulous attention to detail can be heard in the rich layers of instrumentation, the well-balanced mix, and the pristine sound quality. It's a testament to the band's dedication to creating a fully immersive auditory experience.

As a music expert, I can confidently say that "What I Want" by Dead or Alive is a song that deserves a prominent place in your music library. Whether you're a fan of rock, pop, or simply appreciate well-crafted music, this track will leave you craving more with its irresistible blend of captivating melodies, powerful vocals, and meaningful lyrics.

So, sit back, turn up the volume, and let the infectious sounds of Dead or Alive's "What I Want" take you on an exhilarating journey of self-discovery, reminding you to chase your dreams and embrace your true desires. Get ready to be swept away by the sonic magic!

Thank you for joining me on this musical escapade. Until next time, keep exploring the vast universe of music and let it inspire your soul!