Die Antwoord

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Moon Love album cover

Moon Love

Die Antwoord


3 ContributorsMoon Love LyricsSixteen: Mommy, my heart is broken
Yolandi: Hmm?
Sixteen: Because my daddy might fix it!
Ninja: Yea, I'll fix it, come here
Sixteen: Mommy can you move away?
Ninja: Come lie in your space, I'll tell her to go fix it. I'll fix it, lie in the space here
Sixteen: But mommy can't have a space for me here
Ninja: She's just dreaming. She's dreaming. Let me make a space, yeah?
Sixteen: Heh, sorry
Ninja: No problem. Just tell me whats the problem. Is your heart, is your heart - how does it feel? What's wrong with it? Is your heart broken? Okay, I'll fix it
Sixteen: Fix it like this, do that
Ninja: Just give me one tuck, I just love you so much
Sixteen: I can't get a tuck because my heart is broken
Ninja: I'll fix it
Sixteen: My heart is fixed!

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Die Antwoord's "Moon Love" featuring Sixteen Jones is a song that speaks to the power of love and the magic that it holds. Originally on MaxNormal.TV’s “Good Morning South Africa,” this track beautifully captures the essence of Die Antwoord's musical identity – the energetic and raw style that has won them numerous fans across the globe. With this song, they have once again shattered the confines of conventional music to create something that is truly unique and captivating.

About Moon Love

"Moon Love" is a song that takes Die Antwoord listeners on an emotional journey from start to finish. The song opens with a captivating beat that draws the listener in immediately. The lyrics, especially those of Sixteen Jones, are beautiful and full of emotion that leaves you in a contemplative mood. Sixteen Jones sets the scene by telling the story of her broken heart when she was just two years old, and how she asked her father to fix it using his magical powers. This singular event represents one of several instances on the journey of the song that the listener is bound to get lost in.

Ninja's well-thought-out words interlace with the beat, bringing the listener to another place. The song is full of intelligent metaphors that represent the depth of his understanding of love. "Moon Love" is a vibrant mixture of dark and light that shakes the listener to their core. It reveals the deepest fears and joys of love, putting you in a trance that is hard to come out of.

One of the exciting things about "Moon Love" is its mythical aura that Die Antwoord brings to the song. It's a journey of the moon, one that we have all experienced in some ways in our lives. The moon represents emotions, feelings, and thoughts that need to be acknowledged and expressed. Its whimsicality represents the constantly evolving state of love, which can be beautiful in moments but downright ugly in others. The song captures the entirety of these emotions, leaving listeners with a piece of art that is relatable to everyone.

The beat of "Moon Love" is carefully crafted, and at first, it seems quite simple. It's easy to get lost in the music, and almost forget that vocals are there to accompany it. This slowness provides the listener with the opportunity to evaluate the lyrics, allowing them to ponder and reflect on the depths of what is being said.

Die Antwoord's "Moon Love" is a song that transcends time and space. From its slow ballad-like opening to the beat that slowly builds tempo throughout the song, it creates an atmosphere that is both magical and real. The track is a perfect example of Die Antwoord's ability to create music that is beautiful but also deeply personal. It's a song that is sure to capture hearts and minds, one that will resonate with anyone who has ever experienced the power of love.

The Bottom Line

"Moon Love" by Die Antwoord featuring Sixteen Jones is a song that is equal parts contemplative and beautiful. It's a song that reminds you of how simple and complex love can be simultaneously. The perfect blend of vocals, beat, and lyrics creates an experience that will linger and impact the listener long after it ends. Die Antwoord has demonstrated their musical genius with this track, and it has become one of the most beloved songs in their repertoire.

If you're looking for a song that is going to make you feel something special, then "Moon Love" is the track for you. It's a beautiful representation of music's power to transcend reality and take us on a journey of our most profound emotions. Listening to this song is a beautiful experience that you won't regret.