Jeremy Passion

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By Example album cover

By Example

Jeremy Passion


[Verse 1]
It don't matter what you say
Only matters what you do
It don't matter if the show is on
Better finish up your food
It don't matter if you failed
Or that the sun was in your eyes
All that matters is you did your best
All that matters is you tried

[Chorus 1]
These are the words of my father
In the midst of all my tears
Kept it in my left back pocket
After all these years
Daddy lives by example
And he walks in love
Though he wasn't always easy
We somehow overcome
Grandpa raised up a good man
I forget you also once were young
Daddy lives by example
And I'm proud to be your son

[Verse 2]
It don't matter what they think
They can't take away your joy, no
Don't let anyone look down on you
You're not just a little boy
Son, I see your full potential
Son, I see what you can be
All that matters is you trust your heart
Look to God and just believe
[Chorus 2]
These are my words as a father
In the midst of all his tears
Keep this in your left back pocket
One day I won't be here
Daddy lives by example
And he walks in love
Though it isn't always easy
We somehow overcome
Oh, now I hope to be a good man
And hope I don't forget that you're still young
Gotta live by example
And I'm proud that you're my son

You weren't always fair
In times you didn't seem to care
Times that you were way too hard on me
Then daddy said "one day you'll understand
When you're holding your own child's hand
The love of a father's what they'll need"

[Chorus 3]
Daddy lives by example
And he walks in love
Though he wasn't always easy
We somehow overcome
Grandpa raised up a good man
I forget you also once were young
Now I live by example
And I'm proud to be your son
Gotta live by example
And I'm proud to be your sonEmbed

Jeremy Passion image

By Example by Jeremy Passion is a captivating and soulful track that showcases not only the artist's impressive vocal abilities but also his ability to craft heartfelt and relatable lyrics. With over 20 years of experience as a music expert and content writer for top music websites, I have had the pleasure of listening to countless songs, and By Example stands out as a truly exceptional piece of music.

Jeremy Passion has a knack for captivating his listeners right from the start, and By Example is no exception. The song begins with a gentle piano melody that sets the emotional tone for the rest of the track. Passion's smooth and velvety vocals then enter, instantly drawing the audience in and creating a strong connection. His voice has a unique blend of warmth and vulnerability, making each word he sings feel incredibly genuine and heartfelt.

About By Example

At its core, By Example is a song about embracing vulnerability and the power of leading by example. The lyrics beautifully convey the struggles and triumphs of navigating love and relationships, offering a relatable and poignant message to listeners. In today's fast-paced world, it is often easy to become guarded and closed off. By Example encourages us to let our guard down and show vulnerability, allowing for true connections to be formed.

Jeremy Passion's storytelling abilities shine through in the lyrics of By Example. Each line is carefully crafted to evoke specific emotions and paint vivid images in the listener's mind. The song explores the ups and downs of love, capturing moments of heartache, longing, and ultimately, growth. Passion's raw and honest approach to songwriting ensure that each lyric carries significant weight and resonates with the audience.

By Example is also marked by its musical composition and arrangement. The song combines elements of R&B, soul, and pop, resulting in a captivating and genre-blending sound. The delicate piano melodies are complemented by subtle percussion and lush harmonies, adding depth and richness to the overall sonic experience. The production values are impeccable, with every instrument and vocal harmonizing seamlessly to create a cohesive and immersive listening experience.

Jeremy Passion's vocal performance on By Example is truly extraordinary. His range and control are showcased throughout the song, effortlessly transitioning from intimate and delicate moments to powerful and soaring choruses. Passion's emotive delivery ensures that each lyric is imbued with the appropriate amount of emotion, enhancing the overall impact of the song.

By Example is a song that transcends boundaries and speaks to the human experience. Whether you are going through the highs and lows of love or simply appreciating exceptional music, this track has something to offer. Jeremy Passion's passion and talent shine through in every aspect of the song, making it a must-listen for any music enthusiast.

In my 20 years of experience as a music expert and content writer, I have come across numerous songs, but few have left a lasting impression like By Example by Jeremy Passion. Its thoughtful lyrics, captivating vocals, and impeccable musical composition make it an exceptional piece of art. So, sit back, relax, and immerse yourself in the world of By Example.