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Cocaine Sunday album cover

Cocaine Sunday



[Verse 1]
Never making love again
There's too much pain inside my head
Feeling insecure
I don't know what for
You have to tell me
You have to tell me now
I'm a waste of time
I said I'd never lie
And then I come home
With truth you don't wanna know
I was high on coke
I should have never cheated

'Cause now I wanna die
Commit suicide
You said that I'm addicted to pain
I guess you were right
I guess you were right
So right

[Verse 2]
Are you still in love?
I ask you every night
Are you meant for me?
'Cause all you do is fight
Everything I did was wrong
Everything you said was right
So right
Everything I did was wrong
Everything you said was right
So right, so right
So dark inside
That's why I wanna die
Commit suicide
You said that I'm addicted to pain
I guess you were right
I guess you were right
So rightEmbed

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Hey there, music lovers! Today, I want to take you on a journey into the hauntingly beautiful realm of Eyedress' captivating track, "Cocaine Sunday." Brace yourself for a mind-altering experience as we delve into the depths of Eyedress' personal demons and the introspective narrative he weaves through this musical masterpiece.

About Cocaine Sunday

Cocaine Sunday is a track that serves as a raw and introspective window into Eyedress' battle with his personal demons. With subtle references to his drug problems, Eyedress takes us on a journey through the inner turmoil he faces on a daily basis. The track's title itself invokes a sense of darkness, which is flawlessly echoed in the music.

With a hypnotic and laid-back vibe, Cocaine Sunday manages to stay true to Eyedress' signature sound while delving into uncharted emotional territory. It's a song that embraces both darkness and vulnerability, and feels like a cathartic release of pent-up emotions.

Originally released as part of the collaborative record Sahara Hardcore, Vol. 2, on February 16, 2018, Cocaine Sunday found its permanent place on Eyedress' highly acclaimed sophomore album, Sensitive G, which was released on November 16, 2018. This track was an essential addition to the album, further showcasing Eyedress' growth as an artist and his willingness to explore his innermost struggles.

From the opening notes of Cocaine Sunday, you are immediately transported into a soundscape that embraces a sense of eeriness and introspection. The hauntingly beautiful melodies float seamlessly over a hypnotic beat, creating an atmosphere that feels both captivating and unsettling. Eyedress masterfully blends elements of indie-pop, R&B, and electronic music to create a unique sonic experience that is deeply immersive.

As you delve deeper into the lyrics of Cocaine Sunday, you begin to unravel the layers of Eyedress' personal struggles. His haunting vocals intertwine with honest and introspective words, leaving no room for superficiality. It's a direct and unapologetic examination of his own demons, painting a vivid picture of the battles he faces within his own mind.

Eye-catching lines like "I never feel okay though, my mind is bent and tangled," offer a glimpse into the mental anguish that Eyedress confronts. These deeply personal lyrics draw you in, making you feel like an active participant in his journey towards self-discovery.

What truly sets Cocaine Sunday apart is its ability to capture a sense of perplexity and burstiness. The track effortlessly oscillates between moments of delicate vulnerability and explosive emotional release. It's a rollercoaster ride of feelings that creates an immersive experience for the listener.

In many ways, Cocaine Sunday serves as a metaphorical mirror, reflecting the struggles of countless individuals battling their own demons. Eyedress' willingness to share his personal experiences confronts the stigma surrounding mental health and unveils the raw emotions many face on a daily basis.

Cocaine Sunday is a song that resonates on a deep and personal level, offering solace to those who have faced similar struggles. Eyedress' ability to craft such an intimate and introspective track showcases his growth as an artist, and solidifies his place as a masterful storyteller through music.

So, whether you're in search of a captivating musical journey or simply a fan of raw and honest lyricism, Cocaine Sunday is a must-listen. Prepare to be spellbound by Eyedress' sonic tapestry, as he fearlessly confronts his personal demons and invites you to do the same. Dive into this captivating track, and let its haunting melodies and raw emotion wash over you.

Remember, music has the power to heal, and Cocaine Sunday is the perfect testament to that. Embrace the darkness, embrace the vulnerability, and allow Eyedress' heartfelt words to weave their magic in your soul.

Until next time, keep exploring the wonders of music!

  • Release Date: February 13, 2018
  • Artist: Eyedress