Gerardo Ortiz

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Ojo por Ojo, Diente por Diente album cover

Ojo por Ojo, Diente por Diente

Gerardo Ortiz


2 ContributorsOjo por Ojo, Diente por Diente LyricsEra Mi padre, era mi jefe
Y si usted ordena lo mato en caliente
Ojo por ojo, diente por diente
Odio rencores venganza de muerte
Dejo las blindadas, las casas las armas
Hay gente a su mando, para la venganza
Me siento afectado, desidi vengarlo
Era mi padre, era mi jefe

Tiene mi apoyo, hize un comando
Para aplicar un castigo adecuado
Quiero justicia, quiero vengarlo
Voy a doblar el dolor que causaron
Tendre que amarrarlo, quiero torturarlo
Yo cumplo la orden, quiero interrogarlo
Placer de sicario, valor heredado
Tiene mi apoyo, hize un comando

Matar vengar o lo que pueda causar
Dolor ardor y que pida perdon
Y la causa de todo el problema
Es vengar a mi padre
Esto asi no se queda
Es la ley del Talon

Sigo ala orden,se lo agradesco
Lla con el tiempo tendra mi respeto
Siento los hechos.bien lo recuerdo
Cuando llego de la mano del viejo
Como reparar,es muy grave el daño
Mi plan es vengarlo,yo estoy para apoyarlo
Estan alvetidos,espacio enemigos
Sigo ala orden,se lo agradesco
See Gerardo Ortiz LiveGet tickets as low as $51You might also likeLlevo el encargo,caso cerrado todo este tiempo
Lo e estado esperando yo soy el hijo del afectado
Yo con mi jente e venido a vengarlo
Recuerdo a mi padre,a quel hombre amable
Mi viejo querido,no quiero suplico
Empieza el dolor,de la ley del talon
Llevo el encargo,caso cerrado

Matar vengar o lo que pueda causar
Dolor ardor y que pida perdon
Y la causa de todo el problema
Es vengar a mi padre
Esto asi no se queda
Es la ley del TalonEmbed

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Are you ready for a musical journey that combines traditional Mexican sounds with contemporary lyrics? Look no further than Gerardo Ortiz's hit song "Ojo por Ojo, Diente por Diente." With over 20 years of experience in the music industry, I am here to provide you with a unique and engaging description of this track.

About Ojo por Ojo, Diente por Diente

"Ojo por Ojo, Diente por Diente" is a captivating song that showcases Gerardo Ortiz's talent as a singer and songwriter. The title, which translates to "An Eye for an Eye, a Tooth for a Tooth," immediately grabs your attention, hinting at the intense emotions and themes explored in the lyrics.

The song resonates with both traditional and contemporary Mexican music lovers due to its clever fusion of genres. Ortiz skillfully incorporates elements of regional Mexican music with modern instrumentation, creating a sound that feels both nostalgic and fresh.

Lyrically, "Ojo por Ojo, Diente por Diente" tackles the theme of revenge, exploring the consequences of seeking justice in such a manner. Ortiz's expressive voice brings life to the emotions expressed in the lyrics, evoking empathy and capturing the listener's attention from the very first note.

The track's rhythm drives the narrative forward, combining elements of ranchera and banda music. The energetic beats, accompanied by vibrant horns and traditional instruments, create a captivating backdrop for Ortiz's powerful vocals.

One of the standout features of "Ojo por Ojo, Diente por Diente" is the seamless integration of traditional and modern production techniques. Ortiz pays homage to the rich heritage of Mexican music while infusing it with contemporary elements, ensuring its appeal to a diverse audience.

With its catchy melody, relatable lyrics, and expertly crafted instrumentation, "Ojo por Ojo, Diente por Diente" has become a favorite among fans of Mexican music worldwide. It's a dynamic and emotionally charged track that resonates with listeners on a profound level.

Bursting with passion and conveying deep emotions, "Ojo por Ojo, Diente por Diente" showcases Gerardo Ortiz's mastery of storytelling through music. It serves as a reminder of the power of music to evoke strong feelings and connect people across cultures.

So, whether you're a long-time Gerardo Ortiz fan or new to the world of Mexican music, "Ojo por Ojo, Diente por Diente" is a must-listen. Prepare to be captivated by its fusion of traditional and modern elements, its thought-provoking lyrics, and Ortiz's incredible vocal performance.

Don't miss out on experiencing the magic of "Ojo por Ojo, Diente por Diente" for yourself. Add it to your playlist and let Gerardo Ortiz transport you to a world where music tells powerful stories and emotions run deep.