Die Toten Hosen

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Die Moorsoldaten album cover

Die Moorsoldaten

Die Toten Hosen


[Verse 1]
Wohin auch das Auge blickt
Moor und Heide nur ringsum
Vogelsang uns nie erquickt
Eichen stehen kahl und krumm

Wir sind die Moorsoldaten
Und ziehen mit dem Spaten
Ins Moor!

[Verse 2]
Hier in dieser öden Heide
Ist das Lager aufgebaut
Wo wir fern von jeder Freude
Hinter Stacheldraht verstaut

Wir sind die Moorsoldaten
Und ziehen mit dem Spaten
Ins Moor!

[Verse 3]
Morgens ziehen die Kolonnen
In das Moor zur Arbeit hin
Graben bei dem Brand der Sonne
Doch zur Heimat steht ihr Sinn
See Die Toten Hosen LiveGet tickets as low as $97You might also likeWir sind die Moorsoldaten
Und ziehen mit dem Spaten
Ins Moor!
Wir sind die Moorsoldaten
Und ziehen mit dem Spaten
Ins Moor!

[Verse 4]
Auf und nieder gehn die Posten
Keiner, keiner kann hindurch
Flucht wird nur das Leben kosten
Vierfach ist umzäunt die Burg

Wir sind die Moorsoldaten
Und ziehen mit dem Spaten
Ins Moor!
Wir sind die Moorsoldaten
Und ziehen mit dem Spaten
Ins Moor!

[Verse 5]
Doch für uns gibt es kein Klagen
Ewig kann's nicht Winter sein
Einmal werden froh wir sagen:
Heimat, du bist wieder mein
Dann ziehn die Moorsoldaten
Nicht mehr mit dem Spaten
Ins Moor!
Dann ziehn die Moorsoldaten
Nie mehr mit dem Spaten
Ins Moor!Embed

Die Toten Hosen image

Die Moorsoldaten, performed by the German punk band Die Toten Hosen, is a powerful song that holds significant historical and emotional weight. Ranging from its origins in a Nazi concentration camp to its enduring legacy as a symbol of resistance, this song tells a story that continues to resonate with audiences worldwide.

About Die Moorsoldaten

The history of Die Moorsoldaten dates back to 1933 when it was created by prisoners in the Börgermoor concentration camp, located in Papenburg in the Emsland region of Germany. The song was first performed during a camp event, where the impact of its powerful lyrics was immediately felt. The last refrain, sung by all the prisoners, left such a lasting impression that the camp authorities banned the song just two days later, recognizing its potential to inspire resistance and defiance.

The lyrics themselves are a haunting depiction of the dreadful conditions endured by the prisoners. The Moorsoldaten, or peat bog soldiers, refers to the forced laborers who were tasked with draining the swampy moors in the Emsland region. Their days were filled with back-breaking toil, with little respite from the harshness of their environment. The song speaks of their suffering, their anguish, and their unwavering spirit in the face of unimaginable adversity.

Die Moorsoldaten has resonated with audiences because of its powerful emotional impact. The lyrics, coupled with the raw energy of the music, convey a sense of defiance and resilience in the face of oppression. It serves as a poignant reminder of the atrocities committed during the Nazi era, as well as a testament to the strength of the human spirit in the darkest of times. The song's enduring popularity is a testament to its ability to evoke powerful emotions and inspire reflection on the past.

Die Moorsoldaten gained further prominence when it was covered and popularized by German punk band Die Toten Hosen. Their energetic rendition brought the song to a new audience, introducing it to a generation who may not have been familiar with its origins. Die Toten Hosen's version retains the essence and power of the original while infusing it with their unique punk rock sound.

Die Toten Hosen's rendition of Die Moorsoldaten captures the spirit of the song in a way that resonates with modern listeners. Through their energetic performance, they breathe new life into the lyrics and help keep the memory of the Moorsoldaten alive. The band's interpretation serves as a bridge between past and present, ensuring that the stories of those who suffered and resisted during the Nazi era are not forgotten.

Beyond its historical significance and emotional impact, Die Moorsoldaten is a song that has become a symbol of resistance and solidarity. Its enduring popularity and continued use in protests and commemorative events highlight its status as an anthem for those fighting against injustice and oppression. The song's message of resilience and unity remains as relevant today as it was during its creation.

In a world where the fight for human rights and equality continues, Die Moorsoldaten serves as a reminder of the importance of speaking out against injustice and standing up for what is right. Its timeless message has transcended generations and borders, proving that music can be a powerful tool for fostering hope and inspiring change.

Die Moorsoldaten by Die Toten Hosen is a song that combines historical significance, emotional depth, and a powerful message of resistance. It stands as a testament to the strength of the human spirit and serves as a bridge between past and present. Through its haunting lyrics and energetic performance, it continues to inspire and resonate with audiences worldwide, reminding us of the importance of fighting for justice and standing against oppression.