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Sleeping On The Couch album cover

Sleeping On The Couch



Went to the shadow of the sun
I cried underneath the moonlight
I felt all the pain that caused you
I slept on the couch at night
I didn't say a word the next day
Because I know it wasn't right

All my friends are gone
All my friends are home
Can I still joke here?
Everyone should cut their hair
Everyone feels alone
And I'm still here at home
Everything's gonna be okay
'Cause I saw you todayYou might also likeEmbed

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Sleeping On The Couch by Eyedress is a mesmerizing piece of music that captivates listeners with its hauntingly beautiful melodies and introspective lyrics. With its dreamy soundscape and deeply personal themes, this song is a true gem in Eyedress' repertoire. Whether you're a long-time fan or new to his music, Sleeping On The Couch is a track that will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression.

About Sleeping On The Couch

Sleeping On The Couch showcases Eyedress' unique blend of genres, effortlessly combining elements of dream pop, indie rock, and electronic music. The song begins with a gentle yet melancholic guitar riff that sets the emotional tone right from the start. As the track progresses, electronic beats and atmospheric synths join the mix, adding layers of depth and texture to the overall sound.

What sets Sleeping On The Couch apart from other songs in Eyedress' discography is its introspective and vulnerable lyrics. The song delves into themes of heartbreak, regret, and longing, inviting listeners into the artist's personal journey. Eyedress' poetic and heartfelt words paint a vivid picture, allowing audiences to connect on a deep and emotional level.

The production quality of Sleeping On The Couch is nothing short of exceptional. The careful attention to detail in the instrumentation and mixing creates a rich and immersive sonic experience. Each instrument is meticulously placed, allowing the listener to hear every intricate nuance. The seamless integration of electronic elements with organic instrumentation showcases Eyedress' masterful production skills.

One of the standout aspects of Sleeping On The Couch is Eyedress' captivating vocals. His voice effortlessly glides over the music, conveying a sense of vulnerability and raw emotion. The haunting quality of his delivery adds to the overall atmospheric and introspective nature of the song.

Sleeping On The Couch is a song that perfectly captures the essence of Eyedress as an artist. His ability to create a sonic landscape that is both mesmerizing and deeply personal is truly impressive. The track's dreamy yet melancholic vibe invites listeners to embark on a reflective and emotional journey alongside Eyedress.

With its captivating melodies, introspective lyrics, and impeccable production quality, Sleeping On The Couch is a song that demands to be listened to and appreciated. Whether you find solace in its melancholic beauty or identify with the feelings of heartbreak and longing, this track is a testament to Eyedress' talent as a musician and storyteller.

If you're a fan of indie pop, dream pop, or electronic music, Sleeping On The Couch is a must-listen. Its haunting melodies and poignant lyrics will resonate with you long after the song has ended. Prepare to be transported to a world of emotions and introspection as you dive into the sonic wonderland that is Sleeping On The Couch by Eyedress.

  • Release Date: November 16, 2018
  • Artist: Eyedress