Fleet Foxes

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Sun It Rises album cover

Sun It Rises

Fleet Foxes


Red squirrel in the morning
Red squirrel in the evening
Red squirrel in the morning
I'm coming to take you home

Sun risin' over my head
In the morning when I rise
Hold me dear into the night
Sun, it will rise soon enough

The sun rising, dangling there
Golden and fair, in the skySee Fleet Foxes LiveGet tickets as low as $60

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Hey there music lovers! Today, let's dive into the enchanting world of Fleet Foxes and one of their most captivating tracks, "Sun It Rises." As the opening number on their self-titled debut album, this ethereal tune sets the tone for the musical journey that lies ahead. So, sit back, relax, and let the warmth of the sunrise wash over you as we explore the wistful beauty of "Sun It Rises."

About Sun It Rises

Ah, "Sun It Rises," what a fitting title for a song that truly captures the essence of a sunrise over an evergreen mountain. Fleet Foxes take us on a nostalgic trip to the past with their irresistible blend of indie folk and baroque pop. The song kicks off with a short tune known as "Red Squirrel," which feels like a field recording sung by a quaint small-town congregation from half a century ago. It's a delightful introduction that immerses us in Fleet Foxes' enchanting old world before seamlessly flowing into the main track.

Once "Sun It Rises" takes over, its heraldic soundscapes paint a vivid picture of a sun-drenched landscape awakening to a new day. The band's intricate harmonies and mesmerizing instrumentation transport us to a place where time seems to stand still. The delicately plucked guitars, cascading piano melodies, and soaring vocals intertwine to create an atmosphere that is both intimate and grandiose.

What sets Fleet Foxes apart is their intricate attention to detail and their ability to infuse their music with a sense of nostalgia. "Sun It Rises" is no exception, as its lush arrangements and intricate musical layers effortlessly draw us into the band's sonic universe. Just like the colors of a sunrise paint the sky, Fleet Foxes' sonic palette combines gentle folk melodies, choral-esque harmonies, and intricate vocal arrangements to create an immersive listening experience.

As the song progresses, the lyrics take on a poetic quality, evoking a sense of introspection and contemplation. The lyrics, like the rising sun, invite us to reflect on the cyclical nature of life and the passage of time. Robin Pecknold's evocative and introspective storytelling shines through as he sings, "And all of the gulls, they were soaring higher / And all of the gulls, they were just birds." These words encourage us to embrace the beauty and transience of life, just as the sun rises and sets each day.

The melodic structure of "Sun It Rises" builds a sense of anticipation throughout the song. The gentle, lilting verses give way to soaring, anthemic choruses that feel like a burst of sunlight breaking through the clouds. It's a breathtaking musical journey that takes us from intimate moments of introspection to soaring heights of hope and optimism.

With "Sun It Rises," Fleet Foxes have created a musical masterpiece that combines intricate craftsmanship with raw emotion. The song showcases their remarkable ability to blend folk traditions with lush, cinematic arrangements. It's a testament to their artistry and vision as musicians.

So, whether you're a long-time fan of Fleet Foxes or just discovering their enchanting melodies, "Sun It Rises" is a song that will leave a lasting impression. Its timeless beauty and poetic storytelling make it a standout track in their discography. So, why not take a moment to bask in the warmth of this musical sunrise and let the captivating sounds of Fleet Foxes wash over you? Trust me, it's an experience you won't want to miss.

And there you have it, folks! The mesmerizing journey of "Sun It Rises" by Fleet Foxes. Remember, music has the incredible power to transport us to different worlds, evoke profound emotions, and leave us forever changed. So, embrace the music, embrace the sunrise, and let your spirit soar with Fleet Foxes.