Gary Numan

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A Prayer for the Unborn album cover

A Prayer for the Unborn

Gary Numan


[Verse 1]
So, I prayed but you weren't listening
Making miracles?
So, I begged but you were far away
Saving souls perhaps?
So, I screamed but she was very small
And you have worlds to mend
So, she died and you were glorious
But you were somewhere else

[Chorus 1]
If you are my shepherd
Then I'm lost and no-one can find me
If you are my saviour
Then I'm dead and no-one can help me
If you are my glory
Then I'm sick and no-one can cure me
If you light my darkness
Then I'm blind and no-one can see me

[Chorus 2]
If you are my father
Then love lies abandoned and bleeding
If you are my comfort
Then nightmares are real and deceiving
If you are my answer
Then I must have asked the wrong question
I'd spit on your heaven
If I could find one to believe inSee Gary Numan LiveGet tickets as low as $49You might also likeEmbed

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Are you familiar with the soul-stirring and deeply personal song, "A Prayer for the Unborn," by the legendary Gary Numan? This heart-wrenching masterpiece takes its inspiration from a Catholic prayer, delving into the poignant and tragic tale of failed fertility treatments that resulted in two devastating miscarriages. Numan's candid discussions about these struggles shed light on the emotional depth and significance of this hauntingly beautiful song.

About A Prayer for the Unborn

"A Prayer for the Unborn" is more than just a stirring melody; it is a cathartic expression of anguish, love, and hope. Numan's lyrics encapsulate the profoundly personal journey he and his wife, Gemma, went through during their turbulent attempts at conceiving. In a poignant interview with The Evening Standard, Numan bared his soul, offering insight into the emotional rollercoaster they endured.

The musician's love and concern for his wife shine through as he vocalizes the weight of the fertility treatments. Numan openly confessed, "Although Gemma really wants children, and it is important to me too, she is a thousand times more important to me. Through all this, my only concern was not about whether it has worked but how it would affect Gemma."

The couple's journey was punctuated by heartbreak, with their first pregnancy ending tragically after twelve weeks. Numan described this experience as the most difficult, as they had already embraced the joyous anticipation of welcoming a baby into their lives. The loss devastated them, and tears marked their path through this unimaginable sorrow.

In yet another bitter twist of fate, their most recent attempt in February proved agonizingly fruitless. For two weeks, hope glimmered, only to be torn away once more. Numan bravely acknowledged the grim reality they faced, as their dreams of parenthood were dashed against the relentless waves of uncertainty. This poignant narrative of hope and loss is flawlessly captured within the emotional tapestry of "A Prayer for the Unborn."

Numan's tender exploration of his own pain and longing mirrors the experiences of so many others who have faced similar struggles. The song serves as a remarkable medium through which these individuals can find solace and connect with one another. Its introspective nature expands beyond the confines of the artist's own narrative, touching the hearts of listeners who have journeyed through their own trials and tribulations.

As "A Prayer for the Unborn" infiltrates the listener's soul, Numan's haunting vocals resonate with emotions both deep and raw. The power of his voice transports us to a realm where pain and hope coexist harmoniously. The instrumental arrangement further enhances this emotional landscape, weaving a delicate yet captivating soundscape that embraces the listener in its melancholic embrace.

Through the juxtaposition of grief and optimism, Numan paints a vivid picture of the complex emotions surrounding infertility and the pursuit of a dream. His ability to channel these emotions into his music showcases the profound cathartic production that "A Prayer for the Unborn" represents.

Immersing oneself in this poignant composition is an experience akin to walking through a labyrinthine maze of emotions. As each note unfolds, it offers a moment of solace, a space for reflection, and a reminder that hope can thrive amidst the darkest of circumstances. Numan's honest and vulnerable approach to his artistry resonates powerfully, imbuing "A Prayer for the Unborn" with a timeless quality that continues to touch the hearts of listeners worldwide.

So, take a moment, close your eyes, and let the evocative melodies of "A Prayer for the Unborn" wash over you. Allow the poignant lyrics and soul-stirring vocals to guide you through the turbulent sea of emotions, and find solace in the common threads of human experience that Numan masterfully weaves within this unforgettable song.

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  • Release Date: November 7, 2000
  • Artist: Gary Numan