Hezekiah Walker

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Amazing album cover


Hezekiah Walker


[Intro (Hezekiah)]:
God, we stand tonight
Amazed at Your power
Amazed at Your strength
Amazed at Your glory
So tonight we offer this song to You
Just to let You know how we really feel about You
Come on Ashley
Help me sing this song tonight

It's so amazing
Your love for me
It's so amazing
Your sacrifice for me
For every blessing
Given to me
For every valley
You used to strengthen me

I don't deserve Your love
Your tender mercy
If not for Your grace where would I be

It's so amazing
Your love for me
It's so amazing
Your sacrifice for me
For every blessing
Given to me
For every valley
You used to strengthen me
I don't deserve Your love
Your tender mercy
If not for Your grace where would I be

I stand amazed at Your glory
I stand amazed at Your strength
I stand amazed at Your power
So amazing, amazing
I stand amazed at Your glory
I stand amazed at Your strength
I stand amazed at Your power
So amazing, amazing
I stand amazed at Your glory
I stand amazed at Your strength
I stand amazed at Your power
So amazing, amazing
I stand amazed at Your glory
I stand amazed at Your strength
I stand amazed at Your power
So amazing, amazing

So, oh, oh, oh, amazing, amazing
So, oh, oh, oh, amazing, amazing
So, oh, oh, oh, amazing, amazing
So, oh, oh, oh, amazing, amazing
So, oh, oh, oh, amazing, amazing
So, oh, oh, oh, amazing, amazing
So, oh, oh, oh, amazing, amazing
So, oh, oh, oh, amazing, amazing
So amazing
So amazing
So amazing
So amazing
So amazing
So amazing
So amazing
So amazing
So amazing
So amazing
So amazing
So amazing
So amazing
So amazing
So amazing
So amazing

So, oh, oh, oh, amazing, amazing
So, oh, oh, oh, amazing, amazing
So, oh, oh, oh, amazing, amazing
So, oh, oh, oh, amazing, amazing

So amazing
So amazing
So amazing
So amazing
So amazing
So amazing
So amazing
So amazing
So amazing
So amazing
So amazing
So amazing
So amazing
So amazing
So amazing
So amazing
So, oh, oh, oh, amazing, amazing
So, oh, oh, oh, amazing, amazing
So, oh, oh, oh, amazing, amazing
So, oh, oh, oh, amazing, amazing

I stand amazed at Your glory
I stand amazed at Your strength
I stand amazed at Your power
So amazing, amazing
I stand amazed at Your glory
I stand amazed at Your strength
I stand amazed at Your power
So amazing, amazing

So, oh, oh, oh, amazing, amazing
So, oh, oh, oh, amazing, amazingEmbed

Hezekiah Walker image

If you're looking for a song that will uplift your spirits and fill you with joy, then Hezekiah Walker's "Amazing" is the perfect choice. With its infectious melody and powerful lyrics, this gospel hit is guaranteed to leave you feeling inspired and encouraged. Whether you're a devoted fan of gospel music or simply someone searching for a song that will touch your soul, "Amazing" is a must-listen.

Hezekiah Walker, a renowned gospel artist, has been making music for over 30 years. As a Grammy-winning singer and songwriter, he has captivated audiences with his soulful voice and heartfelt lyrics. "Amazing" is just one example of his incredible talent, showcasing his ability to create music that resonates with people from all walks of life.

"Amazing" begins with a dynamic introduction, immediately grabbing your attention and setting the tone for the rest of the song. The uplifting beat and vibrant instrumentals create a joyful atmosphere that is impossible to resist. From the very first note, you can't help but feel the energy and enthusiasm pouring out of every element of the music.

The lyrics of "Amazing" are powerful and thought-provoking. The song speaks of God's love and grace, reminding listeners of the incredible miracles that can happen in their lives. Each line is filled with praise and adoration, reminding us of the goodness and mercy that surrounds us each day. It is a song of gratitude and hope, encouraging us to never lose sight of the miracles happening around us.

Hezekiah Walker's vocals on "Amazing" are nothing short of breathtaking. His rich and soulful voice carries the emotions of the song, leaving a lasting impact on the listener. With every note, you can feel the passion and sincerity behind his performance. His ability to convey the message of the song through his voice is truly remarkable.

The chorus of "Amazing" is a standout moment in the song. It is catchy and memorable, making it easy for listeners to sing along and connect with the lyrics. The harmonies are tight, and the backing vocals add depth and texture to the overall sound. It is a truly uplifting and anthemic moment that will have you singing at the top of your lungs.

About Amazing

"Amazing" is a gospel song that was released by Hezekiah Walker in [insert year]. It is a powerful anthem of praise and worship, celebrating the wonders of God's love and grace. The song is written in a lively gospel style, with energetic instrumentals and captivating vocals.

The lyrics of "Amazing" are filled with gratitude and reverence towards God. They speak of the miracles and blessings that God bestows upon us every day, reminding us of His unwavering love. The song encourages listeners to never lose sight of the incredible things happening in their lives and to always be grateful for them.

Hezekiah Walker's vocals on "Amazing" are remarkable, as always. His soulful voice brings the lyrics to life, infusing them with emotion and sincerity. His ability to convey the message of the song through his vocal performance is truly awe-inspiring.

The instrumentation on "Amazing" is vibrant and energetic. The combination of drums, piano, and gospel choir creates a dynamic and engaging sound that perfectly complements the lyrics. The music builds up throughout the song, reaching a powerful climax in the chorus that will give you goosebumps.

"Amazing" is a song that has touched the hearts of many listeners. Its powerful message, combined with Hezekiah Walker's exceptional talent, makes it a standout track in the gospel genre. It is a song that will inspire and uplift you, leaving you feeling refreshed and renewed.

In a world filled with uncertainty and chaos, "Amazing" provides a much-needed reminder of the goodness and love that surrounds us. It is a song that will encourage you to keep pressing forward, knowing that miracles are possible and that God's love is always there to guide and protect you. So, if you're looking for a song that will touch your soul and leave you feeling inspired, look no further than Hezekiah Walker's "Amazing".