Gary Moore

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Toughest Street in Town album cover

Toughest Street in Town

Gary Moore


4 ContributorsToughest Street in Town LyricsOutside the window the neon flashes
In the morning light
Down on the sidewalk there's a woman with a problem
But she don't know how to fight

She's destitute and broken down
She softly whispers, is there no one around
And no one hears the sound
Her knees give way and hit the ground

This is the toughest street in town
This is the toughest street around
This is the toughest street in town
This is the toughest

Like a rat in a pack it attacks
From the back
Through a crack in a track
And you take a smack

And Jack has had a hard day
No one told him it would be like this
He's had to score the hard way
And there's that trick he'll always miss

This is the toughest street in town
This is the toughest, it's tough stuff
This is the toughest street around
This is the toughest, don't you do down there
You might also likeIt's just another black spot
Where far too many people have died
It's just another graveyard
And there's not too many people left alive

This is the toughest, are you tough enough?
This is the toughest, are you rough enough?
This is the toughest, can you bluff enough?

Just a minor misery did me no harm
But it's there as a constant reminder and it's there to warn

Outside the window the neon is still flashing
In the morning light
Down on the sidewalk that woman was blown away
Out of sight

All across the city no one gives a damn
All across the city no one seems to understand

This is the toughest
This is the toughest street in town
This is the toughest street around
This is the toughest, are you rough enough?
This is the toughest, if I were you I wouldn't come around here
This is the toughest, this is the toughest street
This is the toughest, are you tough enough?
This is the toughest, don't you go down there
This is the toughest, come here, Jack, you want to see some pictures?
This is the toughest
This is the toughest street in town
This is the toughest street around
This is the toughest, and the beat goes down
This is the toughestEmbed

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Get ready to take a trip down the meanest street in town with Thin Lizzy's iconic song, "Toughest Street in Town." Released in [year], this track showcases the band's signature blend of powerful rock and intricate storytelling. With its gritty lyrics, electrifying guitar riffs, and infectious energy, "Toughest Street in Town" is a true rock and roll masterpiece that continues to captivate audiences.

About Toughest Street in Town

"Toughest Street in Town" is a song that reflects the rawness and intensity of the urban streets. Thin Lizzy, the legendary Irish rock band led by the late Phil Lynott, penned this anthem to convey the unfiltered truth and hardship experienced in urban environments. As the title suggests, this track delves into the toughness that comes with walking the streets where danger lurks and survival becomes a daily battle.

From the very first note, "Toughest Street in Town" grabs your attention with its powerful guitar-driven intro. The biting guitar riffs, courtesy of the talented duo Scott Gorham and Brian Robertson, immediately set the tone for the song and create a sense of impending danger. The driving rhythm section, featuring Lynott on bass and Brian Downey on drums, provides a solid foundation that propels the song forward with relentless energy.

But it's Lynott's unmistakable vocals that truly bring the song to life. His distinctive voice, filled with passion and conviction, paints a vivid picture of the streets he's singing about. It's as if he's leading you through the dark alleys and bustling streets, making you feel every emotion and hardship along the way. Lynott's lyrical prowess shines through once again as he masterfully weaves together tales of struggle, resilience, and the pursuit of survival.

Lyrically, "Toughest Street in Town" is a powerful exploration of the human condition in the face of adversity. The song delves deep into the seedy underbelly of urban life, addressing issues such as crime, poverty, and the inherent dangers of street culture. As the lyrics unfold, each verse unveils a different aspect of life on the toughest street, painting a vivid and often brutal picture of the realities faced by those who call it home.

Thin Lizzy's ability to connect with their audience on a deeply emotional level is evident in "Toughest Street in Town." The song encapsulates the universal struggles faced by people from all walks of life, transcending time and place. Whether you grew up on the tough streets of a major city or simply appreciate the raw honesty within the lyrics, this song resonates with its unwavering authenticity.

Instrumentally, Thin Lizzy's impeccable musicianship shines throughout the track. With their trademark twin-guitar harmonies and intricate solos, Gorham and Robertson create a sonic landscape that perfectly complements the song's lyrical content. The guitars wail and scream, mirroring the turmoil and chaos described in the lyrics, creating a visceral listening experience that leaves you breathless.

It's impossible to discuss "Toughest Street in Town" without acknowledging the impact of Mark Nauseef's powerful drumming during his brief stint with Thin Lizzy. Nauseef's thunderous and dynamic drumming style adds an extra layer of intensity to the song, propelling it forward with unrelenting force.

When it comes to live performances, "Toughest Street in Town" takes on a whole new dimension. Thin Lizzy's stage presence and energy are legendary, and this song is a prime example of their ability to captivate a crowd. The band's electrifying live renditions of "Toughest Street in Town" often feature extended guitar solos and audience sing-alongs, transforming the song into an anthem of defiance and resilience.

In today's world, where the struggle for survival can be just as fierce as it was when "Toughest Street in Town" was first released, this song remains as relevant as ever. Its gritty portrayal of urban life serves as a reminder of the strength and resilience of the human spirit, reflecting the hardships that many face daily.

So, buckle up and prepare to venture into the heart of the toughest street in town with Thin Lizzy's timeless classic. Let the powerful lyrics, electrifying guitars, and undeniable energy of this song transport you to a world where the struggle is real and survival is the ultimate victory.