Fleet Foxes

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The Plains / Bitter Dancer album cover

The Plains / Bitter Dancer

Fleet Foxes


16 ContributorsThe Plains / Bitter Dancer LyricsJust as the sand made everything round
Just as the tar seeps up from the ground
Bitter dancer, ever turning
So was the day that you came to town
You took a room and you settled in
Washed off the chalk from your weathered skin
Daylight sleeper, bloody reaper
You took a room and you settled in
I should have known one day you would come
All of us walk so blind in the sun
Midnight feeder, beggar pleader
I should have known one day you would come
Tell me again my only son
Tell me again what have you done

At arm's length
I will hold you there

At arm's length
I will hold you there
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Are you ready to dive into the mesmerizing world of Fleet Foxes? Sit back and let the enchanting sounds of their song, "The Plains / Bitter Dancer," transport you to a place of introspection and beauty. In this unique piece, the band showcases their talent for crafting intricate melodies and heartfelt lyrics, capturing the essence of both melancholy and hope. Join me as we explore the origins and meanings behind this captivating composition.

About The Plains / Bitter Dancer

Released as part of their second studio album, "Helplessness Blues," "The Plains / Bitter Dancer" stands out as a song where the band truly lets their creativity shine. The producer of the album, Phil Ek, shared an intriguing insight into the creation process, revealing that the ending segment of the song was written by lead vocalist Robin Pecknold in the peaceful town of Port Townsend, just 50 miles outside of Seattle.

Picture this: Robin Pecknold, armed with his trusty Pro Tools, embarks on a journey to the cabin, harboring the idea of setting up a recording studio amidst the tranquility of nature. Yet, life had other plans. The cabin turned out to be far from an ideal sanctuary for recording, with its noisy and creaky surroundings disrupting the creative flow. Undeterred, Pecknold accepted the timing was not right for completing a full album and instead focused on letting his musical ideas take shape. And so, "The Plains / Bitter Dancer" began to blossom.

With its ethereal harmonies, delicate instrumentation, and thought-provoking lyrics, "The Plains / Bitter Dancer" invites listeners into a world where intricate storytelling meets the raw emotions of life's struggles. The song encapsulates the signature Fleet Foxes sound, characterized by its seamless blend of folk and indie rock influences, resulting in a sonic experience that is both familiar and refreshing.

As the song unfolds, it takes us on a journey through profound introspection. Pecknold's introspective lyrics delve into themes of longing, self-discovery, and the search for meaning. The poignant lines transport us to a place where landscapes merge with the inner workings of the human soul, evoking a sense of simultaneous melancholy and hope.

The musical arrangement adds layers of depth to the song's emotional landscape. The delicate acoustic guitar melodies intertwine with the gentle sway of the percussion, lulling the listener into a state of contemplation. The harmonies provided by the band members create a rich tapestry of voices, evoking a feeling of unity and shared experience.

One cannot help but be captivated by the song's structure, with its dynamic shifts and masterful transitions. From the introspective opening verses to the soaring crescendos that end the track, the band takes us on a musical rollercoaster that reflects the tumultuous nature of human emotions. It's a testament to Fleet Foxes' skill in crafting songs that unfold slowly, revealing new layers of meaning with each listen.

"The Plains / Bitter Dancer" is a reminder of the power of music to touch our souls and inspire introspection. It invites us to pause, reflect, and search for our own truths within the vast expanse of existence. So, let yourself be carried away by the melodies, immerse yourself in the lyrics, and allow Fleet Foxes to guide you on a journey of self-discovery and contemplation.

With their distinctive sound and poetic lyricism, Fleet Foxes continues to captivate audiences worldwide. "The Plains / Bitter Dancer" stands as a testament to their unwavering commitment to musical artistry and their ability to create songs that touch our hearts. So, lose yourself in the melodies and let the music envelop you as you embark on a transformative listening experience.

Come, join Fleet Foxes on this musical odyssey, and let the enchanting harmonies of "The Plains / Bitter Dancer" transport you to a realm where beauty and introspection intertwine.