
Indila avatar image
S.O.S album cover




C'est un SOS, je suis touchée, je suis à terre
Entends-tu ma détresse, y'a t-il quelqu'un ?
Je sens que je me perds

[Couplet 1]
J'ai tout quitté, mais ne m'en veux pas
Fallait que je m'en aille, je n'étais plus moi
Je suis tombée tellement bas
Que plus personne ne me voit
J'ai sombré dans l'anonymat
Combattu le vide et le froid, le froid
J'aimerais revenir, j'n'y arrive pas
J'aimerais revenir

Je suis rien, je suis personne
J'ai toute ma peine comme royaume
Une seule larme m'emprisonne
Voir la lumière entre les barreaux
Et regarder comme le ciel est beau
Entends-tu ma voix qui résonne (qui résonne) ?

C'est un SOS, je suis touchée, je suis à terre
Entends-tu ma détresse, y'a t-il quelqu'un ?
Je sens qu'j'me perds
[Couplet 2]
Le silence tue la souffrance en moi
L'entends-tu ? Est-ce que tu me vois ?
Il te promet, fait de toi
Un objet sans éclat
Alors, j'ai crié, j'ai pensé à toi
J'ai noyé le ciel dans les vagues, les vagues
Tous mes regrets, toute mon histoire
Je la reflète

Je suis rien, je suis personne
J'ai toute ma peine comme royaume
Une seule larme m'emprisonne
Voir la lumière entre les barreaux
Et regarder comme le ciel est beau
Entends-tu ma voix qui résonne (qui résonne) ?

C'est un SOS, je suis touchée, je suis à terre
Entends-tu ma détresse, y'a t-il quelqu'un ?
Je sens qu'j'me perds

C'est un SOS, je suis touchée, je suis à terre
Entends-tu ma détresse, y'a t-il quelqu'un ?
Je sens qu'j'me perds
C'est un SOS, je suis touchée, je suis à terre
Entends-tu ma détresse, y'a t-il quelqu'un ?
Je sens qu'j'me perds

Indila image

S.O.S by Indila is a mesmerizing song that captivates listeners with its haunting vocals and catchy melodies. Released in 2014, this French-language track quickly gained international acclaim and solidified Indila's position as one of the most talented and promising artists in the music industry. With its emotional lyrics and captivating production, S.O.S takes listeners on a journey of heartbreak and resilience.

About S.O.S

Indila's S.O.S is a powerful and emotionally charged song that delves into the depths of heartbreak and the strength to overcome it. The track showcases Indila's incredible vocal range and her ability to convey raw emotions through her singing. The haunting melodies and atmospheric production create an enchanting ambiance, perfectly complementing the somber nature of the lyrics.

Lyrically, S.O.S tells the story of a person who has been abandoned and left to pick up the pieces of a shattered heart. Indila's poetic writing style allows the listener to connect with the pain and vulnerability portrayed in the song. The lyrics convey a sense of longing, desperation, and the relentless pursuit of love and happiness.

The song opens with a captivating piano melody that sets the tone for the rest of the track. Indila's vocals immediately grab the listener's attention, drawing them into the melancholic world she has created. The chorus features a powerful and anthemic refrain, serving as a call for help and hope in the face of adversity.

Indila's delivery in S.O.S is nothing short of extraordinary. Her voice effortlessly glides through the verses, conveying both vulnerability and strength. It is a testament to her skill as a vocalist that she can evoke such genuine emotions through her singing. Each word is carefully enunciated, enhancing the impact of the lyrics and allowing the listener to fully immerse themselves in the song's narrative.

The production of S.O.S is a perfect blend of contemporary pop and atmospheric elements. The somber piano melodies are complemented by subtle electronic beats and ethereal background textures, creating a rich and evocative sonic landscape. The carefully crafted instrumentation adds depth to the song, enhancing its emotional impact and creating a truly immersive listening experience.

One of the defining features of S.O.S is its ability to elicit a strong emotional response from listeners. The song resonates with anyone who has experienced heartbreak or the challenges of moving on from a failed relationship. Indila's performance is so honest and heartfelt that it becomes impossible not to empathize with the pain she portrays.

S.O.S received critical acclaim upon its release, with many praising Indila's exceptional vocal abilities and the song's emotional resonance. It quickly amassed millions of views on YouTube and became a staple in playlists around the world. The track's success is a testament to Indila's immense talent as an artist and her ability to connect with a global audience.

In addition to its lyrical and musical brilliance, S.O.S also showcases Indila's unique and captivating fashion style. The music video for the song is a visual feast, filled with stunning cinematography and creative direction. Indila's distinctive look, characterized by her oversized hat and elegant outfits, has become synonymous with her artistic brand.

S.O.S by Indila is a timeless masterpiece that continues to resonate with listeners today. Its emotional intensity, powerful vocals, and captivating production make it a must-listen for anyone seeking a cathartic and immersive musical experience. Whether you're familiar with French music or not, S.O.S is a song that transcends language barriers and speaks to the universal human experience of love, loss, and resilience.

  • Release Date: February 24, 2014
  • Artist: Indila