Donnie McClurkin

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I Am Amazed

Donnie McClurkin


2 ContributorsI Am Amazed LyricsI am amazed at the power of His name
I am amazed at the power of His love
I am amazed at the power of His blood
Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh I Am Amazed
Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh I Am Amazed
Yes I am amazed at the wonders of His grace (His grace)
I am amazed at His plan
I am amazed at the wonders of His handsYes
Oh, I am amazed Yes I Am
He washed my sins away. Amazing
He heals the broken heart. Amazing
He gives a second chance. Amazing
Oh, I am amazed
He stops the enemy. Amazing
He set the captives free. Amazing
His blessings over me. Amazing
Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh I Am Amazed
By His blood the price was paid. Amazing
By His blood that's all erased. Amazing
By this I'm truly saved. Amazing
Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh I Am Amazed
Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh I Am Amazed
I Am Amazed
It's amazing how He saved me
It's amazing how He freed me
It's amazing how He loves me
So amazing how He delivered me
I Am Amazed
So amazing
When I think of all you've done for me
I Am Amazed
Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh I Am AmazedYou might also likeEmbed

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Get ready to be mesmerized by the powerful lyrics and soulful voice of Donnie McClurkin in his most popular track, I Am Amazed. This gospel song has resonated with listeners across the world since its release and continues to inspire people with its message of faith and hope.

About I Am Amazed

I Am Amazed is a gospel song that was released by Donnie McClurkin in 2000 on his album, Live in London and More. The song quickly gained popularity and has been a favorite of the gospel genre ever since.

The song opens with a simple yet powerful line that sets the tone for the entire track. It starts with "You've come to me in a way that I can understand." This line gives listeners a sense of comfort and understanding as it establishes a connection between God and the listener.

Throughout the song, McClurkin vocalizes his amazement at God's love and grace. He sings lines like "I am amazed at your love for me" and "I am amazed at your unending mercy," both of which illustrate his awe and gratitude towards God's kindness and compassion.

What sets I Am Amazed apart from other gospel songs is that it is relatable to people from all walks of life. No matter where someone is on their faith journey or what they are going through, this song serves as a reminder that they are never alone and that God is always with them.

Another standout aspect of the song is McClurkin's vocal performance. His voice is distinct, powerful, and emotive, carrying the listener through the ups and downs of the song's lyrics. From the soft, introspective moments to the soaring crescendos, McClurkin's voice brings the song to life in a way that is truly unforgettable.

I Am Amazed is a timeless gospel song that continues to inspire and uplift listeners nearly two decades after its release. Whether you are a devout follower of Christ or simply appreciate good music, this song is a must-listen.

So if you haven't experienced the awe-inspiring power of I Am Amazed by Donnie McClurkin yet, do yourself a favor and give it a listen today. You'll be glad you did.